Ive had a kid born sick very sick and thats been her life.
I have spent a lot of time in childrens hospitals and seen parents you could sweep up with a dustpan due the fact they have nothing left. Nothing.
Most of us are good and do what we truly believe is best for our kids.
Sometimes its a decision not everyone agrees with but you know your kid and you make it because you know it best for them.
Like the 5000 pages on here arguing about toilet paper theres no clear cut answer in the immunisation debate.
Theres good and bad in everything
My post asked have you read both sides. I have. To a fair extent.
Both sides can ask their questions and mount an argument.
Is one stronger than the other.
Both sides say yes.
Its also an argument that could spawn a thread like this one.
Man....some of you guys on here.
Take stock.
Theres some crazy shite in the last tonne of posts
Go and hug your loved ones and have some gratitude for what you have at this time.
I also have a sick kid and spent time in the children’s ward.
My youngest has epilepsy .
I saw all the other sick kids in Randwick.
It was shocking and sad.
I wish they could immunise for epilepsy, I’d have my son first in line .
To see him go through a seizure is heart breaking.
Every f**king time.
In public... in front of other family members.
You feel like you failed at becoming a parent.
You feel like others think that.
Not to mention the embarrassment he feels .
He feels like a disappointment
He f**king apologises.
He has something that isn’t even contagious.