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Something which won't get mentioned on tv..


First Grade
I don't see a reason for Elliott to come out and spout lies for no reason. This has to be true.


As if he would say if it wasn't true.

I reckon he's been threatened big time by the head honchos of the club and the AFL since his relevations.

That's where it will end. The media will let it end there too.

No more digging.

El Diablo

Post Whore

An open letter from Kate to John Elliott
Article from: Herald Sun

June 24, 2009 12:00am

Dear Mr Elliott,

I read with much interest the comments you made on Sunday regarding allegations of rape made against players of the Carlton Football Club during the time that you were president.

The Sunday Herald Sun reported that the football club had concerns one woman might be telling the truth and that she had also accepted hush money.

I assume that I am that "one woman" you were referring to, as my case was the only one to have reached the public domain.

First, can I remind you of the fact that no, I never once accepted any so-called "hush money" - and you know that.

You would also know that not once did I ask anyone for any amount of money, nor was I offered any.

If any amount, no matter how great, had indeed been offered we both know that I would have flatly rejected it, as financial compensation would have never effected any amount of healing from the psychological pain and trauma I experienced.

When you spoke of the various rape allegations, you were quoted as saying; "Of the four or five, there was one that we were worried about, the others we knew were not true or we were told by the players they weren't true."

How am I to interpret this comment? To what extent were you "worried about" my case? Am I to assume that you lost sleep over it? Because I certainly did.

I would like for you to understand the details of my suffering directly related to that event.

For a start, I have experienced long-term depression and anxiety - this has greatly affected my ability to work, my ability to develop and maintain social and personal relationships, and my ability to enjoy any quality of life.

Indeed, my whole outlook on the world and other people has been tarnished . . . possibly forever. I wish you could see the tears running down my face as I write this, Mr Elliott.

Ever since you made those comments last week, I have been unable to sleep or even eat properly. You have re-opened some very painful wounds, Mr Elliott.

If you harbour any shred of concern as to how I was treated by the Carlton Football Club, I ask you first to carefully consider the comments you might make in a public domain.

I also implore you to divulge any further information that you have regarding the events of my case. Maybe that way I can sleep at night.

Finally, you were also quoted as saying that "there's some very ordinary people out there".

Indeed there are, Mr Elliott. Indeed there are.

Sincerely, Kate

and someone posted that Mike Gibson and co laughed this off?

f**king scumbags
When will AFL sponsors such as Telstra and Aussie Home Loans issue grave statements that they're "concerned" and will be reviewing their backing of the code unless it cleans up its act? When will Hyundai end its sponsorship of Carlton over this terrible affair? When will schools in Victoria say they're thinking of stopping contact with AFL players and not allowing the game to be played because of this dark culture of abuse of women? When will Kevin Rudd and Nathan Rees jump on the bandwagon and condemn the AFL culture? When will Fairfax, News Limited and Four Corners go to town for weeks on end over allegations that are years old, re-opening old wounds for victims, destroying careers, and destabilising families?

When hell freezes over.


Waiting for a Les Murray rant on this subject, drawing on his vast knowledge of AFL culture.

Sir Biffo

That letter from that woman makes me absolutely sick.

Matthew Johns was crucified for having consensual sex with a woman and ruining her life.

Some lowlifes from Carlton have allegedly has unconsensual sex with this woman, and it gets laughed off a sports program. Paul Vautin was condemned for saying "Well said" at the end of Matthew Johns' apology for having consensual sex.

Absolutely sickening.

