you said they do.
but only whinge about the one linked to the coal that scomo held up ..
why ?
Why don’t you show as much horror at farming?
Don't you like eating? Don't you like being able to take HOLIDAYS every yr, work 5 day week and go into isolation for two weeks possibly lose job ,but NEVER have to worry about there being food to put on the table.
Farming is not only occupation clearing arable land
Farming is not the same as it was 100yrs ago when it was all about making land "productive "so society could" advance" You apparently don't like those advancements and want to return to Hunter gatherers? For the 7 billion ppl in the world?
There are few farmers left who believe the knock down all the trees for more arable land stuff.
Maybe you and your mates who like green leafy suburbs should move to high rise apartments so the land is used more efficiently? less land clearing needed then.
You are a confirmed idiot in every way