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Sack mcgregor


Apparently Mary is planning for next year..going nowhere. As supporters we need to keep the pressure on.
That game is going to be a massacre

Hopefully...would pile a heap more pressure on Mary. These close games will only see him carry one next year.


Apparently Mary is planning for next year..going nowhere. As supporters we need to keep the pressure on.

Hopefully...would pile a heap more pressure on Mary. These close games will only see him carry one next year.

Kinda of off topic but did he ever play for the merged team, I remember he was a steeler.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
Riddle me this.

Are some of our key players so bad, they can't play what is I front of them? Ignore what the coach said and just play what they see?

I agree if you read some of my past posts that's exactly what ive been harping on about all year...PLAY WHATS IN FRONT OF YOU......besides Widdop and Marshall , Rein is the worse offender .....he is completely unorganised in the dummy half role ...one of these days his head is going to fall off he swivels it around that much


You know what pisses me off the most regarding our supercoach?

The team isn't even doing the BASICS correctly. Seriously, this is the stuff drilled into U10s FFS.

When performing a backline sweep, stand diagonal so the winger is starting about 20 meters back on his side of th field. Do we do this? not even close.

When attacking, RUN onto the ball, don't get it flat footed. Do we do this? Nope, we stand still and jog to the D.

Always have at least one player supporting the ball runner. Do we do this? I've only seen it a handful of times THIS SEASON.

When defending, cover the ball to prevent offloads. Do we do this? Take a guess.

Communicate so those around you know what you're doing. Hell, even my team had a basic playbook of code names for kicks, sweeps etc and we were 10!!

Attempt a quick play-the-ball whenever possible. Do we do this? Nah, nice and slow is how we like it.

Always have a playmaker within passing distance of the ball. Do we do this? Last night, the ball went through 4(!!!) sets of hands before reaching Benji on the last in attacking position.

How in the hell do the players and coach earn thousands of $$$ and can't even do these correctly. The stupidity of the Dragons atm defies belief.

YES!! YES!! YES!! The not running on to the ball particularly does my head in.

Dragons 09

I realise i am different to many, and that's ok, i won't call you names if you don't call me names:D

But i just can't buy into player bagging. I'll be first to comment if a player is not up to standard or has a shocker, but the continuing (and some time personally defamatory verbiage) calling for different players heads is a very narrow minded view of our current situation in my opinion.

I honestly believe, under our current club management and football staff structure, the QLD SOO side of the last 10 years could be turned into a rabble of also ran's. Do we need some new players, yes of course we do. Do we need to lose some dead weight in the playing ranks that we are carrying, yes of course we do. Will this alone make us competitive again, ABSOLUTELY f**kCING NOT.

Like it or lump it, we are a joint venture. For me personally, i come from the Illawarra but was a St George Dragons supporter before the Steelers became a pipe dream and then a reality and therefore, the JV just galvanized my love for the Saints and my roots in the Illawarra, win-win. Bit unfortunately, the St George Illawarra Dragons could not be more non-galvanized, disjointed and dysfunctional if they deliberately set out to achieve these objectives.

So, what is the answer? I honestly don't know. But what i do know, is that if i were given the gig of turning the ship around and plotting a course towards tranquil waters, I would start with 2 of the 3 most important jobs in the organisation. The CEO and Head Coach need to be impartial. The behind the scenes political bullshit between the Dragons and Steelers hierarchy is killing us, The jockeying for positions, the sweetner deals to appease individuals, reluctance to compromise for the benefit of the organisation as a whole, the ego's and arrogance and the ingrained culture of looking from within rather than to look outside, means we just keep recycling goods with expired use by dates or throw boys into roles requiring a man and expect a miracle to occur. Enough is enough or this shit will be the death of the greatest sporting team brand this country has.

