But we all already know this. Pointing it out just comes across as a dishonest attempt to assert that all evidence is worthless. Which makes sense given your inability to present any evidence in support of your frequent assertions.
Not dishonest. Just making sure that your claims such as "The difference is that stats support my point of view" are shown for what they are - assertions that your chosen (selective) evidence is better than someone else's chosen evidence. Which surely, you now to be nonsense...
You assert a position, give zero evidence, and then attack anyone else's evidence with irrelevant truisms like you have here: "choice of stats can be selective". A choice can be selective can it? What a f**king genius you are.
You'll find I don't assert much about my views on players, just give my opinions on what I see in and from the games - and unlike some do not present them as if they are fact (backed by selective stats) or better than anyone else's differing opinions. You should try it - and maybe then you could be a genius too!!!
And you accuse me (with zero evidence) of circular reasoning.
Your honour, to support the claim of circular reasoning I tender evidence in the form of pretty much all of your flip flopping posts throughout post-game match day threads last season (and seasons prior). QED.
I think your obsession with attacking me is really about your own inadequacies.
You can think what you like - whatever helps you continue to fail to admit any of your posts here are empty, circular or (as others also point out) contrarian for the sake of trolling other Eels fans... and to avoid considering what inadequacies that history of posting might be linked to.