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Soft players


yeh tahu is made of tofu i agree. tyran smith looks like a man up for a good hit.

you'd like to say the sydney rorters guys are soft but im amazed at just how strong craig wing is.
payten and nick graham .. wastes of space

ricketson .. does he ever hit it up or is he ever first man into a tackle

the hair bears from penrith .. when the going is tough they go missing for their side


Tahu made of tofu?? lol :lol:

Could the Eels defence GET any worse next season??...Well - looks like it just DID!!!...And with no Gidley inside him to feed off in attack!?...Oh dear, oh dear, oh DEAR!!! :clap:


Vicious wrote:
Tony Grimaldi-What is this bloke doing in the side.He`s a constant weak link for the Bulldogs.All he does is get in the way of backline movements.


His main job is to DEFEND - which he does admirably, being by far & away our top tackler this season & last...not attack!

I sure as hell don't remember him getting in the way anyway!...But this thread is about TOUGHNESS in abny case - and there is NO doubt whatsoever amongst Dogs fans if nobody else - that though certainly not flashy, or headline-grabbing - Grimmers is one tough customer!

A very puzzling post indeed Vicious!?!...Please elaborate if u can
Most of the Bulldogs players hit hard in defense.You can feel the sense of relief when opposing players are tackled by Grimaldi.Very rarely does he hit with his shoulder.When running the ball all he ever does is jink and weave.Again this is much needed relief for opposing players who have to deal with most other Bulldogs players running hard and aggressive each time they recieve the ball.

Red Bear

HaHa, Dog - E calls Morrison soft yet defends Grimaldi? Grimaldi is a good playewr but Morrisen shit on him. He was taked off in a neck brace earlier this year in a horrible injury and now he's backl out there when people said he was gone for the season. Morrison is a top player.

Clinton is soift IMO. Martin Lang hits it up way harder than him and is harder to stop.

Chris f**ken Walker is soft.

I also agree about Dane Carlaw.


Hmmm, well you see what you see - and you're welcome to your opinion of course!

But as far as I'm concerned, he is one of the few true 80 minute a week forwards left in the game - and a vital, hard-working cog in the smooth operation of our current outfit...You will hear NO complaints about Grimaldi, the sheer amount of work he does and how he goes about doing it from me...or 99% of Doggies supprorters! 8)


GoTheBears said:
HaHa, Dog - E calls Morrison soft yet defends Grimaldi? Grimaldi is a good playewr but Morrisen sh*t on him. He was taked off in a neck brace earlier this year in a horrible injury and now he's backl out there when people said he was gone for the season. Morrison is a top player.

Don't care - Don't rate him anywhere NEAR the hype, and again - wouldn't want to see him in Blue 'n White!

Murray wants to moan about how he doesn't make the Blues side?....Well he can get in line behind Mason/Ryan/Fitzgibbon/Hindmarsh - just for a start!!

I'm mostly just judging him on outward appearances - which may be unfair - but the way the big Mary LOOKS just offends my poor eyes greatly - but I've admitted all of that above at least!!....Anyways - bottom line is I'm just GLAD he doesn't play for MY team!....And that's about as simply as I can put it!


morrison aint soft.

woolynuts and olympic springboard diving champ mark ( wheres my mummy) mclindon are.


Maybe not.

But apart from Jason Cayless & Nathan Hindmarsh - I can't think of a more f@&#ed up looking player hairstyle & appearance-wise right now!! :lol:


Give me Morrison over Mason to play in my club side any day!!! For more reasons than i care to explain......


First Grade
ozbash said:
morrison aint soft.

woolynuts and olympic springboard diving champ mark ( wheres my mummy) mclindon are.

We'll agree to disagree on McLinden (playing with a broken jaw comes to mind) but you are deadset kidding about Woolford.

He's been injured for most of the year and he's played through it.

He hasn't been dummy half running as much because he's being relied on to try and be a playmaker as well (due to the ineffectiveness of our halves this year).

You can say he's a whinger or whatever you want but he is NOT soft.


PB said:
Give me Morrison over Mason to play in my club side any day!!! For more reasons than i care to explain......

Excellent - Keep him!...>and we'll do likewise with mason and be VERY happy with that!! 8)

And we'll let the NSW & Australian selectors do the rest, shall we!?? 8)


I don't give a brass razue what the aussie selectors do, I care about what the players do. And i would burn my Parramatta jumper if i ever saw Mason in one.

The only time Mason sees the other forwards on a football field, is when he sticks his head up the back side of one of his chums ina scrum, the rest of the time the soft arse is running at halves, you know the smaller guys on a football field....


salivor said:
Well if I had to nominate one player from my team it would probably be Karmichael Hunt. I don't necessarily think he's soft as such but more scared after some of the special attention he has recieved this year. Quite often he shields his head when going down in a tackle and also needs to commit more on defence but nothing out of the norm for a 17 year old being thrust into first grade rugby league.

A pointless thread IMO, though I won't be arrogant enough to call a current NRL 1st grade player "soft", I will go into bat for Brisbane's Karmichael Hunt.

Scared ? Protecting your HEAD in a game of Rugby League in some avenues would be seen as smart not an action seen as a result of being "scared" :roll:

Your right, Hunt has copped 'special attention' from rival clubs this season such has been has impact on the NRL competition, but the above is ridiculous. Being one who watches each and every Bronco game yearly, I will say with 100% confidence that this nomination is indeed fiction.

I will ask you to cast your mind back to the Bronco v Bulldog game where Brisbane were on the wrong end of the scoreline @ Suncorp Stadium. As well as being our best player that afternoon, look to the 2nd half where the only player in between Sonny_Bill Williams and the tryline was Hunt and you tell me he could of committed more when he pulled him down solo with Williams at about top flight.

Hunt has continuously been been belted every one or team games, fair tackles the majority of the time, and whilst at times he has been slow to get straight back to his feet, he has never once left the field due to injury.

You could also look to the 'committment' (there's that word again) that Hunt has displayed under the highball this season which one factor all fullbacks skills and courage are tested...he dropped no more than 2 all season was my last stat.


KimmorleyKiller said:
morison is dead set SOFT!

ne1 who thinks otherwise didnt see cows play melbourne

To call a player who earlier this year was wearing a body brace struggling to even hold his new baby girl after being told he would not play again this season perhaps never again SOFT after playing really well against the physical Doggies pack !...shame on all who nominated Glen Morrison. An absolute joke. :roll:


U mean like the 4 & 5 Cowboys he carried with him for 1--20 metres every hit-up the other night??

All backs were they??..OK - I stand corrcted then!! :lol:

I never seen Morrison do THAT for example!...All I see Morrison do is tackle - and that's about it....A well-trained monkey could do that!


Sorry perhaps i was refering to the incident where he tried to punch Myles (a 5/8th), but did nothing more than manage to shoe a few annoying mosquitos which were flying around his face!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: No wonder the bloke does runners from cabs. if he stood and took on a 55 year old cab driver, he would probably gets his lights punched out!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Sorry perhaps i was refering to the incident where he tried to punch Myles (a 5/8th), but did nothing more than manage to shoe a few annoying mosquitos which were flying around his face!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: No wonder the bloke does runners from cabs. if he stood and took on a 55 year old cab driver, he would probably gets his lights punched out!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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