Anything to reopen the case that should have jailed at least half a dozen people.
Bigfella, am not saying anything else.
I only have 3rd party his-story/her-story, no 1st party to 1st party factual evidence but I will say that anyone using their brain can clearly see from the discovery that the "time circumstances" incriminates quite a few arseholes.
Some who visit here occasionally or not know who are the News Limited/NRL culprits behind this scam.
There is no doubt that a major cover up was instigated.
The legal system is also seriously compromised so unless this is sorted out justice will remain as JustUs, here is another example of many
Peter Markan Lodged In Queensland Supreme Court
A Case Against The Bar Association of Queensland
Case No 928/13.
18th March 2013
In a rushed email received from Peter yesterday it says....
Since that mafia organisation masquerading as a legitimate outfit is openly protecting antisocial, criminal conduct; shows contemptuous attitude and predatory means when dealing with other members of the community and encouraging disrespect for the ' law ' -
I am asking the court also:
- to declare Bar Association of Queensland as criminal organisation and to disband it,
- to declare those people as ' not fit and proper ' of holding any position in Queensland requiring trustworthiness
and honesty and to issue the order prohibiting those people from applying or holding such positions in Queensland .
BAQ is registered as a commercial organisation - ABN 78 009 717 739 , therefore they should be subject to the same laws as any other Australian company .
05.03.2013 - BAQ applied to court ' to have the claim struck ' as disclosing ' no reasonable cause of action '.
14.03.2013 the judge Ms Philippides declared at the start of the hearing that she is a ' judicial member ' of ' Bar Association of Queensland ' and therefore, due to the conflict of interest, she is disqualifying herself from hearing the case.
Ms Roslyn G Atkinson volunteered to be an ' impartial arbiter ' as she is not a ' judicial member ' of ' BAQ ' .
Ms Atkinson is known to me: and
and I lodged formal application to court to disqualify her.
04.04.2013 - To reduce public awareness the matter has not been listed neither on official court web list, newspaper nor even in court itself . Quite quickly Mr De Jersey determined that it will be up to Ms Atkinson to decide if she wants to disqualify herself during the next court hearing RUN BY HER - to consider my application to disqualify her .
No , this is not a joke - this is how this rotten and corrupt anglo system operates.
Since my formal court application is clearly directed against her she will be playing both roles - the defendant and the judge ! The show will be on 17 or 18 of April. (not in kindergarten but SUPREME COURT OF QUEENSLAND)