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Sack Stuart or lose our team!


still waiting for the 'it will take time to rid our attack of the noddy syndrome'

In your opinion, how many weeks will it take to unlearn the 210 weeks he controlled the club?

Remember, Dougy, Pom, Gal,Weirdo,Brown,cux2, green,norrie, kearney, et al have never played with a real half back.

The thing that is evident is that the team is starting to listen(unfortunately) to the critics & they are panicking in attack.

give Dougie a rest & bring Afamasaga in with an extra interchange & we will fix up 12 points per week.


Afamasaga was impressive in the NSW Cup game on the weekend, if you want someone to hit it up hard and smash people in defence he's your man.


In your opinion, how many weeks will it take to unlearn the 210 weeks he controlled the club?

Remember, Dougy, Pom, Gal,Weirdo,Brown,cux2, green,norrie, kearney, et al have never played with a real half back.

The thing that is evident is that the team is starting to listen(unfortunately) to the critics & they are panicking in attack.

give Dougie a rest & bring Afamasaga in with an extra interchange & we will fix up 12 points per week.
my comment was tongue in cheek, BUT

the moment he left, the team is under new direction

i do not believe for a moment that any player would leave a subconscious style of play in the team

that is too funny reefy - even for you!


which aura?

you referring to culture?

if a player is not there - the side cant play to their direction

then again, i hope we could play to his direction from last year if it means we advance to the GF qualifier again


which aura?

you referring to culture?

if a player is not there - the side cant play to their direction

If you have only played with one coach, you only play one way. The team is waiting for the core 4 to make their mark & bring the ship around. 3 games is not enough.
We should be wrist slitting by rnd 13 with zero wins.


im not wrist slitting

im just really disappointed with our execution, discipline, structure and seemignly flat attack

i had a nightmare that ando was the coach at times today


dont get me wrong, i see the postional restructure we have had to endure in the first 3 weeks

it was the little things today that erked me, because i thought we had enough ball and chances to win the game, and easily at that

we spent about 5 or 6 sets on their line at the back end of the first half with no result

we only had one half today and after 50 minutes we had none, add to that kearney and ross

i dont count misi because he would not have caught the ball simmons did to score

i just want to see some depth to our line because our guys need some room - they cant rely on the backrow to create all the breaks

floating pie

just wondering out loud - is Ricky accountable to anyone?

I got the impression when we signed him that he pretty much stormed into the club, wowed the board, demanded the job and got it.

It seemed to me like he had a big say in Zappia beomcing our CEO, and that he's got a lot of control over things at the club.

But is there anyone in leadership at the club asking him the hard questions?

I've heard that when he was at the Roosters, Nick Politis was on the phone to Ricky every time the Roosters were scored against, asking stuff like 'how was that allowed to happen?'


ricky stuart ----> CEO ------> board

it was not rickys decision to stand down buster (i refer to pre mobile phone footage) from an article i read

that shows that ricky is not running the show overall


Sacking Stuart won't change a thing. We still lack the cattle and depth and that is due to poor recruiting, not enuff young blokes getting some nrl experience and a whole lot of bad luck with injuries and suspentions.

yesterdays game sounded shyte (pissing rain so my satelite packed it in) on the radio. Dropped balls, poor decisions leading to stupid turn overs, no structure and no support. Not panicking this early in the season but would expect to see improvements and changes over the next 5 weeks.


Sacking Ricky Stuart would be the dumbest thing we could do.

Geezus, last year we finished one game away from the Grand Final. If we had have finished with the spoon, well it would be different.
Seymour has only played one game this season, and Barret was taken off yesterday, and he was running to the line with vigour. Both have had next to no time to gel a partnership. Stuart and the team right now need time and support.

Hard to watch at the moment yes, feel horrible that we got beat by the Dragons yesterday yes. Keeping faith with the guys who are trying their best YES!.

Sadly the problem as we know is that the side has little or no speed. The young guys coming through show promise though. As they are young they will be inconsistant at times, but from what I see they are also willing. The potential for this season is still there. Things won't happen overnight, but they will happen.

You don't sell a racehorse just because it can't win the Golden Slipper. A little faith and nurture it might win you a couple of Cox Plates instead.