My board name (Dragons 09) came about as a result of finally feeling as though we had turned the corner as a club, my enthusiasm had returned, i had a feeling of glory stirring inside and joined this site to share the ride with like minded Dragons tragics. Why did i have these feelings? Because finally the powers to be had engaged the services of a competent, proven OUTSIDER by the name of Wayne Bennett. In my eyes, we were finally heading in the right direction, we had leadership, we had a plan, we had hope and we were looking over the fence instead of in our own back yard. FINALLY. When Wayne Bennett put his feet under the desk for the first time and reviewed the existing staff members he had at his disposal, the first thing he did was put a line through a certain strength and conditioning staffer by the name of Paul McGregor and banished him to the wilderness. You see, outsiders can look at things objectively. They are not pressured into toeing certain lines, jobs for the boys programs, doing shit they don't believe in just to keep certain people happy and they have no idea or interest in the internal politics at play and therefore, if they are of strong character, they don't give a shit about who is a club legend or who needs a job to keep his dad happy or anything else of an incestuous nature, they just do what they think is right and if they have a proven record of success, then as fans, that's all we ask of them.

Our current crop of players are capable of way more than what they are showing. Yes, the team needs some tweaks, but i honestly believe we would be well in the top 8 if say Bennett or Bellamy was our coach this year instead of likely to be in the bottom half of the bottom 8 by seasons end. I understand the frustration some of you show with the likes of Widdop, Benji, Rein etc, but seriously, put Romain Grosjean on a 2 stop strategy on super softs on a dry track and Lewis Hamilton on a 7 stop intermediate strategy and Romain wins. Doesn't matter how good you are, if you are given the wrong tools to work with, ultimately you can't perform at your full potential and then frustration sets in, self belief diminishes, confidence is lost, your head space is an absolute cluster f**kc and you become a shadow of your true potential. Our coach is our biggest problem, he is arrogant, stubborn and clueless, simply put, he is an impostor. Our hierarchy who ultimately were responsible for appointing him are equally to blame, as his appointment was a result of incompetent management necessitating the need to appoint a budget priced coach due to financial constraints of which they are responsible for, as well as a disjointed board who are still living in a 2 team world and refuse to put the welfare of a unified team (St George Illawarra) before their own narcissism and selfish interests.

And just bare in mind, most of our current crop of players have been exposed only to Price and Mary at NRL level for 5 years now. Mitch Rein as an example has only ever been coached by these 2 nuffies at NRL level except for 3-4 games off the bench under Bennett, i am surprised he would even be capable of playing for Dapto or Wests or the Burgh after that upbringing. And Benji, geez, he can sure have you tearing you hair out, but who in their right mind signs an instinctive player (always has been and we all knew it when we signed him) and then gives them a structured, controlled, nil risk, build pressure game plan to execute? A rookie coach does, that's who. I share the frustration of everyone on here and Dragons fans all around the world, but throwing barbs at players only assists in legitimising Mary's comments about recruitment and injuries and salary caps and all the other excuses he wheels out in order to deflect blame. Let's not fuel his fire with player abuse, a competent coach would be achieving far better results with the same cattle and for that reason alone, Mary's contract must be terminated and an outsider with proven credentials appointed before we can be any chance of climbing out of the quagmire.


I realise i am different to many, and that's ok, i won't call you names if you don't call me names:D

But i just can't buy into player bagging. I'll be first to comment if a player is not up to standard or has a shocker, but the continuing (and some time personally defamatory verbiage) calling for different players heads is a very narrow minded view of our current situation in my opinion.

I honestly believe, under our current club management and football staff structure, the QLD SOO side of the last 10 years could be turned into a rabble of also ran's. Do we need some new players, yes of course we do. Do we need to lose some dead weight in the playing ranks that we are carrying, yes of course we do. Will this alone make us competitive again, ABSOLUTELY f**kCING NOT.

