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Simpson On Open Market


Oh and you missed the point about the post thing completely, you claim a clique with me and JM exists based on a couple of posts in this thread. I was outlining the fact he has barely posted this year at all, blowing your clique theory out of the water.


Nice try RBK

Are you destined for a career as a spin doctor? When your comments are read in context you directly infer Simmo has re-signed. To dodge that issue justs makes you look stupid!

Doesn't Simmo or his manager know that hes re-signed? Perhaps they should ring you?

I don't care what you think of my support and based on your definition of a "bad" supporter, perhaps just about everyone on this thread has been overwhelmingly negative over the last 5-6 week alone...including you.

I've never used my dealing with the club as leverage EVER, and I've never asked for nor accepted anything from the club.

Plus, don't try and drag the crusade into our disagreement, I've not said a single word about them, its just your sad little attempt to rally some support for yourself and to cloud the issue.

You are quick to dish it out, but you've got a glass jaw and this thread has exposed your brittleness once and for all.


Wow, we've torn down the clique theory with that forensic investigation.

As you've been so accurate with Simmo's re-signing (and Simmo, his manager, both News journalists and Fairfax journalists and the electronic media haven't) I therefore must accept your claim that no clique exists.

Perhaps you can call you source and ask them whether a clique exists on the forum?

Thank you for clearing that up.


Nuffy said:
Nice try RBK

Are you destined for a career as a spin doctor? When your comments are read in context you directly infer Simmo has re-signed. To dodge that issue justs makes you look stupid!

Doesn't Simmo or his manager know that hes re-signed? Perhaps they should ring you?

I don't care what you think of my support and based on your definition of a "bad" supporter, perhaps just about everyone on this thread has been overwhelmingly negative over the last 5-6 week alone...including you.

I've never used my dealing with the club as leverage EVER, and I've never asked for nor accepted anything from the club.

Plus, don't try and drag the crusade into our disagreement, I've not said a single word about them, its just your sad little attempt to rally some support for yourself and to cloud the issue.

You are quick to dish it out, but you've got a glass jaw and this thread has exposed your brittleness once and for all.

What the f**k are you on? I mean deadset, what the hell are you talking about? :LOL:

You do realize this is an internet forum for a game called rugby league, you're a nutjob. You don't agree with me so i'm a spin doctor.

You cannot read, it's obvious. You read my comments the wya you want to, to support your argument against me. Grow up, i know what i said and i know what i meant. You can think you do, but you don't.

I meant that you are always so willing to lay the boot in, first one to always rip into the club and players. Every single time, and you do it with such spite. My question "Who said he wasn't signed" was a pot shot at you. A pot shot at your credibility. It was about me suggesting he was signed or big noting myself - it was about you and your never ending bagging of the club when you really, as all of us don't, don't know what is going on with the club.

You're bagging the club about not signing anyone yet for all we know Mad Pup could have put pen to paper and it will be announced next week. Do you get my point?

If not, i won't lose any sleep.


And my Crusade mention was about Alex trying to suggest my views and arguments against and with some members of the forum represents the Crusade as a whole.


Thats quite a blowup, I think my work is done!

Its a nice piece of revisionism but once again comes up short.

Regarding the criticism of the club, what you don't think they deserve it in most if not all cases? Is the team going so well that they are exempt from criticism, is the club in general a model of professionalism and the benchmark for professional sport? We've been declining in every area for the last 5 years and we are expected to accept that?

Other topline clubs seem able to retain and sign players, who was our last big name signing? Reynoldson?

Why is Simpson even still on the market? Theres talk that Manly will release Kite to fit him in? Good luck to them for at least trying to make the tough calls and recruit what they need, what proactive recruitment / retention strategies have we employed over the last few years, zilch, zip, zero, nada!

Thats my point, we seem unable to do the simple things right and not voicing your disapproval by any means is culpability in that context.

Its ironic you mention Luke Mc, theres a piece in the paper saying hes off to Saints.............Saints with all their well documented salary cap issues can sign him but we're losing 5 FG's and we can't?

We've been trusting the club to correct these issues for 5 years and each year we go backwards, what do you expect to do?

I'll support the team but I won't cop the rubbish thats been tossed up over the last 5 years, I hope I'm proved wrong about Simmo and signings in general, I'd be happy to be wrong but theres nothing in the recent history of that club thats shown me that they are on top of the issues.

I hope for all our sakes I'm wrong, but you must understand that we the supporters have been let down for 5 years on a variety of issues and I'm just not willing to cut them any slack until they show me things are getting better.

On that note we should agree to disagree and get on with it.


Red and Blue Knight said:
And my Crusade mention was about Alex trying to suggest my views and arguments against and with some members of the forum represents the Crusade as a whole.
Hey - I said nothing about the Crusade!
Both RBK and Nuffy need a good old fashoined ruck to sort this one. Then afterwards have a beer and laugh about it. Seriously boys it isn't that bad.
Too true Nuffy. What a weird season eh! I was certain we were specials after the first 2 months. C'mon Smithy show us your cards mate. Brian has got to have something up his sleeve for next season. One thing is for sure he won't tolerate the performances Hagan seems to rate highly. "The best team lost", which he used following the sharks game, has to be the most arrogant thing you can say after you have been defeated. We blew a ten point lead, and why that happened is what he would have commented on.