I'm no expert, but through a combination of speaking to the right people, and trying to think critically, I can say this much:
We are still paying for the mistakes we made when we signed Stuart, and Hagan, to coach this club.
Under their watch, opposition clubs tore our junior systems to shreds, and nothing was done to address this, because the head coaches at the time were confident they could sign enough talent to counteract the bleeding.
They were naive, and wrong - and in Stuart's case, he never truly, really bought in at Parramatta, and so he never cared what happened, whichever way it went.
Stable club administration has finally been brought in, and huge issues in our junior pathways have been identified - but from the people I've spoken to (a mate of mine who is a player agent, who mostly represents younger players, as well as a former Eels NSW Cup player), the damage that Hagan began, and Stuart/Kearney continued with their ineptitude and/wilful indifference, was far greater in scope than first thought, and measures have been put in place to rectify this (such as hiring Nathan Brown to do a review of our pathways systems).
Fortunately for the healthy administration of the club, but unfortunately for us fans, this process takes time.