Like it or lump it, we are a joint venture. For me personally, i come from the Illawarra but was a St George Dragons supporter before the Steelers became a pipe dream and then a reality and therefore, the JV just galvanized my love for the Saints and my roots in the Illawarra, win-win. Bit unfortunately, the St George Illawarra Dragons could not be more non-galvanized, disjointed and dysfunctional if they deliberately set out to achieve these objectives.

So, what is the answer? I honestly don't know. But what i do know, is that if i were given the gig of turning the ship around and plotting a course towards tranquil waters, I would start with 2 of the 3 most important jobs in the organisation. The CEO and Head Coach need to be impartial. The behind the scenes political bullshit between the Dragons and Steelers hierarchy is killing us, The jockeying for positions, the sweetner deals to appease individuals, reluctance to compromise for the benefit of the organisation as a whole, the ego's and arrogance and the ingrained culture of looking from within rather than to look outside, means we just keep recycling goods with expired use by dates or throw boys into roles requiring a man and expect a miracle to occur. Enough is enough or this shit will be the death of the greatest sporting team brand this country has.

My board name (Dragons 09) came about as a result of finally feeling as though we had turned the corner as a club, my enthusiasm had returned, i had a feeling of glory stirring inside and joined this site to share the ride with like minded Dragons tragics. Why did i have these feelings? Because finally the powers to be had engaged the services of a competent, proven OUTSIDER by the name of Wayne Bennett. In my eyes, we were finally heading in the right direction, we had leadership, we had a plan, we had hope and we were looking over the fence instead of in our own back yard. FINALLY. When Wayne Bennett put his feet under the desk for the first time and reviewed the existing staff members he had at his disposal, the first thing he did was put a line through a certain strength and conditioning staffer by the name of Paul McGregor and banished him to the wilderness. You see, outsiders can look at things objectively. They are not pressured into toeing certain lines, jobs for the boys programs, doing shit they don't believe in just to keep certain people happy and they have no idea or interest in the internal politics at play and therefore, if they are of strong character, they don't give a shit about who is a club legend or who needs a job to keep his dad happy or anything else of an incestuous nature, they just do what they think is right and if they have a proven record of success, then as fans, that's all we ask of them.

Our current crop of players are capable of way more than what they are showing. Yes, the team needs some tweaks, but i honestly believe we would be well in the top 8 if say Bennett or Bellamy was our coach this year instead of likely to be in the bottom half of the bottom 8 by seasons end. I understand the frustration some of you show with the likes of Widdop, Benji, Rein etc, but seriously, put Romain Grosjean on a 2 stop strategy on super softs on a dry track and Lewis Hamilton on a 7 stop intermediate strategy and Romain wins. Doesn't matter how good you are, if you are given the wrong tools to work with, ultimately you can't perform at your full potential and then frustration sets in, self belief diminishes, confidence is lost, your head space is an absolute cluster f**kc and you become a shadow of your true potential. Our coach is our biggest problem, he is arrogant, stubborn and clueless, simply put, he is an impostor. Our hierarchy who ultimately were responsible for appointing him are equally to blame, as his appointment was a result of incompetent management necessitating the need to appoint a budget priced coach due to financial constraints of which they are responsible for, as well as a disjointed board who are still living in a 2 team world and refuse to put the welfare of a unified team (St George Illawarra) before their own narcissism and selfish interests.

And just bare in mind, most of our current crop of players have been exposed only to Price and Mary at NRL level for 5 years now. Mitch Rein as an example has only ever been coached by these 2 nuffies at NRL level except for 3-4 games off the bench under Bennett, i am surprised he would even be capable of playing for Dapto or Wests or the Burgh after that upbringing. And Benji, geez, he can sure have you tearing you hair out, but who in their right mind signs an instinctive player (always has been and we all knew it when we signed him) and then gives them a structured, controlled, nil risk, build pressure game plan to execute? A rookie coach does, that's who. I share the frustration of everyone on here and Dragons fans all around the world, but throwing barbs at players only assists in legitimising Mary's comments about recruitment and injuries and salary caps and all the other excuses he wheels out in order to deflect blame. Let's not fuel his fire with player abuse, a competent coach would be achieving far better results with the same cattle and for that reason alone, Mary's contract must be terminated and an outsider with proven credentials appointed before we can be any chance of climbing out of the quagmire.

