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SMH: INU to quit NRL

eels81236 said:
but to which church? catholic? mormons? 7th day adventists? split evenly?

That would have to depend on the version of the bible bought.

eels81236 said:
As for the Wheat Bix... I cant help but think you hand picked that particular product. It couldnt be that ironic?
A public owned company would share all profits between share holders through dividends laid out according to the prospectus and business plans for that organisation.
Wheat bix are different..Wheat Bix are made by Sanitarium. Who owns Sanitarium you ask? The Seventh Day Adventists Church!!!! So 100% of the profit from every Sanitarium product including Wheat Bix goes to the Seventh Day Adventists. These are the same people who funded Lindy Chamberlain in her court case when she claimed that the infamous dingo stole her baby.(a family member was one of the lead detectives in that case and if you think that religeon and politics havnt infiltrated the legal system you are wrong. ironic again but "guilty as sin").
A side note to Sanitarium. They pay no income tax. Dont quote me on it but I think they paid the old sales taxes so they would have to pay GST. But because the church is a "charity" (wealthiest charity i know of) they are exempt from income tax.
going to look for links to back me up now.
No it was not Ironic.
Yes I know who own Sanitarium
Yes I know about the Income Tax.


The eels are a club with strong multicultural support and represent a very multicultural area of Sydney. This means we support all races and all religions, my personal beliefs are just as valid as your beliefs and never the twain will meet. From reading some of the posts here it looks like some of you are about to crack out the white bedsheets and start burning crosses in parramatta stadium.

We have to be very careful about how we treat this because if we make the decision too hard for Inu, not only will we make it less likely that he will return to the club after his mission, we will also disuede other young mormons from playing for parramatta. With the increase in the number of young polynesians playing in the code this mission issue will raise its head more often due to their strong religious beliefs.

Now lets all hold hands and sing Kum Bay Yah.


Accredited Media Releases
fish eel said:
Personally, I think Inu is a breath of fresh air.

When his current deal expires, he would be able to command a hefty price in the market place.

In an age where loyalty has gone out the window and players prostitute themselves for the highest dollar, it's good to see a kid willing to put other things above the almighty dollar.

If he chooses to do this, I hope he comes back in two years as a bargain buy and rips up the NRL.:cool:

yea i agree with this totally - especially this


Accredited Media Releases
B-Tron 3000 said:
I don't. I dislike Manly as a team and a club. I have friends who are Manly fans. Funny, because I've also had/have friends who are Morman, Christian, agnostic etc. That's because I don't judge them by some stupid notion of what they believe in, as religious people judge others.

yet your original post says that you've never met a morman that wasn't a weirdo? :crazy:

This thread is very interesting - i think that we are all quite tolerant - just with different opinions.

I only worry for anyone that holds the Parramatta Eels higher then anything else in their life, and is confused as to why others (Kris) don't do the same.
I love the footy, i live and breath for the Eels - but there are more important things in life.

This mission is Kris's...

El Diablo

Post Whore
not sure if this has been posted


Inu is staying put
July 17, 2007 10:38 AM

Forget the Jason Taylor-Michael Hagan trivia: Krisnan Inu dropped the real bombshell words on Sunday.

The gifted teenage back was quoted as saying after the 18-12 NRL win over Souths that he was considering giving rugby league away for two years.

Inu was quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald as saying he was considering going on a two-year overseas mission, as required by his Mormon religion.

''Growing up in the church, the church always comes first, then the family, then everything else,'' he told the Herald.

''I will talk to my family and friends and make a decision. They prefer that I do the mission but they leave it up to me.''

'They just advise me to do it before the age of 25, but for me I would rather do it at a young age, then come back and work on my game.''

But by Monday Inu said there was no drama and his football came first.

''I'm not thinking about it at all,'' he said. ''I don't think I'm going just yet.

''I haven't discussed it with my family. It's my decision and we'll see what happens.''

Inu said it was not certain that he would ever go, he was just concentrating on his football and added he wouldn't be going anywhere away from Parramatta next season.

The utility back, who played for New Zealand in the Anzac Day Test after just one first-grade game, said he had been hearing about his supposed mission all Monday and had reassured Parramatta he was staying.

excellent news :clap:

fish eel

dropped the bombshell on sunday?

we all seemed to know it was a possibility for a fair while before sunday.

El Diablo

Post Whore
fish eel said:
dropped the bombshell on sunday?

we all seemed to know it was a possibility for a fair while before sunday.

i think the SMH article made it sound imminent


Good news, now if he signs with Manly or the dogs after his contract expires I'm going to go :crazy:

It will also be proof that God exists and he Freakin' hates us.

Honestly though, worshiping God is great and all for people who need to, but it doesn't help pay the bills. Well not unles you're the pope or a charismatic TV evangilist.


Could he do his missionary part-time like university courses?

The club grants him the Off Season to do his missionary stuff say for 3 months / year.

Should be over in 4 years and before he turns 25!!!

The Engineers Room

First Grade
yy_cheng said:
Could he do his missionary part-time like university courses?

The club grants him the Off Season to do his missionary stuff say for 3 months / year.

Should be over in 4 years and before he turns 25!!!

