Given your agenda driven,non-secateur filled "reasoned opinions" Ill need to rethink that then. Im actually quite content in the decisions I made five years ago even though I had a season of two(one in a hundred yr.) hailstorms in one year that destroyed crop , and damaged trees.followed by a one in a hundred yr drought and heatwaves. But Im getting through it and as long as I don't get this @%$*ing flu Ill be in an OK place doing the work I love. People always need food and even Climate change sceptics seem to think trees are ok.
If I were an "i told you so "kinda person Id probably be wildly happy But a lot of people are going to be suffering and there's no pleasure in that.
Agenda driver bagging another agenda driver ,that'll do me.
I have few qualms about decisions I have made over the years. I have always been anti logging the Amazon rainforest or even SE Asian rainforests for that matter,except for a sh*t Toyota Corona Station wagon I bought.
I am for planting trees ,just as I am for clearing trees that overhang houses.I've been recycling, by burying scraps for earthworms for ages.And by composting grass clippings.I have stated ,spent many years holidaying in Kangaroo Valley and mixing with the youth from the dairy farms.
I take into account what I want for my children in the future, plus the needs of others, and don't believe in chopping employment quickly for the case of expediency.
I don't need Bob Brown,ScoMo,or Greta banging in my ear giving me instructions.
My uncle many years ago had a large apple orchard near the Oaks, spent an interesting holiday there .He had crops damaged by hailstorms ,so I do understand the effect of Mother Nature.It nearly brought him to tears.Had a massive hailstorm in Lilli Pilli and Caringbah about 20 years back, took ages for all houses to get fixed.
Remembering of course the famous statement by Daniel Andrews a couple of months ago"I am not going to build dams, it's not going to rain".A few weeks later Melbourne was flooded and so was the Vic countryside.And the rains that have hit Qld and NSW in recent times.I just roll my eyes at times.