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SMH: INU to quit NRL

sportive cupid

MarkInTheStands said:
B-Tron, to answer your question. Why does he have to do it to feel good. Well the Church he is a member of teaches adherence to the ideal in the new testament

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations..." (Matt. 28: 19-20).

Hence he is following the will of god.

Also Sportive, Kris wouldn't come back and see Jess, 1 because she is well a She and he would either be not alone or would ask a Missionary Couple (Husband and Wife on a Mission or the Heads of the local Mission) to visit so he wouldn't be tempted by her.
Well he poked his tongue out at her...that says something
B-Tron 3000 said:
First of all - to anyone complaining that the topic has moved too far away from footy - you can stop reading my post now your bores.

Then why did you cut out the bit where I explain about the emotional stresses placed upon people in the Church? Surely a religious man such as yourself would have experienced this kind of scenario? Or perhaps you haven't experienced it, but I have because I am not part of the Church and the people involved felt comfortable telling me.

How nice that they felt comfortable with you. I have heard of these experiences, but I can not say I have experienced it in my current faith. Then again my last faith drove me to depression through fear, and it was my strong will that kept me alive. Maybe you would call that harm, I will attest to this day, that the decision I made was the best one I have made in my entire life.

B-Tron 3000 said:
Your comment that it is possible to get all people thinking the same thing suggests otherwise.

My comment was not that you could get everyone thinking the same thing it was a generalisation like you have been using that for the major "organised" religions that you are rallying against there are certain rules that can be obeyed to without impediment of faith.

B-Tron 3000 said:
You have taken me out of context my friend.

I said I have/had friends who were Morman because I don't judge them by their beliefs, unlike the way religious people will judge others. And I don't. As I said before, if I met Kris or any other Morman I would be more than happy to change my mind about them all being strange people. I'm quite certain I haven't met them all.

I definitely judge their religious practice though. Absolutely, without a doubt, 100%. My whole argument has been against organised religion. I don't agree with the concept of organised religion.

Well that is nice, firstly I think you are wrong in thinking the Churches have a view against other people, I think it is against other faiths, most faiths have for the most part and isolationist elitist view that stems from the very quote I have bought to this thread that they should go out and spread the word. In every faith their word is the word above all, I am lucky my faith teaches me (and it is an organised religion BTW) that there are many paths to "Enlightenment" what ever that may be, it teaches that it is one path, but not the one "true" path and that there are many ways to reach enlightenment. Again I think you are heavily Generalising "Organised Religion" together and I think doing so incorrectly.

B-Tron 3000 said:
On top of that, any Church where people expect you to give a certain percentage of your income to them is total BS. I don't like the attitude of the Chuch of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. So there.

Well maybe we are getting more to the point of what you are really saying here.
B-Tron 3000 said:
Hence the reason people think it's silly that he has to go by 25.

I'd like to hear a Church elder say that Kris should stay and go on his mission once his career is over. I'd gain a bit of respect for them if they did that. Not too much, mind, because the decision would probably be driven by greed and what is best for the Church, rather than what is best for Kris.

Again by the time his NRL career is over, other things may have excluded him from doing this, like marriage, family, Injury. The age is not the only reason to go, or being over it the only thing that excludes a person from the 2 year mission.


u r doing a lot of generalising about religions, I know my religion which is presbyterian doesnt MAKE us give a percentage of our income to the church, if anythign we have been struggling just to pay the minister for years now. I also am not some closeminded person who is against all other religions. I respect everyones belief and I have friends that are a vary of religions and atheists in there too. Finally I have had no emoitional stress put on me by religion if anything it has helped me get through a lot of troubled times. And I have many friends that have had similar experiences. B-tron you are the one being closeminded I think here

parra pete

Kris Inu WALKS ON WATER....or should I say ....RIDES HIS BIKE ON IT.
There is more to life than football. If he chooses his religion...Ob la di ob la dah.
Don't go slashing your wrists just yet...
We thought it was the end of the world when Lyon walked. But we got over it
Players come, players go..No big deal.


MarkInTheStands said:
Then again you could ask the same question when you buy Wheat Bix. Where does the money from that eventually go?

7th day adventist church collects all the profits from Weet Bix and being a church they don't pay tax on it.


Sterling said:
good answers .... sounds like you have the brain size of a pea ... actually thats too big ....

how many bon*s you smoked today? ....

Your post is so intellectual I found it hard to understand.


Eelectrica said:
Good news, now if he signs with Manly or the dogs after his contract expires I'm going to go :crazy:

It will also be proof that God exists and he Freakin' hates us.
No, he hates the Sharks