I just don't think that is the way it works.


good news but he could still go in 2009

I think he is only under contract to the end of 2008 as it is and even if Kris doesn't go this year or next year it will still be something he'll consider each time the contract is up for re-newal if not earlier


Hurriflatch said:
good news but he could still go in 2009

I think he is only under contract to the end of 2008 as it is and even if Kris doesn't go this year or next year it will still be something he'll consider each time the contract is up for re-newal if not earlier
Just like he'll have rival offers from other clubs when off contract. If for some reason we couldn't re-sign him, I'd rather he signed up with God than another NRL club.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Hurriflatch said:
good news but he could still go in 2009

I think he is only under contract to the end of 2008 as it is and even if Kris doesn't go this year or next year it will still be something he'll consider each time the contract is up for re-newal if not earlier
well he said he won't be going anywhere next year

Inu said it was not certain that he would ever go, he was just concentrating on his football and added he wouldn't be going anywhere away from Parramatta next season.

The utility back, who played for New Zealand in the Anzac Day Test after just one first-grade game, said he had been hearing about his supposed mission all Monday and had reassured Parramatta he was staying.

Parra Guru

JessEel said:
yet your original post says that you've never met a morman that wasn't a weirdo? :crazy:

This thread is very interesting - i think that we are all quite tolerant - just with different opinions.

I only worry for anyone that holds the Parramatta Eels higher then anything else in their life, and is confused as to why others (Kris) don't do the same.
I love the footy, i live and breath for the Eels - but there are more important things in life.

This mission is Kris's...

Exactly, the kid doesn't owe us anything just because he happens to be good at football.

I just hope he makes the right decision for himself. And I hope he can get some impartial advice from somewhere. I'm positive that Hages will be giving him the time and support he needs with this important decision.

B-Tron 3000

First of all - to anyone complaining that the topic has moved too far away from footy - you can stop reading my post now your bores.

MarkInTheStands said:
I draw the line at all Harm
Then why did you cut out the bit where I explain about the emotional stresses placed upon people in the Church? Surely a religious man such as yourself would have experienced this kind of scenario? Or perhaps you haven't experienced it, but I have because I am not part of the Church and the people involved felt comfortable telling me.

As I have said, I am deeply Religious, yet I don't think you will find anyone who knows me saying I am Closed Minded
Your comment that it is possible to get all people thinking the same thing suggests otherwise.

Yet you are Judging their religious practise as a farce because you don't like the Idea of people doing something for a faith.
You have taken me out of context my friend.

I said I have/had friends who were Morman because I don't judge them by their beliefs, unlike the way religious people will judge others. And I don't. As I said before, if I met Kris or any other Morman I would be more than happy to change my mind about them all being strange people. I'm quite certain I haven't met them all.

I definitely judge their religious practice though. Absolutely, without a doubt, 100%. My whole argument has been against organised religion. I don't agree with the concept of organised religion.

On top of that, any Church where people expect you to give a certain percentage of your income to them is total BS. I don't like the attitude of the Chuch of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. So there.

B-Tron 3000

Originally Posted by B-Tron 3000
I don't. I dislike Manly as a team and a club. I have friends who are Manly fans. Funny, because I've also had/have friends who are Morman, Christian, agnostic etc. That's because I don't judge them by some stupid notion of what they believe in, as religious people judge others.
JessEel said:
yet your original post says that you've never met a morman that wasn't a weirdo? :crazy:

Correct. First of all - many of my friends are weirdos :lol:

Second, please notice that I wrote had/have. I no longer have friends who are Mormans. My connection to people from the Church ended some time ago. They went off overseas fro some crazy reason ;-)

And a pretty close mate was quite judgemental (and weird) towards me and my other mates. He kind of drifted away. Was always too good for us non-believers you see.

B-Tron 3000

MarkInTheStands said:
Thats the Problem here Kris's Career starts earlier and has a limited life span to other Careers, but again it is more or less a generalisation.

Hence the reason people think it's silly that he has to go by 25.

I'd like to hear a Church elder say that Kris should stay and go on his mission once his career is over. I'd gain a bit of respect for them if they did that. Not too much, mind, because the decision would probably be driven by greed and what is best for the Church, rather than what is best for Kris.

B-Tron 3000

Natalie's Daddy said:
Surely, it is his decision. If he had a wife that was dying and they had to move to America to seek treatment for a year or two then the responses may be different.

No?!?! You think?!?!

I bet if he chose to start a 25 year project of digging a tunnel to China the responses might be different too.

You tit.

B-Tron 3000

Originally Posted by RalthFilthy
I was born into my family they weren't given to me.


Gravity, someone else can get more technical for you.

That's all well and good, but the rest of us don't need this god fellow to have a positive direction in life.

:roll: and he only built it 6000 years ago, oh that's right it depends on which religion as to how long ago it was built.

Why do you feel the need to preach? we respect his decision and are in no way telling him to give up on his beliefs. Unlike you, pushing your addiction and trying to change the belief of others.

Is that a new reality tv show?

G'day Mum and Dad how are ya?
Sterling said:
good answers .... sounds like you have the brain size of a pea ... actually thats too big .... how many bon*s you smoked today? ....

I laughed my head off at that post Ralthfilthy!

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