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SMH: INU to quit NRL


think you all need to just ease up a little and be happy that we have a bloke like him at our club.

I think everyone's pretty happy he is here Jodeci -that's why the thread got so much response - no one wants to lose him, regardless of what he wants or what may be best for him!

Put it this way - would Brett Finch have got 11 pages if he mentioned he was considering leaving to go into a monastry?!!

The Engineers Room

First Grade
As long as he plays next year we may be alright as we have some promising centres coming through for 2009 and onwards. As long as he makes the decision with enough notice to let us prepare then if he returns to the NRL it is with us.


MrT said:
B-Tron, you have no idea.
Who exactly gave you your family?
Where did we all come from?
What makes the world go round?

Kris is who he is because he has God in his life. Anyone who has will know what it's like, as you have a positive direction in life.

God's the creator of Heaven and Earth and I was appalled to read some of the posts on this matter. Sorry, If I sound like I'm preaching but then again a lot of you need it BIG time.

Last thing. Do any of you know about the second coming of Jesus?
YES we will all be judged by him on Judgement day.
One day you'll meet your creator and what will you say? "Oh Why did you make Kris leave Parra" I hope not

Now i know the golden rules in life are dont discuss religeon and politics but...

Mr T do you believe the strong scientific evidence of the existence of dinosours? because the bible you speak of doesnt. Just one of the many pieces of scientific evidence that religeon ignores.
also, when a bible is sold at the local book shop, who gets the royalties. i know that the bookshop would take a cut, as would the publisher. who would get the cash as the author? if i write the book i get paid. how rich are the ancestors of the authors of the bible, especially considering its fiction?
People can believe whatever they want to believe, as you said mr t it gives you direction in life. gives you something to live for. something to hang your morals on, however warped they may be. if this direction improves the well being and life of the believer all well and good. but my GPS system in my car gives me the so called best directions but that also sends me down dead end streets at times.
the catholic church is perhaps the wealthiest organisation in the world... perhaps they could spend some of the cash fixing some of the things that the all powerful god stuffed up, like my best mates sons cancer. perhaps our players could spend less time at ronald mcdonald house.
im sorry but when i see bailey go through chaemotherapy i know that there is no god.
eels81236 said:
like my best mates sons cancer. perhaps our players could spend less time at ronald mcdonald house.
im sorry but when i see bailey go through chaemotherapy i know that there is no god.

I am sorry to hear about that mate.

Some of us might see it different.

1) God isn't the all happy shining light he is made out to be in the New Testament.

2) God will not do for man, what Man must do for him self. - Homer's Odyssey.

fish eel

eels81236 said:
Now i know the golden rules in life are dont discuss religeon and politics but...

Mr T do you believe the strong scientific evidence of the existence of dinosours? because the bible you speak of doesnt. Just one of the many pieces of scientific evidence that religeon ignores.
also, when a bible is sold at the local book shop, who gets the royalties. i know that the bookshop would take a cut, as would the publisher. who would get the cash as the author? if i write the book i get paid. how rich are the ancestors of the authors of the bible, especially considering its fiction?
People can believe whatever they want to believe, as you said mr t it gives you direction in life. gives you something to live for. something to hang your morals on, however warped they may be. if this direction improves the well being and life of the believer all well and good. but my GPS system in my car gives me the so called best directions but that also sends me down dead end streets at times.
the catholic church is perhaps the wealthiest organisation in the world... perhaps they could spend some of the cash fixing some of the things that the all powerful god stuffed up, like my best mates sons cancer. perhaps our players could spend less time at ronald mcdonald house.
im sorry but when i see bailey go through chaemotherapy i know that there is no god.

I'm pretty sure the ancestors of matthew mark luke and john get any royalties, because copyright law has a timelimit on it. I dont think it's applicable to work written 2000 years ago.
fish eel said:
I'm pretty sure the ancestors of matthew mark luke and john get any royalties, because copyright law has a timelimit on it. I dont think it's applicable to work written 2000 years ago.

Actually it is 1675 or so years. The Council of Nicaea was in 325.

And it is a combination, but to completely answer that. The Profits go back to the Church.

