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Sandow gorn - off to Parramatta


Doesn't quite have the same zing as a LOL@Souffs, but in this case its a huge LOL@Parra :D


Do the Souths fans agree with me that he is probably more suited to be a 13 than a 6???????????

Not really.

He finished 6th in the Dally M's in 2009 (number 2 for second receivers) in leading the league in try assists and line break assists. Jason Taylor had him playing a very simple game with rigid structure and he responded to that magnificently, clearly. Then, Fa'alogo knocked JT's head off and we had to start again with John Lang.

Lang plays, much the opposite of JT, with no structure at all. John clearly doesn't do well in such an environment and it has caused me great frustration that Lang has not used John to his strengths.

In 2009 he was parked on the right and had 3 simple options, pass short to Pettybourne or Champion, pass long to Champion angling in or away behind Pettybourne, or run himself. At the monent absolutely no one knows what Issac Luke, Chris Sandow or Dave Taylor are going to do and it is to the great detriment of the team. No one really knows what anyone is doing and I don't really blame the players for that.

I watched James Roberts for a couple of sets of 6 in his debut when we were in attack. He was running around the field, trying his very best to support the play but the ball quite literally kept moving back to the other side of the ruck every time he found himself on one side. It was a sham and very clearly showed that we don't know what we are going to be doing play to play, let alone set to set.

I am sure we are going to get some fairly rigid structure under Maguire, he is renowned for it, and I think we'll see John Sutton play some really good footy in the 6 again. John wasn't re-signed without Maguire's input.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
I don't follow the bunnies that closely, why have they persisted with him at 6?? I know Ben Lowe was playing at lock last year (from memory)

I guess we persisted because when he was on, he was fantastic, only problem was that it was never often enough.

Have a read of what SSTID says above, he does make some good points, but I am not as optimistic (I hope he is right though, clearly).


First Grade
Not really.

He finished 6th in the Dally M's in 2009 (number 2 for second receivers) in leading the league in try assists and line break assists. Jason Taylor had him playing a very simple game with rigid structure and he responded to that magnificently, clearly. Then, Fa'alogo knocked JT's head off and we had to start again with John Lang.

Lang plays, much the opposite of JT, with no structure at all. John clearly doesn't do well in such an environment and it has caused me great frustration that Lang has not used John to his strengths.

In 2009 he was parked on the right and had 3 simple options, pass short to Pettybourne or Champion, pass long to Champion angling in or away behind Pettybourne, or run himself. At the monent absolutely no one knows what Issac Luke, Chris Sandow or Dave Taylor are going to do and it is to the great detriment of the team. No one really knows what anyone is doing and I don't really blame the players for that.

I watched James Roberts for a couple of sets of 6 in his debut when we were in attack. He was running around the field, trying his very best to support the play but the ball quite literally kept moving back to the other side of the ruck every time he found himself on one side. It was a sham and very clearly showed that we don't know what we are going to be doing play to play, let alone set to set.

I am sure we are going to get some fairly rigid structure under Maguire, he is renowned for it, and I think we'll see John Sutton play some really good footy in the 6 again. John wasn't re-signed without Maguire's input.

Well said, agreed. He's a five eight in mind. Locks aren't the same 'ball players' as they used to be anyway, take a look at the good locks now... gallen, Johnson, Harrison, stagg, parker. Although Greg Bird does it quite well


He's just a kid. At some point the money on offer is so great that it becomes irresponsible to turn it down. Especially for some misguided sense of professional loyalty.
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First Grade
“He is one of the top halfbacks in the competition"

delusion from osbourne on sandow, that's why the club is a joke. a top halfback? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep I guess a recommendation from Wayne Bennett isn't enough for some.


Sutton is the only player in the squad eligible for the loyalty concession. He took a small pay cut and is on the cap for 150K when the loyalty concession is factored in.

He can also play more than one position. I think Sutton is good value at 150K. Sandow, at 400K+ is most certainly not. I applaud the club for both decisions.

But when u have absolutly no halfback to really back up for sandow u would think souths wouldve gone all out to get him no matter what.

By the sounds of it they have shafted another player

1. Champion
2. Sandow

Whose next?


Village Idiot
Staff member
i may actually watch parra vs souths game next year.. should be interesting to see the reception on both sides..


the parra v souths game coming up this year should be interesting too. round 22 bring it hahaha


obviously the majority of fans saying its a decent signing are us parramatta fans.

we have needed a long term half back for a very long time. so this signing is a silver lining as to get through this season and concentrate on 2012....sandow i feel has alot of talent that needs to be managed and i feel Brad Arthurs and Mooks can shape him into a very solid halfback.

Parramatta in 2012 have:

The Fullback
The Halfback

all we need now is a hooker (presuming mcguire doesnt resign for 1 more year)

i think matt keating will be good for us starting but we need that utility on the bench that can provide spark.

will be very interesting as to see how sandow goes for bunnies the remainder of the season


But when u have absolutly no halfback to really back up for sandow u would think souths wouldve gone all out to get him no matter what.

By the sounds of it they have shafted another player

1. Champion
2. Sandow

Whose next?

I'd hardly say shafted, they just clearly didnt want to get into a bidding war over him.

Maguire reportedly wants to move Sutton back to the forwards so we will be starting next year with two new halves.

Judging by how lost out attack looks at times, i cant see Sandow being too much of a loss.

Eels Dude

I'd hardly say shafted, they just clearly didnt want to get into a bidding war over him.

Maguire reportedly wants to move Sutton back to the forwards so we will be starting next year with two new halves.

Judging by how lost out attack looks at times, i cant see Sandow being too much of a loss.

Your attack is the best thing going for you guys and has been for a few years now. It's your defence that is a rabble. Hopefully for your sake you can find a decent replacement because good halfbacks are hard to come by at the moment.

Whos Ya Daddy

First Grade
Although he was recently switched to fullback at Wigan Sam Tomkins is a class above Chris Sandow. If Sofffs can get Sam they will end up looking like winners.


First Grade
Apologies, I thought Webb was signed late in the season and Kearney had been confirmed coach pretty early on. Guess the timing was out there.

Avenger .. obviously there is a need for a playmaker at Parramatta .. someone like Tom Humble, for example, who your coach apparently sees no value in despite being a very good prospect by all accounts.

I think a better option for Parramatta would have been James Maloney .. has an option for 2012 with the Warriors, but obviously not set in stone. Could have been your first choice kicker as well.

Dated 24/4/2011
Last week, the Warriors informed Maloney they were exercising an option in his contract

So no he's not available to anyone


Doesn't quite have the same zing as a LOL@Souffs, but in this case its a huge LOL@Parra :D
Someone slipped some hallucinagens in your Latte.

At least our controversial playmaker signing isnt missing an entire season because he has AA meetings to go to ffs. lol@the sh*t half of the compass - Easts and Souffs!

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