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Sharks' tough trial


wellt his time last year we had lost how many first grade players??

3 in one trial wasnt it?

it will be forgotton, hope millsy is ok but to be honest there are worse injuries we could have suffered.


Final score line 3 tries to 1. Played in extremely wet conditions. Bucketed down for most of the game.

First half played in two 20 minute periods. Was basically our second string team. Score after 40 minutes 6-0 to Manly. Kelly played at half, Vave looked strong, Flannagan was sharp at dummy half, Mills was impressive but got carried off on the medicab. Looked to be his left knee to me. Was in a lot of pain. Hope its not serious for the kid.

The second half saw the top team come on with Morris and Barrett in the halves, Joudo at hooker and Kelly at fullback. Our handling in the wet was terrible and the refereeing not much better. Didnt give ourselves much of a chance with so much dropped ball. Manly controlled the ball better and scored two tries close to the line, one off a kick. There wasnt much in the match. We were strong in the forwards and Manly never really made any breaks. They just had less drop ball and more penalties.

For me
- Kelly has the goods but you cant expect too much too soon. Inglis wasnt brilliant in his first year remember.
- Collis looked good,
- Gordon on the wing looks pretty quick
- Barrett and Morris were ok
- Snowden and Dougie looked awesome. Snowden could be anything.
- Pommeroy still has feet for hands

Highlight of the match though was a stink between Jason King and Snowden. Snowden made a good tackle on him. King got up pushing and carrying on and then threw the first one. Snowden then grabbed hold of him and gave it to him. After they were separated King had blood all over his head and went off and wasnt seen again. It was beautiful.
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Highlight of the match though was a stink between Jason King and Snowden. Snowden made a good tackle on him. King got up pushing and carrying on and then threw the first one. Snowden then grabbed hold of him and gave it to him. After they were separated King had blood all over his head and went off and wasnt seen again. It was beautiful

hahaha love it.


ginger balls, the same goose who sent dougy off against the maggots last year?

lol at the morons who expected us to win, considering this is the first game of the year and most of the guys havent played together before..remember we had the highest turn over of players from 09 to 10..the score only looks like it does because of jamie lyon


yep definately the highlight, as I told my brother, I am taking Snowden in my fantasy league team after that.

The Dodger

First Grade
It isn't pessimism Robo, Frenzy would prefer to see the club go under why Irvine is in charge than flourish. This is a man who is not a member of the football club or a season ticket holder and now refuses to point 1 cent into the club he supposedly loves.

Deadset farkwit.

couldn't agree more with this post.

i actually feel sorry for this miserable fool, he sounds more depressed than redback.

about tonights games;

stewart mills: quickest player on the team and looks to be gone for the season, if anyone knows the extent of his injury, please share. its the same knee he farked last year which cost him the season, which also happened in the first game.

albert kelly looks pretty good, smashed brett stewart into the upright, very hard hit, the pole was shaking for a minute after it happened. brett got upset and tried to scratch his eyes out.

kade smashed the f**k out of perry, perry threw an elbow then swung a few hits which missed, kade then began a full assualt on him which cut the farker open. perry was bleeding bad and had to come off, had a hissy fit with his trainer while coming off too. dont think kade got binned for it, but f**k it felt good watching that fat f**k get smashed.

morris at half doesnt look promising, hope sticky doesnt persist with it, reminded me of kimmorley.


This is a ramble but I also attended the trial:
In his 13 minutes on the field (if that) stewart mills impressed the hell out of me and everyone at that ground. His chase in defense...I've never seen a guy run so fast...a big guy he is too. And then his two or so hit ups were great! In that short time, he made guys like Pomeroy look like the amateurs they are. He LOOKS like a first grader. He is a local. And then the curse hit. He didn't get up. The grandstand groaned. If by some miracle this kid can get back on the field and into firsts, he will go a long way to us winning games. Anyone involved, please keep us updated.

Aside from our handling and the ref, it is wasn't the blowout the score suggests. Our attack was better in the first half though which was the 'lesser' team. Flanagan was good ... Vave look strong. Cuthbo probably tried a bit too hard but by the 2nd half had a good offloading thing going on with kelly.be an awesome benchie til fit. Kelly looks promising. very green. but he has to be in the 17. maybe as utility for now. stapelton would be my FB. Morris at 7 doesnt work. at all. porter will need to step up again. collis pretty quiet. pomeroy...he just needs to go away or play him off the bench or something ... he stank tonight. he stank last year. he didnt score that try either haha. Snowden should be signed for life. guys like him, dougy, baz ... i wouldnt be playing them in trials. too valueable for me.

also the NYC team looks a look better. much better defence. chad townsend was great as per usual.

solid crowd for a sh*t night. they saw a pretty average game but hey, it was a trial.

get better Stew Mills. we need you.
Just back from the trial.

