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Russell Packer


well unfortunately league is now a business with little loyalty from both management or players so good luck to russell chasing the dollars . graham would be ideal but rumours say hes on close to the magic million so unafordable unless we lose dugan, What we dont want to do is buy a fringe first grader that will not enhance the playing roster but just take a cheaper junior out of reserves ( think lui etc) our young forwards are a bit too young at this stage so we need to buy experience , I dont really rate him but could greg eastwood be a viable alternative
Eastwood has been average for a while now, Packer for Eastwood would be like leaving Jennifer Hawkins for Bronwyn Bishop.


Wasn't Ryles 20 when he hit FG?
I believe so however over the years, there were plenty of young fullbacks, centres and wingers that were barely 20 and yet our Club has seen very reluctant to blood them for first grade.

Anyway it is not just a matter of age, it's a matter of being able to cut it in first grade.

I've always believe recruitment should be like for like or better.

Old Kogarah Boy 1

First Grade
Packer first, Dugan next, then Milne, then Mann. Another 3 seasons of rebuilding coming up. Forget Graham he would be on more that Packer was after....Millward is incompetent

Graham is on a big backended contract at the dogs and we may / could, steal him and have to pay little, which would work out great for us.


Graham is on a big backended contract at the dogs and we may / could, steal him and have to pay little, which would work out great for us.
The Dogs have done well poaching our players over the years, would be about time we were the poacher.

Come on Millward, swing a good deal on Graham and Hayne. Show us you can.

Old Kogarah Boy 1

First Grade
The Dogs have done well poaching our players over the years, would be about time we were the poacher.

Come on Millward, swing a good deal on Graham and Hayne. Show us you can.

Agreed, it would seem that over the years, all deals have favoured the Dogs so yes, it would be very nice to get one back.
I really do think that Packer going and Graham coming in, is a plus for us.
Not many 'Graham' type of players around nowadays.
Good old fashion forward I'd say.
Now the question is whether Millward and co have the same vision as the members here.


Wasn't Ryles 20 when he hit FG?
It's not just about 'hitting first grade', it's about being ready to take on a full season of first grade. IMO, prop and hooker are the 2 positions that take the longest for players to become fully accustom across a full season. Sure, there are the odd standouts but for the vast majority of players in these positions, it's 2-3 years before they become battle-hardened enough to be considered reliable first grades, and could be another season or two after that before they actually dominate.

You dont just replace a guy like Packer with a junior. At best, Ah Mau or Simms step up (in a big way) and but we are still vulnerable from the bench. Sele is a lock who can fill in at prop if needed, Host is an edge player, Kerr and Lawrie are a year off being first grade ready...we need someone to help fill Packer's spot. Doesnt necessarily need to be a marquee prop, but needs to be tough and hungry.

Dragon Revival

I would give Jacob Hind a run as he is 23, 189cm and 105 kgs. I have never seen him have a bad game. We should promote from within which should be possible if Millward is doing his job properly.

The Damo

It's all our fault, we just waited too long to do the deal. Tigers weren't after him in January 2017. Millward's back the front management has delivered the mess. There was no logical reason for delaying the extension of Packer.
Maybe packer wanted to wait and see if his form would result in upping his value? Just a thought to consider

Dragon Revival

If Packer has left all I can say is I rate
him not as highly as Vaughan, Frizell, De Belin, Sims or Thompson. He is probably our sixth best forward probably the equal of Ah Mau. I would prefer to replace a sixth best forward than someone higher in ability. Over to the young guys to replace him. Surely
Lawrie, Kerr or Hind could fill the bill.or are the Pathways staff not developing replacements that have the necessary ability. Millward needs to
sign up some backs as we only have Aitken, Dufty, Garrick, Hunt, Field, Herbert, Mac Donald and Widdop signed for 2018. Maybe that tells us something about the team for next year. We urgently need to resign Lafai, Mann and Milne and offload Dugan and Packer. Otherwise we will not have an NRL backline.


Big loss , we need another player like him for us to move forward next year .....

He will be hard to replace. Hardly ever gets put on his back and gets us quick go forward. I think we are 1 good prop short this year ( when Packer and Vaughan are subbed we lose go forward ) so if Russell leaves we are 2 bodies short. Will be hard to replace.

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