You're an idiot.
Firstly, let me reiterate my previous comments regarding your outright butchering of the English language. Not once have you made a post that was grammatically correct. Not once have you made a post that contained proper use of punctuation. Not once have you made a post that did not have a plethora of spelling mistakes.
You're nothing but a try-hard Gen Y bitch. You're typical of the braindead, idiotic teenyboppers (and early twenty-somethings) that are a plague on our society.
Despite the paradox this will create, I'll let WRB sum it up:
Heads up, idiot - this isn't MSN Messenger. Take the time to write properly and stop making a fool of yourself.
As for the "I wouldn't say it to your face" crap? It's simple. You're just a little teenybopper blowhard and I eat showboats like you for breakfast.
Damned straight.