It certainly gave me some indications on who may make an impression this year and who will be spending most of the year in the reggies.

Having said that conditions were shocking with most of the match played in steady rain. The ginger haired ref absolutely hammered us with the penalty count which provided Manly with a great amount of possession and territory. We also coughed up plenty of the pill very early in tackle counts.The downtown rule was disciplined by the ref with penalties to us and Manly for it so we better get used to the enforcement of this rule as it will be their pet project in the early part of the year for sure.

Manly were pretty much at full strength apart from Watmough and Matai. We had Gallen, Ferguson, Tautai, Topou, Porter and Aiton not playing.

Stewart Mills really looked impressive for the 15minutes he was out there before being taken off on the medi cab with what looked like a serious knee injury. He made a great try saving tackle coming from the opposite side to where a break was made and running down the Manly bloke who seemed destined to score. He seemed to be much stronger in his upper body strength this season and really used that power and his pace to make a couple of great runs at the Manly defence. Unfortunately on one Cronulla sweeping backline movement at Manly's defence about 15metres out the ball went to him in the Centres and he threw a dummy and cut back inside but about 3 Manly defenders scrambled back to stop him about half a metre to the tryline. Unfortunately this impact caused the injury to him and it did look serious. If we can keep this bloke fit in the future he could be a real star for us. He has size and pace and real confidence in everything he does. He could play any position in our 3/4 backline.

Stapleton was steady without really getting out of second gear and played half a game at fullback and half on the wing.

Kelly played the first half in the halves and the second half at fullback. He looked reasonably dangerous at times but just couldn't make a clean break or set up that killer play that he worked hard in trying to do. He also seems to lack a little bit of speed off the mark. But it was his first game so I'm not making any firm judgements on him yet.

Pomeroy again looked average and a player struggling with confidence. He certainly has lost that spark of a few years ago.He dropped a ball and the home crowd really gave it to him. Even the try he scored he fumbled the ball and maybe with a video ref his try may not have been awarded.

Collis didn't get much ball but made one notable run.

Isaac Gordon also made one notable run of around 30 metres that showed his speed and some good physical strength.

Nathan Gardner I was disappointed with. He dropped a bomb cold and got smashed pretty bad by Seu Seu in one run. He didn't really trouble the defence at any time. He played on the wing. Maybe fullback is better for him?

Covell ? Cov was Cov. Steady but not exciting.

Barrett looked pretty sharp and in great shape. He did ok with what possession he got. Having said that he didn't really execute anything that was memorable but he was certainly a handful out wide with a few runs.

Morris played at half in the second half. He did some great cut out passes but he also did a few passes which really invited the intercept. One cross field kick was woeful. You can tell he doesn't have the touch for it. This would be better left for Barrett to execute. He's just not a natural half. I think from what I saw of Porter last year he has to be the 7 at this stage.

Flanagan was steady at hooker and looks like a handy buy.

Cuthbertson was good value tonight in tricky conditions. I was very impressed with the amount of offloads he got away with. Most of them were real quality. He really adds alot flair in attack to our forward pack. He has definitely worked on his fitness and will be a big improver this year. Kelly trailed him for one particuarly good offload in traffic.

Vave wow he really is one for the future. He is definitely up for a bench spot in First Grade. He made some great runs in the first half. He was a bit more timid in the second half but it might have been due to him picking up a knock as he was limping for a fair bit in the second half. But this guy is the real deal.

Cordoba on the other hand definitely looks like he'll spend most of his time in the reggies. Lost the ball cold on the first tackle coming out of his 20 and never really bent the line back at any stage.

Millington looked really solid and to me already is showing signs of improvement from last year. He looks a bit bigger and had a more consistent game in his intensity. Definite candidate for a bench spot this season more often than not.

Snowden was outstanding. He really is our enforcer and I think could be a rep player this year if he can stay on the field. His temper came to the fore again. A bit of a push and shove with King at the play the ball ended up with him thrashing King to a pulp. (A real highlight of the night and worth the price of admission.) King had a heap of claret coming from his head and I think his ear was a huge casualty. He looked mighty embarrassed and peeved from the pounding he received as he left the field.

Douglas, Williams and Bukuya were steady without being eye catching.

A couple of interesting names on the team sheet that we were given at the game. Josh Lewis and Luke Harlen. looks like Harlen has come back to us from the Tigers and the rumour about signing Lewis is true.

I saw most of the NYC game. We led most of the way but a couple of mistakes in the last 10minutes gave the Eagles some easy tries and they finished up winning 16-12. Conversions of tries were not allowed in the NYC trial. So it was 4 tries to 3.