My thoughts exactly well said mate i said a couple of weeks ago pretty much the same thing

St Georgio

I realise i am different to many, and that's ok, i won't call you names if you don't call me names:D

But i just can't buy into player bagging. I'll be first to comment if a player is not up to standard or has a shocker, but the continuing (and some time personally defamatory verbiage) calling for different players heads is a very narrow minded view of our current situation in my opinion.

I honestly believe, under our current club management and football staff structure, the QLD SOO side of the last 10 years could be turned into a rabble of also ran's. Do we need some new players, yes of course we do. Do we need to lose some dead weight in the playing ranks that we are carrying, yes of course we do. Will this alone make us competitive again, ABSOLUTELY f**kCING NOT.

Like it or lump it, we are a joint venture. For me personally, i come from the Illawarra but was a St George Dragons supporter before the Steelers became a pipe dream and then a reality and therefore, the JV just galvanized my love for the Saints and my roots in the Illawarra, win-win. Bit unfortunately, the St George Illawarra Dragons could not be more non-galvanized, disjointed and dysfunctional if they deliberately set out to achieve these objectives.

So, what is the answer? I honestly don't know. But what i do know, is that if i were given the gig of turning the ship around and plotting a course towards tranquil waters, I would start with 2 of the 3 most important jobs in the organisation. The CEO and Head Coach need to be impartial. The behind the scenes political bullshit between the Dragons and Steelers hierarchy is killing us, The jockeying for positions, the sweetner deals to appease individuals, reluctance to compromise for the benefit of the organisation as a whole, the ego's and arrogance and the ingrained culture of looking from within rather than to look outside, means we just keep recycling goods with expired use by dates or throw boys into roles requiring a man and expect a miracle to occur. Enough is enough or this shit will be the death of the greatest sporting team brand this country has.

My board name (Dragons 09) came about as a result of finally feeling as though we had turned the corner as a club, my enthusiasm had returned, i had a feeling of glory stirring inside and joined this site to share the ride with like minded Dragons tragics. Why did i have these feelings? Because finally the powers to be had engaged the services of a competent, proven OUTSIDER by the name of Wayne Bennett. In my eyes, we were finally heading in the right direction, we had leadership, we had a plan, we had hope and we were looking over the fence instead of in our own back yard. FINALLY. When Wayne Bennett put his feet under the desk for the first time and reviewed the existing staff members he had at his disposal, the first thing he did was put a line through a certain strength and conditioning staffer by the name of Paul McGregor and banished him to the wilderness. You see, outsiders can look at things objectively. They are not pressured into toeing certain lines, jobs for the boys programs, doing shit they don't believe in just to keep certain people happy and they have no idea or interest in the internal politics at play and therefore, if they are of strong character, they don't give a shit about who is a club legend or who needs a job to keep his dad happy or anything else of an incestuous nature, they just do what they think is right and if they have a proven record of success, then as fans, that's all we ask of them.

Our current crop of players are capable of way more than what they are showing. Yes, the team needs some tweaks, but i honestly believe we would be well in the top 8 if say Bennett or Bellamy was our coach this year instead of likely to be in the bottom half of the bottom 8 by seasons end. I understand the frustration some of you show with the likes of Widdop, Benji, Rein etc, but seriously, put Romain Grosjean on a 2 stop strategy on super softs on a dry track and Lewis Hamilton on a 7 stop intermediate strategy and Romain wins. Doesn't matter how good you are, if you are given the wrong tools to work with, ultimately you can't perform at your full potential and then frustration sets in, self belief diminishes, confidence is lost, your head space is an absolute cluster f**kc and you become a shadow of your true potential. Our coach is our biggest problem, he is arrogant, stubborn and clueless, simply put, he is an impostor. Our hierarchy who ultimately were responsible for appointing him are equally to blame, as his appointment was a result of incompetent management necessitating the need to appoint a budget priced coach due to financial constraints of which they are responsible for, as well as a disjointed board who are still living in a 2 team world and refuse to put the welfare of a unified team (St George Illawarra) before their own narcissism and selfish interests.