AFL 'powerless' to chase Elliott claim

Samantha Lane | June 24, 2009

THE AFL will not investigate the alleged cover-up of up to five rapes involving former Carlton footballers, but it has reiterated that it welcomed any victims coming forward.
Despite John Elliott's claims that the Blues paid at least four women $5000 each to prevent them from airing their grievances during the 1980s and 1990s, the league said it would not issue punishments retrospectively for such matters.
Chief executives of the day at Carlton, Ian Collins and Stephen Gough, dismissed Elliott's claims when contacted by The Age this week, and yesterday the AFL said its rules on hush money payments did not extend to cases that occurred before it formed a policy.
"The AFL doesn't intend to speak to John Elliott because we don't have retrospective power," league spokesman Patrick Keane told The Age.
"Andrew (Demetriou) said several years ago that he encouraged any person to come forward if they had a complaint and we would refer them to the appropriate support and the authorities who can deal with their complaint.
"That still applies, if any person wished to come to us with a complaint, that we would assist them in dealing with the appropriate authorities."
AFL chief Andrew Demetriou is yet to comment on the issue and did not return calls yesterday.
The AFL introduced a Personal Conduct Policy this year that deals specifically with the matter of paying victims of crime. Under the rules, clubs must notify the league of any such activity and cases would be referred to the AFL Commission or the AFL Tribunal.
When contacted by The Age yesterday Elliott said he had nothing more to say on the matter.
He first made his claims at a charity debate in Tasmania last week and then expanded on them in a weekend newspaper.
Elliott has said the "early '90s" was a problem period at the Blues in relation to player misconduct.
On his Monday night football show on Channel 31 Elliott was urged by former Carlton players Anthony Koutoufides and Jimmy Buckley, co-panellists on the program, to name the players the club had allegedly protected. Elliott declined.
Carlton president Stephen Kernahan, who was club captain from 1987-'97, did not return calls yesterday and club communications manager Ian Coutts said Kernahan had no comment to make on the matter.
Three AFL players — Sydney's Michael O'Loughlin, former Sydney/Port Adelaide/Brisbane player Adam Heuskes and Port Adelaide's Peter Burgoyne — contributed to a payment of about $200,000 to a woman over an alleged sexual assault in 2000. Police charged Heuskes and Burgoyne with rape but charges were dropped by Director of Public Prosecutions Paul Rofe, QC, who said there was "no reasonable prospect of conviction on any criminal charge".
At the time, Sydney chairman Richard Colless confirmed knowledge of the payment and said: "The Sydney Swans did not contribute to any such payment — and nor would it in any circumstances."
The AFL distanced itself from the settlement. It said at the time that it was not party to the payment and unaware of the full details.
In 2002, North Melbourne negotiated a $15,000 settlement with a woman who claimed to have been sexually harassed by former players Anthony Rock and Wayne Carey at a party in 1995. At the time former North chief executive Greg Miller confirmed that the settlement was negotiated and that a confidentiality agreement was signed.
In December 2004 the AFL proposed appointing a sexual complaints officer and introducing a new code of conduct. In November 2005 the Respect and Responsibility Policy was written.


Gee the culture of spin, denial and cover-up in the AFL is strong. Whatever the criticism of David Gallop at least he takes a strong, unequivocal stand on these sorts of things. Yet the NRL never gets credit for this.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Alleged rape victim demands John Elliot name footy players
Article from: Herald Sun

Michael Warner

June 24, 2009 12:00am

UPDATE 10.44am: ANDREW Demetriou knew in 2004 of rape claims against a Carlton player, as John Elliott ignored the victim's pleas.

The woman who claims she was raped by a Carlton footballer has called on John Elliott to help her.

"Kate" said AFL officials, including current AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou (then CEO of the AFL Players Association) and former AFL boss Wayne Jackson, had also failed to help.

Mr Demetriou, speaking on ABC 774 this morning, said the father of the woman wrote to the AFL in 2004 about the case, and it had referred her to the Police Ombudsman.

But Kate says her father wrote to Mr Demetriou as early as 2000, while he was the head of the AFL Players Association - complaining about the way the police and the club had handled the case.

Police have since apologised for botching the case.

“Police said they didn’t handle it well and we’ve got enormous sympathy for the woman,” Mr Demeteriou said today.

But asked whether the AFL had any obligation to investigate the women’s claims, Mr Demetriou fended off the question.

“There was always scuttlebutt going on … that those sorts of activities had occurred. I’ve got no evidence … other than hearsay.

“What I can say is that in 2004, I said that if any woman had any allegations against anyone involved in football they should come forward.

"And if they came forward they would be treated on a confidential basis, and directed to the appropriate authorities so their matters could be investigated. And that’s exactly what happened.”

Mr Demetriou said today many involved in the Carlton football club were “perplexed” by Mr Elliott’s comments, and said any culture of violence against women was “abhorrent”.

Kate, who alleges she was raped at a party after Carlton's 1999 Grand Final loss, says the former Blues boss must tell police everything he knows.

Mr Elliott revealed last week that Carlton had paid thousands of dollars to four or five women he claims falsely complained they were raped by players.

But he admitted the club had concerns one of the women was telling the truth - a confession Kate believes referred to her.

"Rape is rape and I've been fighting for justice since 1999," Kate said yesterday.

"I hope Victoria Police have taken notice of Mr Elliott's statement and ask some very serious questions.

"If you know something, Mr Elliott, please come forward. If you are talking about me, please help me and do what is right."

But Mr Elliott told the Herald Sun he had no interest in helping her.

"She said what? I have no idea and I'm not interested. The story has got totally out of hand. I'm really not interested at all," he said.

At least three other high-profile Carlton players are believed to have been present at the time of the alleged assault at a northern suburbs home.

She said she had consensual sex with one player but later woke up to find another raping her.

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Simon Overland, then an assistant commissioner, later admitted detectives had botched the case.