Then again you could ask the same question when you buy Wheat Bix. Where does the money from that eventually go?

fish eel

MarkInTheStands said:
Actually it is 1675 or so years. The Council of Nicaea was in 325.

I think we can round up ;-)

Then again you could ask the same question when you buy Wheat Bix. Where does the money from that eventually go?

Tim Cahill and Brett Lee? :sarcasm:


MarkInTheStands said:
So it doesn't impose on their career

Ok I'm not going to get into this religious debate here as it seems there is enough of that happening already, but isn't the reason we are all discussing this because this mission will impose on his career? After all he is a professional rugby league player who will have to take 2 years out of a possible lucrative career for the church. Now i'm not saying that he should or shouldn't go, that is Kris's decision and noone elses but putting an age restriction so to speak on doing these things wouldn't exactly be unimposing(if that is actually a word) in my eyes


MarkInTheStands said:
1) God isn't the all happy shining light he is made out to be in the New Testament.

2) God will not do for man, what Man must do for him self. - Homer's Odyssey.
LMFAO, sums it all up for me, theology and mythology
hybrideel said:
Ok I'm not going to get into this religious debate here as it seems there is enough of that happening already, but isn't the reason we are all discussing this because this mission will impose on his career? After all he is a professional rugby league player who will have to take 2 years out of a possible lucrative career for the church. Now i'm not saying that he should or shouldn't go, that is Kris's decision and noone elses but putting an age restriction so to speak on doing these things wouldn't exactly be unimposing(if that is actually a word) in my eyes

Thats the Problem here Kris's Career starts earlier and has a limited life span to other Careers, but again it is more or less a generalisation.


MarkInTheStands said:
Actually it is 1675 or so years. The Council of Nicaea was in 325.

And it is a combination, but to completely answer that. The Profits go back to the Church.

Then again you could ask the same question when you buy Wheat Bix. Where does the money from that eventually go?

but to which church? catholic? mormons? 7th day adventists? split evenly?

As for the Wheat Bix... I cant help but think you hand picked that particular product. It couldnt be that ironic?
A public owned company would share all profits between share holders through dividends laid out according to the prospectus and business plans for that organisation.
Wheat bix are different..Wheat Bix are made by Sanitarium. Who owns Sanitarium you ask? The Seventh Day Adventists Church!!!! So 100% of the profit from every Sanitarium product including Wheat Bix goes to the Seventh Day Adventists. These are the same people who funded Lindy Chamberlain in her court case when she claimed that the infamous dingo stole her baby.(a family member was one of the lead detectives in that case and if you think that religeon and politics havnt infiltrated the legal system you are wrong. ironic again but "guilty as sin").
A side note to Sanitarium. They pay no income tax. Dont quote me on it but I think they paid the old sales taxes so they would have to pay GST. But because the church is a "charity" (wealthiest charity i know of) they are exempt from income tax.
going to look for links to back me up now.


RalthFilthy said:
I was born into my family they weren't given to me.


Gravity, someone else can get more technical for you.

That's all well and good, but the rest of us don't need this god fellow to have a positive direction in life.

:roll: and he only built it 6000 years ago, oh that's right it depends on which religion as to how long ago it was built.

Why do you feel the need to preach? we respect his decision and are in no way telling him to give up on his beliefs. Unlike you, pushing your addiction and trying to change the belief of others.

Is that a new reality tv show?

G'day Mum and Dad how are ya?

good answers .... sounds like you have the brain size of a pea ... actually thats too big ....

how many bon*s you smoked today? ....


Agent Mulder said:
Bloody hell, You have to be kidding right? So we are losing yet another good centre?
Looks like it.
Probably better for us that we lose him when he signs a $0 contract to play for God for 2 years instead of a large contract to play for Manly for 2 years or more.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Eelectrica said:
Looks like it.
Probably better for us that we lose him when he signs a $0 contract to play for God for 2 years instead of a large contract to play for Manly for 2 years or more.

nothings been confirmed yet, I'm still expecting him to turn out next year and start his mission at the start of 09.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
JOB 3:14 said:
I can't believe how this thread has ended up.

The Weetbix part or the religion is stupid part?

Surely, it is his decision. If we had a wife that was dying and they had to move to America to seek treatment for a year or two then the responses may be different.

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