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Some players knew


They may be able to stiff Deloitte, but I am guessing in the very near future there is one organisation that may ask for just a small "pleaso explaino" and denying to turn up to your hearing there is not in your best interests.



The test is more would a person of sound mind be reasonably able to attest that in a normal situation signing multiple versions of the same contract simply with different stipulated pay amounts, two of which he knows he will not receive one of which he will, is whether it is reasonable to assume he/she knows is being deceptive and/or misleading. There would be some kind of onus on the player to challenge why two invalid contracts are being submitted, and I think its reasonable to assume that he knows two are being used to mislead.

If it's proven this is the case that they did sign three versions of player contracts at the same time, I doubt they would have too much of a leg to stand on. If this story is correct, and this is what happened, then the next few months will be very interesting. Deregistration by the NRL if this is the case is probably inevitable, how far further it goes will be difficult to say, but I'd suggest the above is more the test of whether the players were complicit in fraudulent activities.

It seems interesting that the weekend this particular article comes out, Cameron Smith on a Friday Night game says to the referee that basically they have nothing left to lose. I wonder whether the advent of what was coming in the press caused this boilover from him.

I've read what you've said about ten times now, and yes what you've said is more legally correct than what I said. The plaintiff, by producing the evidence of the three contracts, has already fulfilled their legal obligation, this transfers the onus to the defendant. That one, like I said, is a question of fact, so there's no arguing that one by Smith. It's then up to Smith to argue otherwise - so maybe deception: "Waldron told me the other one was incorrect"..but..hmmm..come to think of it, it isn't as simple as my first thoughts..if this goes further, Smith may be in a bit of trouble...

So yeah, disregard what I said before - Iafeta has it right :p


Well they better not know, Storm fans everywhere are defending them and they've said they knew nothing.
ATM, for me, even though all these reports are pointing all one way, I'm still sticking by the players because of Bellamys speech and the claims they didn't know. That's good enough for me so they better not be lying.


Well they better not know, Storm fans everywhere are defending them and they've said they knew nothing.
ATM, for me, even though all these reports are pointing all one way, I'm still sticking by the players because of Bellamys speech and the claims they didn't know. That's good enough for me so they better not be lying.

You are a very trusting person stormbati, it is a shame there aren't more people like you in the world in that regard, people willing to take other people at face value.
Unfortunately the world is also full of lying sh*theads mate.
Therefore the trusting people like yourself get taken for one hell of a ride on the bullsh*t machine every now and then, hence why most of the world has an apprehension to the "word" of others.

You said "its good enough for you so they better not be lying".
Without sound like a prick mate, they probably are.
Bellamys speech is not something to be brought up as a guarantee, his lack of apology (for how long now?) is a worry and the continual unearthing of evidence might just mean a few people get hauled before the mob in the picture above your post.


tbh i think the player managers need to be held accountable for this. They are the ones trying to get the maximum dollar for the players and are meant to be acting in there best interests...as far as i'm aware sometimes the player doesn't really know the exact details of the contract, just the amount but not exactly what has been negotiated. The players managers surely would have known about this and they are being paid by the players to act responsibly. All player managers involved should have there license taken off them IMO

Probably only sensible post in this thread.

Having said that I think some players knew about the rorting..


Trying to blame only the managers is a cop out. If players knew (and IMO they did) then they deserve just as much stick. If your accountant does the dodgy and you know about it (hell, even if you dont!) then you don't just get a free pass from the ATO ffs.


First Grade
So if we are going to blame the player managers, then that means Cam is sanctioned as well?

If the player managers are de-registered, does Cam get the same treatment? Having solely negotiated his most recent contracts with Melbourne?


First Grade

Heard him on Melbourne radio a few times now and he's made quite a few statements that havent turned out to be true, but he does like to throw sh*t out there and hopes it sticks. If you ask me this is a payback for the leak to the SMH the other day saying NEWS was on the back-foot in regards to the meeting they had.


First Grade
E-mails are pretty black & white El, if they said anything earth shattering Id think theyd have been released and that person been named. But like I said, Baxter is full of it.

El Diablo

Post Whore
E-mails are pretty black & white El, if they said anything earth shattering Id think theyd have been released and that person been named. But like I said, Baxter is full of it.

it will all come out. it is not completed http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/n...hed-up-the-cream/story-e6frfgbo-1225876205080

Investigators looking at the Storm rorts scandal are now looking at a chain of emails initiated by one club official that specifically referred to a range of ways in which players could be "paid" outside the salary cap.

As the investigation into the scandal rolls towards completion, Storm players have vowed they are as tight as ever and will maintain focused on winning games.


Look - this will all come out in the wash once this (hopefully) thorough investigation is complete.

However, for people to cling to leaked tidbits either from Greg Baxter or News Limited-owned publications is pretty stupid and does nothing else other than prove people on this site are easily led and have a distint inability to think for themselves.

It's pretty clear they (News) launched a major offensive to cast the Storm - the directors, current administration and the players - in a poor light from the moment the legal challenge kicked off.

I would prefer News stayed out of this with dignified silence until it completed - however, nothing about News Limited is dignified. They've come out with both barrels blazing, and Greg Baxter has basically been let off his leesh to do what he does best.

If the Storm players knew, and the investigation proves that - then fair enough. Storm fans will be gutted no doubt about it.

However, at the end of the day, they aren't the ones signing off the statutory declarations confirming the money is within the cap. The people who did that are the ones to blame of the highest order.