So.. just to be clear you are stating that 1 domestic violence conviction is better than multiple missing training or drinking sessions? Yes?
For Dane Nielsen, let me spell it out for you - he was also a dragons player (so one of ours) who was charged with assaulting a woman..
He suffered the same fate as AFB (and it was around the same time)..
Pretty sure it was his first charge too..
Why aren’t you advocating that we should have stood by him too?
Let me spell it out for
you because you read what you want to read and you argue for the sake of arguing.
1. You cannot compare Nielsen case in any way shape or form with the AFB case.
AFB was a 19 year old who came through our junior ranks. That alone sets his case apart from DN.
He was also 19 years of age when he transgressed and had only ever played for STI.
DN on the other hand was a 30 year old who had played for many clubs and was a SOO representatives.
The clubs expectations for DN
should be different than that of a local junior.
Can you really compare the maturity and judgement of an experienced first grader and state representative with a 19 year old?
Is this seeping through?
AFB was still at an age where he could have been set on the right path. He admitted what he did, was genuinely remorseful and, history shows, that he straightened his life out and became the best he could be as a player.
He is still with his partner and has settled into being a good Family man.
Unfortunately, all that upside didn't happen on our watch because we were too quick to turf him.
Misdemeanors vs convictions.
This is where you either don't understand what I am saying or you just want to be argumentative.
I suspect it's the latter.
I am not aligning Dugan's misdemeanors with convictions for domestic violence.
I will let you do that.
What I am trying to convey is that Dugan, although not criminally convicted, transgressed over and over and over again at Canberra (18 times to be exact). Also did so with us.
Yet we were prepared to oversee all that and spend time and money + a big fat contract helping him to get his life back in order and become a valuable member of our roster.
I contend that the club made a judgement call on AFB and did not show the same support and understanding that they have shown to other players. In this case, and in my opinion, they made a mistake.