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Save Leichhardt Oval - www.stoptherot.org



The Tigers need to cut ties with an area that just doesnt suppoort them any more. Spending money on this stadiumn would be a waste.

:lol:[/quote] 14600 disagreed yesterday for a match featuring a side on the bottom of the ladder and another only a couple of places higher...


Saint 60 said:
hmmm i went to Leichhardt oval during the KB cup - the Amco Cup and maybe it was called the levis cup lol
i spent every Wednesday night there when i was a kid :)

Callen Park is being vacated slowly --- the Govt is planning to move it to the back of Concord hosp..all those buildings in the back of the Hosp are slowly being vacated..to make room for the ppl at Callen Park.

The Ground at Callen park will eventually be sold......

sorry i didnt read the rest of the thread ----
and i dont know if this helps u or not...but they are moving Callen park - and Callen Park is not far from Leichhardt Oval - :twisted:

I was there the night Russell Fairfax broke his leg...it has some dam fine history thats for sure. :?
Callan park is State Govt land Leichhardt oval and surrounding area (aquatic centre Leichhardt no.2 etc) is crown land (federal) 100 year lease to council (all facilities i.e. the oval owned by council).. There is no connection between the two issues. And the state gov is a long way from developing callan.... Especially with so many greens on L council now...


This thread is indicative of the response we got on both days over the weekend. A very, very, very, very small minority were not interested in signing it. On the whole, everyone was happy to sign.

On Saturday when the lower grades played we had Manly, Penrith and Souths supporters signing it. The Penrith fans out there to watch their lower graders have far more respect from me than nospam49. They were very supportive.

As for the comments re the govt funding, I respect that but this is not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things and the pool is big enough to cover a wide range of funding not just health, education etc. Considering the govt is taking a lot from the poker machine tax, hopefully they can throw back some for a community asset. The ground is not just for rugby league. Also the Balmain Tigers and Council are willing to throw money in too, we just need help.

Thanks for the support from almost everyone. It was a great day yesterday and hopefully there will be many more in the future.

To the Dragons supporter, no offence was intended in the press release. YOu guys have a great ground and have done a terrific job in getting it upgraded. Our aim is to achieve something similar.

If you missed the petition at the game or didn't attend please check out www.stoptherot.org



ash the bash said:
Save the ground, its one of the last remaining historical grounds remaining. This may take away the charm of the ground but they may have to think about replacing the hill with seats and try and get the capacity to about 20k ;-)
There is no plan to replace the hill I assure you....
You know what....Ive chnaged my mind.

I say the State Government should spend millions on a ground that at best will get used 6 times a year. That grand total of 14,000 (Below NRL average in 2004) deserves the money ahead of any hostipal I can think of.

I mean, why wouldnt you spend millions there just to get it up to 1960's standard! :lol:

I want the Tigers second choice home ground to get an upgrade! :lol:

This is the year 2004. You dont start upgrading grounds like Leichhardt Oval for the future of your clubs.

These days....teams look towards their future and go for 30,000. Ask Parramatta, Newcastle, Penrith, melbounre what they would like to have for a stadium to build towards the future and they would say around 30,000.

Parramatta is lucky in that they have a nice stadium. A bit undersized these days...but with a small upgrade they get 30,000 in there in the future.

Penrith, the Eastern side is pretty good, the Western stand could use some work and the hills need SOMETHING....but its a nice base to build on.

newcastle....they are in the process up and upgrade and Melbounre have no chnace at the moment.

But the Tigers....who can only get 14,000 to a game at Leichhardt Oval, they want an upgrade!

Give me a break! :lol:


innsaneink said:
Wont get much support here.....most cretins here have grown up watching footy in soul-less concrete stadiums sittin in plastic bucket seats drinking out of plastic.

Didnt take long for this thread to turn into a "my teams better than your team" girly scream fest...(onya nospam49)

You only gotta think about the legends that have played there-Barnes, Beetson, Corowa, McMahon, Pearce etc etc etc to realise its a worthwile cause. Get a sense of history people....just because somethings old, doesn't mean its f***ed...unfortunately this is a common theme in our society.
Top post Ink one of your best...


