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Sharks! v Melbourne press conference madness. NRL fines Storm $50,000


Bellamy having a whinge.. surprise surprise! Stuart had every right to criticise that typically gutless dirty Smith tackle and the 2 weeks was the right call


First Grade
You're a disgrace: premiers slam NRL

Brad Walter | September 27, 2008

IN ONE of the most extraordinary post-match press conferences in memory, Melbourne coach Craig Bellamy and chief executive Brian Waldron unloaded at the NRL and Sharks coach Ricky Stuart over the grapple-tackle issue and comments by Stuart the Storm duo believe may have influenced the Cam Smith judiciary case.
The comments drew a stinging response from Stuart, who labelled Waldron an "idiot".
Waldron criticised the leadership of the NRL, while Bellamy suggested the judiciary might have been influenced by media reports before Wednesday night's hearing - which resulted in Smith receiving a two-match suspension that has ruled the Storm captain out of the premiership decider.
Bellamy went as far as to say that he believed Smith's fate was sealed when he saw betting odds that had the Australian captain at $1.18 to be suspended and $4.25 to beat the grade-one contrary-conduct charge, and claimed that St George Illawarra hooker Stuart Webb was guilty of an almost identical tackle the week before but escaped any action.
"Cameron Smith was hung out to dry straight after the match, and then it continued for four or five days from some sections of the media that seem to have an agenda against Melbourne about the grapple tackle," Bellamy said.
"I'm not trying to throw stones at Stuart Webb or St George, but you have a look at that tackle and tell me that's not a worse tackle than Cameron Smith's. So, again, why is it Cameron Smith that pays the price? Is it a Melbourne thing and we will make a stand with a Melbourne player or are we going to make a stand with one of our great players in the game at the moment - the Australian captain, the Queensland captain, the Melbourne captain and the Golden Boot winner?
"But the other thing that was very smelly about the whole lot was when I saw on Wednesday morning that there was a betting market … that's a fair spread in a two-horse race. Bookmakers and betting agencies, they don't guess. They've got good information. Take that as you may. As soon as I saw that on Wednesday morning … he was thousands."
Waldron said betting agencies should not be allowed to frame markets on judiciary cases and also called on the NRL to prevent rival coaches from commenting before hearings. "It questions the integrity of our game at the core and we need some leadership to fix it," Waldron said at a lengthy and heated press conference that was attended by NRL officials, including chief operating officer Graham Annesley.

"To allow Ricky Stuart to make those comments is an absolute disgrace and a blight on the game. We need to address that, and to allow betting? This isn't a contest between the Warriors and the Storm, this is about three people under enormous pressure making a decision about someone's future in a preliminary final.
"The game has a responsibility to fix it and the people running the game need to fix it, because we are sick of it and we will fix it if someone else won't. When the pressure comes on from above, people are forced into extremely difficult situations where their integrity is questioned - and that is the reality of what has happened here."
Annesley declined to comment before an NRL review of what was said, but Sharks coach Stuart returned fire. "Brian Waldron is a flip," Stuart said. "Wally Waldron should go and learn the rules before he goes and complains about me making comments. The more that flip goes on about it, the stronger I will be about it. It's a shame for the game but the game and me didn't make the tackle - and tell that idiot Waldron the same thing."
The post-game slanging match overshadowed what happened on the field, but the Storm face a further week of judiciary woes, with Brett White on report for striking a "filthy" Ben Ross with his elbow.
Because of a previous suspension - also for striking Ross - even a grade-one striking charge would rule White out of the grand final. "I can't remember anything from the game but everyone's told me that he collected me twice," said Ross, who had a suspected broken nose and swollen eye. "I can't comment because I haven't seen it, but it f---ed my game up - so I'm pretty filthy."
Asked about the support of Bellamy and Waldron, Smith said: "They feel very strongly about what happened during the week. That's their opinion, and I'm glad they're behind me. That's my coach and my CEO so I expect them to do that."


Hahahaha. The Storm had the hide to mention their integrity? More like the lack of. They must be in a parrallel universe.


Post Whore
You're a disgrace: premiers slam NRL

Brad Walter | September 27, 2008

IN ONE of the most extraordinary post-match press conferences in memory, Melbourne coach Craig Bellamy and chief executive Brian Waldron unloaded at the NRL and Sharks coach Ricky Stuart over the grapple-tackle issue and comments by Stuart the Storm duo believe may have influenced the Cam Smith judiciary case.
The comments drew a stinging response from Stuart, who labelled Waldron an "idiot".
Waldron criticised the leadership of the NRL, while Bellamy suggested the judiciary might have been influenced by media reports before Wednesday night's hearing - which resulted in Smith receiving a two-match suspension that has ruled the Storm captain out of the premiership decider.
Bellamy went as far as to say that he believed Smith's fate was sealed when he saw betting odds that had the Australian captain at $1.18 to be suspended and $4.25 to beat the grade-one contrary-conduct charge, and claimed that St George Illawarra hooker Stuart Webb was guilty of an almost identical tackle the week before but escaped any action.
"Cameron Smith was hung out to dry straight after the match, and then it continued for four or five days from some sections of the media that seem to have an agenda against Melbourne about the grapple tackle," Bellamy said.
"I'm not trying to throw stones at Stuart Webb or St George, but you have a look at that tackle and tell me that's not a worse tackle than Cameron Smith's. So, again, why is it Cameron Smith that pays the price? Is it a Melbourne thing and we will make a stand with a Melbourne player or are we going to make a stand with one of our great players in the game at the moment - the Australian captain, the Queensland captain, the Melbourne captain and the Golden Boot winner?
"But the other thing that was very smelly about the whole lot was when I saw on Wednesday morning that there was a betting market … that's a fair spread in a two-horse race. Bookmakers and betting agencies, they don't guess. They've got good information. Take that as you may. As soon as I saw that on Wednesday morning … he was thousands."
Waldron said betting agencies should not be allowed to frame markets on judiciary cases and also called on the NRL to prevent rival coaches from commenting before hearings. "It questions the integrity of our game at the core and we need some leadership to fix it," Waldron said at a lengthy and heated press conference that was attended by NRL officials, including chief operating officer Graham Annesley.

