To put it simply for even the most dumb dumb statisticians among us, if players are not good enough or ready to be put into the top 30 and then a club is forced through injuries to elevate them into the top 30 or worse still into their top 17 team, then you are promoting inferior personnel in to shore up your deficiencies in the top 30 ffs!
As opposed to starting off the season with a top 30 of players who are all top 30 ready and capable.
Where're not trying to solve the mysteries of the universe here pou. It's freakin simples. I think you are looking at your bell curve and all you see is a straight fu*king line you silly potato pot!
Why are you so OCD and have you seen anyone for dat?
Oh and pou my questions to you are rhetorical and I will not engage in your meaningless nonsensical(but orgasmic for you) dribble posts to them. This is just my way or releasing my frustration that I had to scroll through so many countless mind numbingly boring but useless posts the last few days. You are the toilet of this site and I just felt the need to flush some stink away.
Ah now that's better. I can smell some fresh air again. Freakin Wonderful, the gardenias are in bloom again! I feel like a song is ready to burst from my lips...
The hill are alive with the sound of music.
With the songs they have sung....