JK said:
I don't support the use of State money on an NRL ground that realistically has no further benefit for the community. Let the Wests Tigers and NRL rebuild it.

WIN & Newcastle are exceptions to this as they provides utility to a regional community.
Please check out www.stoptherot.org our ambitions are not just for rugby league games .i.e laser leveling the ground so local schools (that have little if no sporting facilities) can use it.. Plus lots more...


nospam49 said:
You know what....Ive chnaged my mind.

I say the State Government should spend millions on a ground that at best will get used 6 times a year. That grand total of 14,000 (Below NRL average in 2004) deserves the money ahead of any hostipal I can think of.

I mean, why wouldnt you spend millions there just to get it up to 1960's standard! :lol:

I want the Tigers second choice home ground to get an upgrade! :lol:

This is the year 2004. You dont start upgrading grounds like Leichhardt Oval for the future of your clubs.

These days....teams look towards their future and go for 30,000. Ask Parramatta, Newcastle, Penrith, melbounre what they would like to have for a stadium to build towards the future and they would say around 30,000.

Parramatta is lucky in that they have a nice stadium. A bit undersized these days...but with a small upgrade they get 30,000 in there in the future.

Penrith, the Eastern side is pretty good, the Western stand could use some work and the hills need SOMETHING....but its a nice base to build on.

newcastle....they are in the process up and upgrade and Melbounre have no chnace at the moment.

But the Tigers....who can only get 14,000 to a game at Leichhardt Oval, they want an upgrade!

Give me a break! :lol:
I can't believe I'm even reponding to you. Your are so ill informed please check the website and see the other uses if there was an upgrade.. You are doing your fellow fans a disservice constructive critism is one thing but your just looking to get a rise.. Ignore him folks he doesn't deserve a response... I'm dirty on myself for this one i assure you it will be my last to him.
Hang on.....so your forward thinking proposal to use my tax money is happy to listen to people.....as long as you like what they are saying!!! :roll:

The fact is you want millions spent on an old rundown football ground for 6 NRL games a year and schoolyard football! :lol:


Denis'saints'Freak said:
Good luck with the campaign, Leichhardt is one of my favorite grounds. Unfortunately with Campbelltown games and double headers Saints haven't played there in some three years.

However wtf is up with this quote?

Leichhardt is the last true suburban Rugby League Ground in the NRL and it's fate is in our hands…..

There's still Kogarah Jubilee!!!
My apologise that was my quote and will amend. I was thinking of the inner city grounds and by no means was offence attended.. Thanks for your support.


nospam49 said:
I say the State Government should spend millions on a ground that at best will get used 6 times a year. That grand total of 14,000 (Below NRL average in 2004) deserves the money ahead of any hostipal I can think of.

so by that assumption I gather that you would accept penrith stadium should never receive an upgrade as well since they are the premiers who can only average 2797 more than the NRL average of 2004?
Crippler said:
nospam49 said:
I say the State Government should spend millions on a ground that at best will get used 6 times a year. That grand total of 14,000 (Below NRL average in 2004) deserves the money ahead of any hostipal I can think of.

so by that assumption I gather that you would accept penrith stadium should never receive an upgrade as well since they are the premiers who can only average 2797 more than the NRL average of 2004?

Penrith broke their ground record....3 times last year.

I would say that aside from "upgrades" to the hill areaa...the ground doesnt need anything done to it because it caters for what the fans need.

I would also say that those "Upgrades" should be paid for either by the Leagues club, or the local council if they feel they would like to make those upgrades.

Penrith Football Stadium is a good stadium though. The Eastern stand is good....the Western Stand gets the job done. The hills are ordinary....but over all the stadium is pretty good.

The stadium is also the major stadium for anything west of Blacktown. You cant say the same for Leichhardt Oval .
RifRaf said:
Denis'saints'Freak said:
Good luck with the campaign, Leichhardt is one of my favorite grounds. Unfortunately with Campbelltown games and double headers Saints haven't played there in some three years.