And just bare in mind, most of our current crop of players have been exposed only to Price and Mary at NRL level for 5 years now. Mitch Rein as an example has only ever been coached by these 2 nuffies at NRL level except for 3-4 games off the bench under Bennett, i am surprised he would even be capable of playing for Dapto or Wests or the Burgh after that upbringing. And Benji, geez, he can sure have you tearing you hair out, but who in their right mind signs an instinctive player (always has been and we all knew it when we signed him) and then gives them a structured, controlled, nil risk, build pressure game plan to execute? A rookie coach does, that's who. I share the frustration of everyone on here and Dragons fans all around the world, but throwing barbs at players only assists in legitimising Mary's comments about recruitment and injuries and salary caps and all the other excuses he wheels out in order to deflect blame. Let's not fuel his fire with player abuse, a competent coach would be achieving far better results with the same cattle and for that reason alone, Mary's contract must be terminated and an outsider with proven credentials appointed before we can be any chance of climbing out of the quagmire.
How about Kevin Walters third time lucky with a Rookie, comes across as a decent bloke, may instill some of that maroon Venom into US?


First Grade
It's gotta be money. Dragons management are just praying something changes because they can't afford to get a decent coach here. I agree that the management need to be switched. They have to be accountable for our debt and 5 years of failure.

The club will be dead if this continues into 2017. It was very foolish to sign the coach on a three year deal. I said it back then too.


It's gotta be money. Dragons management are just praying something changes because they can't afford to get a decent coach here. I agree that the management need to be switched. They have to be accountable for our debt and 5 years of failure.

The club will be dead if this continues into 2017. It was very foolish to sign the coach on a three year deal. I said it back then too.
Ivan Cleary a must and his son would come a few years later.

Dragons 09

How about Kevin Walters third time lucky with a Rookie, comes across as a decent bloke, may instill some of that maroon Venom into US?

Not sure mate, haven't really seen enough of him first hand to make judgement. His record with Catalan Dragons was not that impressive with regards win/loss stats, however, i am not familiar enough with that competition to know if he had a team of nuffies to work with or of he just didn't perform as a coach.

One thing with him though, he has served a decent apprenticeship under both Bellamy and Bennett, took the Ipswich Jets to a G/F, had that stint with Catalans and now QLD SOO side so has a lot more experience behind him than Mary. He's also played in the half's so that experience wouldn't go astray at our club at the moment either.

Unfortunately i think the Board f**kced up when they didn't make the move on Neil Henry and opted to go with Mary after Bennett turned his back on us. (Thanks Sean O'Connor, you're a freakin genius....not) We now only have Toovey or Cleary left that have any recent NRL experience, other than that, we probably have to be looking at coaches in England or bring an old boy out of retirement like a Smith or Sheens but i'm not overly fussed on any of those options.

I guess if i were to make an uneducated call without actually sitting down and going through all the available options, I would probably opt for Toovey on a 2 year contract with an option in our favour for the head coach position and Graham Lowe or Brian Smith as Manager of Football Operations also on a 2 year contract with an option in our favour. Our Board is so dysfunctional and self absorbed that i think the role of manager of football operations is an essential one to shield our team, coaching staff, and recruitment and retention staff from the boardroom incompetence and shenanigans. Someone like Graham Lowe would also have no problem in calling out the board for incompetence. He is no man's puppet and it is this sort of personal characteristic that we are sadly lacking and desperately need.
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