Centre Ricky Leutele and winger Joe Roqoko impressed most in the backs and back rowers Tyrone Peachey and Kyle O'Donnell impressed me the most out of the forwards. I am confident in O'Donnell and Leutele in having the potential for First Grade in the future. Chad Townsend at half back also looked classy but Jason McGrady really was over hyped last year as a great purchase. Apart from a bit of speed the guy has nothing else. His kicking game is hopeless and he doesn't have many tricks in his bag unfortunately. Tyson Frizell didn't get a lot of game time. I think this year he will really be on a learning curve with his switch from playing Union. Whilst he was out there he didn't really do anything that stood out. Overrall I think the NYC will again fail to trouble the 8.

Not a real exciting night if you were a Sharks fan. But remember it was only a trial and it was played in pouring rain and we had some key players out that could make a huge difference. I was really happy with the enthusiasm and flair we showed when we had some ball. Unfortunately our handling failed at crucial times and we still need to get some execution of some attacking moves nailed down. But the potential is there and I can already see an improvement with our style of play. We will definitely be better to watch this year!

On a side note. Where was the C S S C? I'm sure plenty were there watching. But they certainly were not in congregation or in full song.

I will be interested to hear other peoples views on players that went to the game.
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The Dodger

First Grade
shiit, i meant to say king, don't really care about who is who from that scummy team, all i know is he got smashed.

also, mitch brown was at the game watching, might have been with his old man or someone.

another thing, peter gallen and (can't remember his first name) peachey were in the nyc team.

i am assuming they would have some relation to david peachy and paul gallen.

peter had the same build as gallen too.
Most of which DS said is spot on except about Morris, he should never wear the no.7 for us again. Honestly everyone that gave crap to Kimmorley (incl. me), should sharpen their fingers and get ready to type. When Baz slipped into half and Kelly 5/8 it was a straight away improvement.
Cuthbo was good, every second phase play/pass worked, I hope Mills isnt gone, that kid showed more excitement in 15mins than what i've seen in a while,
Our only "try" wasn't one, Pomm dropped it cold.
Snowy got a standing ovation from the ET stand by one and all after splattering KING.
I really like how Stapo chimes into the backline and creates that space, I dunno where his position should be but damn he looks like one of those players that has "time" when he's moving onto the ball, and the opposition cannot read what he's doing.
Matt Wright also looked a little dangerous when he got a touch.
Watched from high in the ET Stand with Mr. and Mrs. Newman and Little Lemme.

The Dodger

First Grade
Cronulla’s Stuart Mills almost made it to the tryline but was tackled by some of Manly’s giants and stayed on the ground concussed. It looked to be more serious than first assumed, with the medical team brought out to the field, and he was taken off on the mobile medical van

Brett Stewart got knocked about a bit when he ran into the goal post but managed to get up just fine
Jason King then had his face pummelled into by Kade Snowden. With blood dripping down the side of his face, King exited the paddock and Snowden was sin binned.
double lol


First Grade
Great report DS.

Ugly night for footy but I agree the whilst they were sloppy and mistake ridden they are far from a ride-off. Most were having a go, more defence than attack due to school boy errors.

The mills situation just sums up being a sharks supporter, his chase down was the best thing in ages then out comes the medi-cab, I would gather he will be out for a length of time. I was surprised by Cutherberson who still looks like a heap but did some good things especially with kelly, dunno about morris shows flair but should be at hooker. On Kelly, dunno yet but time will tell, Stapleton looked the goods all night

Pretty entertaining night for the crowd, firstly when brett stewart got nailed on the goal post then the snowden and king incident. I was in ET stand and the crowd reaction was great, especially when king left the field covered in blood and had a mini dummy spit and almost threw in the towel literally. The crowd loved it.

Bring on the season proper and heres hoping Mr S MILLS gets back out there. He was the tops
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Ok I went
was gonna post last night but couldn't be fugged.

stupidly I took the 4 month old baby jesus luke covell...in a pram.
hello to everyone in the southern stand who got great enjoyment out of seeing me and my mate try to squeeze a pram in between the seats.

the game.
Naturally it start to flog down like a bastard as soon as I literally got to the tix window.
so first half number 21 ( dunno who was who ) chased a bloke down...showed heaps of pace.
The bloke that got hurt did his knee and going by the stretcher and length of time it took to get him off the field I'd say he is fugged for the year.

the send off?
a sharks player got sent...I thought it was for 10 mins though.
regardless a manly player also got sent and we got the penalty.

number 15 had an absolute shocker of a game....real matt rieck stuff.

the young blokes blew a certain try ....too many blokes in the clear to pass too ...so he hogged it and got tackled.

2nd half...um
lots of penaltys..and dropped ball

collis left the feild with a bung ankle

it was brutal viewing
chick in front of me read a womans weekly.

oh yeah the rain stopped ...just until I had to leave the undercover area.

Albert kelly...runs like a natural athlete but he has a long way to go.

..and pom scored .

I was glad to get home.