However wtf is up with this quote?

Leichhardt is the last true suburban Rugby League Ground in the NRL and it's fate is in our hands…..

There's still Kogarah Jubilee!!!
My apologise that was my quote and will amend. I was thinking of the inner city grounds and by no means was offence attended.. Thanks for your support.

No worries mate.

You might want to contact these guys to get a link put up or for some advice - http://www.r2k.info/index2.html
Ive noticed something recently creeping into League forums.

A thread is started about one team. Someone replys to that thread and doesnt agree with the person that started it.

Then the comeback is "Well what about your club?" :roll:

This isnt a thread about Penrith you halfwit! :roll:

This is about a suburban oval that has been run down for years. One that gets around 6 games of NRL every years and is in a city that has enough stadiums to cater for every NRL team. Heck, the Tigers have two stadiums! One isnt enough?

In my opinion this would be wasted money that could be spent on something a little more urgent.

What about my team....

NRL Premiers. They are traveling just fine. Then again...we're not talking about them are we, not unless you've lost the argument! :lol:


Denis'saints'Freak said:
RifRaf said:
Denis'saints'Freak said:
Good luck with the campaign, Leichhardt is one of my favorite grounds. Unfortunately with Campbelltown games and double headers Saints haven't played there in some three years.

However wtf is up with this quote?

Leichhardt is the last true suburban Rugby League Ground in the NRL and it's fate is in our hands…..

There's still Kogarah Jubilee!!!
My apologise that was my quote and will amend. I was thinking of the inner city grounds and by no means was offence attended.. Thanks for your support.

No worries mate.

You might want to contact these guys to get a link put up or for some advice - http://www.r2k.info/index2.html
They've contacted us already and gave us two thumbs up and offered full support.. It was much appreciated and gave us a real lift...


RifRaf said:
JK said:
I don't support the use of State money on an NRL ground that realistically has no further benefit for the community. Let the Wests Tigers and NRL rebuild it.

WIN & Newcastle are exceptions to this as they provides utility to a regional community.
Please check out www.stoptherot.org our ambitions are not just for rugby league games .i.e laser leveling the ground so local schools (that have little if no sporting facilities) can use it.. Plus lots more...

Local schools do have access to fields. Look at the Leichhardt campus of Sydney Secondary college - they are getting a rather large field. And in any case schoolyard football does not need laser levelling!

I agree with LF up to a point - Penrith should not get any $ either.

You both have leagues clubs and you are both part of a very successful competition. Stop crying poor to the government when your stadium is falling apart. Why didn't you put money into keeping it reparied during the years?

Having a field in the inner city serves no real purpose for the community. Move to Campbelltown or dip into your own pockets.

simon says

First Grade
2 points.The govt owns the stadium.And Balmain is going to put money into it.

Plus,if you cant realise what a wonderful place to play sport Leichhradt Oval is and how important it is for our collective footy psyche to keep playing there well......

I guess it must be hard being a dogs supporter and having no home ground really.But I would have thought that would have made you more onside than antagonistic........

And i just loved your comment on how having a ground in the city serves no real purpose....well lets just play all our games at Homebush...all the city teams.Gee thatd be exciting......


You are a tiger fan so naturally biased.

But what you can't argue is that if the Tigers want to play footy there they should damn well pay for it themselves. If the NRL value League in a ground with a capacity of less than 20,000 to get some atmosphere then they can fork out too.

It is NOT the governments role to consistently subsidise a private operation. The Tigers derive profit from the ground so THEY SHOULD PAY FOR IT.

You also ignore the SFS...and concorde..when talking exclusinvely about Homebush.

And thanks for the reminder about our homeground. We aren't asking for money to fix it - we just want to council to allow us to fix it. Very different. But we did enjoy having the #1 Sydney crowd averages last year. LF was right that you need to drag in the clubs of those who oppose this...poor form.

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