Like everything else the club is involved in, it is a poorly managed shit fight.
The architect of the original transparent and reasonably lucrative development with fair outcomes for all parties was Damian Irvine. He was skewered and there have been several key players take it over. Since then the deal has gone underground, stalled, been re jigged, re optioned and re financed so many times now that no one knows what is going on. One FACT I do know is that there should be a shopping centre where the car park is- and there aint.
Again, not having a go but Sharks fans have gone so hard on this for so long about how bright your future was with the rivers of gold coming, it's passing strange that you're so quiet now.
Is it just the inevitable letdown of the salary cap investigation penalties being handed down? Is it all the other shit a procession of directors have pulled over so many years just worn you down? Is it the hard times ahead without the only honest man in rugby league? D) All of the above? E) Other factors? Battle fatigue? Or just a bit of R&R to regroup and get ready to fight again?
As a Cowboys fan, I went through a lot of bad times until Murray, Parr and Keefe stopped the hemorrhaging and started us on the right track.
I really feel for you guys after what these paul kents have put you through.