No doubt there is more to the Moylan story that we aren't being told.
I can't help but suspect that Moylan copped another roasting from Griffin about not putting proper effort into his recovery (and not being the role model required as Captain), had a hissy fit and threatened to leave and that he was punished by being made to sit out the finals (and may or may have not agreed to stay).
This is going off topic from tonight's game, but the truth also is that we will encounter some real salary cap issues in a few years, and won't be able to keep all the talent we have now. That means people will have to go and the club will have to make very difficult choices about who we keep.
If we lost Moylan but that made the difference that allowed us to keep Cleary and Edwards (who are much younger and still have much more potential) I'd take that deal in a heart beat. Particularly given that Moylan is now 26.
I don't mean by that that I want Moylan to go (far from it), but it might reach a point where we have to make that choice.