"To allow Ricky Stuart to make those comments is an absolute disgrace and a blight on the game. We need to address that, and to allow betting? This isn't a contest between the Warriors and the Storm, this is about three people under enormous pressure making a decision about someone's future in a preliminary final.
"The game has a responsibility to fix it and the people running the game need to fix it, because we are sick of it and we will fix it if someone else won't. When the pressure comes on from above, people are forced into extremely difficult situations where their integrity is questioned - and that is the reality of what has happened here."
Annesley declined to comment before an NRL review of what was said, but Sharks coach Stuart returned fire. "Brian Waldron is a flip," Stuart said. "Wally Waldron should go and learn the rules before he goes and complains about me making comments. The more that flip goes on about it, the stronger I will be about it. It's a shame for the game but the game and me didn't make the tackle - and tell that idiot Waldron the same thing."
The post-game slanging match overshadowed what happened on the field, but the Storm face a further week of judiciary woes, with Brett White on report for striking a "filthy" Ben Ross with his elbow.
Because of a previous suspension - also for striking Ross - even a grade-one striking charge would rule White out of the grand final. "I can't remember anything from the game but everyone's told me that he collected me twice," said Ross, who had a suspected broken nose and swollen eye. "I can't comment because I haven't seen it, but it f---ed my game up - so I'm pretty filthy."
Asked about the support of Bellamy and Waldron, Smith said: "They feel very strongly about what happened during the week. That's their opinion, and I'm glad they're behind me. That's my coach and my CEO so I expect them to do that."

Well finally a club willing to tell the NRL to get f**ked. You got to admire that.


Post Whore
Looking at it from a storm point of view i can see the frustration.

If they do indeed have a dvd of 300 so called grapples by other teams that went unpunished they have every right to be upset. They have evidence that supports their argument not just opinions of second rate league journos and ex players with agendas.

If there is nothing in this then why did geyer get penalised for a grapple last night ? The touchie was reacting to something else other than the tackle so what was it ? Media pressure ? Robert Finches bullsh*t posturing ?
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That 'so called ' grapple penalty on Geyer was absolutely ridiculous and it just goes to show that whats present in peoples minds they will react on. If that tackle had happened in week 1 of the finals and not week 3 NOTHING would have happened.
The Storm have to now compete against the ref and both touchies in the GF as well as an opposition team. They have copped so much 'stick' all year about this sh*t - I hope they go back to back - Won't Coach and co have something to say then!!!!!!

Walt Flanigan

Sharks coach Stuart returned fire. "Brian Waldron is a flip," Stuart said. "Wally Waldron should go and learn the rules before he goes and complains about me making comments. The more that flip goes on about it, the stronger I will be about it. It's a shame for the game but the game and me didn't make the tackle - and tell that idiot Waldron the same thing."

Onya Stick. God I hate Waldron.
Glad he came out and gave it back...the cynical spindoctoring of the NSW media along with the likes of sooky Stuart show just how much everyone wants the Storm to fail.


Cue the Bellamy is a whinger chants.
There is only so many stories before both him and the club fired back like they did last night. And as they said they wouldn't comment on it until after the game which i believe was the right thing to do. And i'm proud that they have come out and fired a few shots at the sydney media for a change. At least now we have earned a bit of the hate that is directed at us.
Best $10,000 the storm have spent in a while.


cam smith is lucky he got 2 weeks... he should have got a punch in the face for that tackle...

i dont really storm bash like the rest on here but what poor sportsmanship from the champs... instead of focussing on a wonderful win and a 3rd straight grand final they act like a bunch of kids and give the media more ammunition to throw back in there faces...

and stickys spot on... Waldron's an idiot for sure... what the hell do the Warriors have to do with this mess??


I don't understand the hate towards the storm, they don't buy the best players they just find them.

Not one club dosen't have a wrestling coach so don't get me started there, perhaps its just jealousy?


They have been in Melbourne .All melbournites have this same i hate-Sydney-chip on the shoulder seige mentality


Melbourne are subsidised by every other club in the NRL. They have no right to do anything other than kiss the ground each time they come into NSW.


Melbourne are subsidised by every other club in the NRL. They have no right to do anything other than kiss the ground each time they come into NSW.
how is that??? NSW clubs certainly dont own News Ltd...


Bellamy went as far as to say that he believed Smith's fate was sealed when he saw betting odds that had the Australian captain at $1.18 to be suspended and $4.25 to beat the grade-one contrary-conduct charge

bookmakers have manly as favourites to win the comp...if they do win then I smell a conspiracy theory.


how is that??? NSW clubs certainly dont own News Ltd...

News Ltd takes a dividend from the NRL and props up Melbourne. Essentially taking earnings from the game that should be used to boost juniors & support league in country areas and gives it to a club in a town that no-one wants or cares about. Wastes money that is needed elsewhere.


News Ltd takes a dividend from the NRL and props up Melbourne. Essentially taking earnings from the game that should be used to boost juniors & support league in country areas and gives it to a club in a town that no-one wants or cares about. Wastes money that is needed elsewhere.
what does that have to do with NSW??? youd have to wonder how much of the NRL's money is generated by NSW clubs...

if news reports are to believed there isnt much money being made by NSW clubs these days...