Lebanese are as racist as anyone.
I reckon if you think hard you will remember yourself being a racist ...not as in a joke but a comment you have made in the past.
don't even pretend to deny it.
Mate I wont disagree, I was probably rasict but that was when I was 14 Most of that also comes from being classed as a Lebo, which mind you still occurs. People just assume I support the dogs, People assume im muslim (mind you 60% of Lebanese people in Australia are christain). When people ask me now what nationality I am, when I reply australian they say "no, no what is your real nationality". I am identified by my parents background even though I have never left australian shores. This sort of attitudeis one reason why we have racial segragation (funnly enough does not occur as often in the eastern or northen suburbs).
The difference is now, I am 21 years old and a Medical student, I have to be able to identify different racial background and the factors which lead to different diseases without forming judgment. It would be irresponcible of me to maintain the mentality I had as a 14 year old school student.
Gallen is a public figure, like it or not his actions will be percieved accepted by his club and team. He is the captain and taht comes with added responcibility. Dumb thing for him to do, the NRL and Cronulla are forced into action to show that they do not condon that sort of behaviour. IMO being dumb from the NSW side would be another appropriate punishment. Gallen is no longer a child, and as a mature adult plus a recognised figure has responcibilty.