A damning Ombudsman's report found that police had failed to take DNA tests or interview key witnesses.

Mr Overland said there had been an "almost total failure" by investigators on the case and apologised to the woman.

Kate said whenever a Carlton match was shown on TV she suffered psychologically.

Today, Mr Demetriou said Elliott’s latest comments confirmed the need for the AFL’s respect and responsibility program, which confronted the football community with the realities of sex assault.

“If that sort of activity was going on, all the more reason to make sure we found that abhorrent, and to introduce a policy that would outlaw that sort of behaviour, and would educate everyone in the industry as to why we found sexual assaults against women offensive and intolerable.:

Says he has “no doubt” AFL footballers now look at the issue of sexual assault very differently.

He said the respect and responsibility program had been very carefully prepared in cooperation with Melbourne University, State Government Committee, Victoria Police, and a former police veteran specialising in sexual violence.

Attorney-General Rob Hulls launched a scathing attack on Mr Elliott in Parliament, calling for attitudes on sexual violence against women to change.

"It's totally inappropriate for a former AFL president to think its funny or clever, to be virtually boasting about keeping potential sexual assault matters out of the media by declaring: 'We'd pay the sheilas off and wouldn't hear another word'."

Mr Elliott, who was Carlton president from 1982 until 2002, made the hush money claims while speaking at a charity event in Hobart.

Former Blues CEOs Ian Collins (1981-93) and Stephen Gough (1994-99) have since denied Mr Elliott's claims.

with Matthew Schulz

so now the CEO was involved in the poor treatment of this woman

the story has not got a mention on any TV i've seen so the media are doing their usual AFL cover up


I'll be absolutely blown away if any of those spineless tools that call themselves afl journos tries to run with this story in any form other than the fact that no-one wants to comment.

Get Kate in, expose the piss poor police efforts that were apparently the reason for the lack of evidence and name the scum bags who did it, surely that will sell a few papers you f**king parasites.

El Diablo

Post Whore
this was a bit on the case


Police bungled woman's sex assault claim
By Selma Milovanovic
February 11, 2005

Two police could face disciplinary action after an Ombudsman's report damned a bungled investigation into a woman's claims that former Carlton footballer Heath Culpitt sexually assaulted her more than five years ago.

Assistant Commissioner Simon Overland yesterday offered his personal apology to the former stripper over the "almost total systems failure", but assured other women pursuing similar claims against footballers that the mistakes in this case were isolated.

The Ombudsman found last month that police failed to conduct their investigation in an adequate and timely manner.

A spokeswoman for the Ombudsman confirmed that the report found "serious deficiencies" in the police investigation. But she would not confirm that the suspect's DNA was not taken; that a tape of his police interview was lost; and that the woman's calls to police were ignored for years.

The woman's allegations last year sparked an internal police review of up to 17 other complaints against professional footballers. While its final report is due in the coming weeks, Mr Overland said preliminary advice indicated police had dealt with the matters adequately.

Mr Overland admitted that while most police were not reluctant to investigate famous people, he could not discount the possibility that some officers "wouldn't be intimidated or wouldn't have other reasons for perhaps not pursuing allegations against high-profile people as vigorously as they might".

The spokeswoman for the Ombudsman said the Ombudsman recommended disciplinary action be taken against three police officers. One has since left the force. Mr Overland confirmed the two remaining officers could

face internal disciplinary measures after an Ethical Standards Department investigation.

"I think it's really a failure of our system, almost a total failure," Mr Overland said.

"The matter just simply didn't progress for a number of years."

The woman, "Kate", said in the media last year that she considered contacting the Ombudsman after Victoria Police almost ignored her allegations that Culpitt sexually assaulted her in late September 1999 - three days after the Kangaroos beat the Blues in the AFL grand final.

The Ombudsman's office contacted her first, while the sexual crimes squad picked up the original investigation, which is now close to being completed.

Kate, who was a stripper at the time, claims she was sexually assaulted at a house party to which she went with some Carlton footballers she had met at the Crown Casino complex.

She claims she first had consensual sex with former Carlton footballer Brad Pearce, now 33, and went to sleep. She awoke while Culpitt, now 26, was sexually assaulting her.

While the Ombudsman's report has not been publicly released, a leaked copy found that police failed to get statements from witnesses immediately after the alleged event. The crime scene was not properly examined and some players present were not interviewed until 2004.

The Ombudsman also criticised the force for ignoring the woman's repeated phone calls for an update on her case.

Mr Overland said that while he could not apologise on behalf of Victoria Police, "I don't think we did a good enough job and for that, personally, I'm sorry."

"Kate" yesterday told Radio 3AW she was angry when the police continued to ignore her calls after she had reported the matter.

"At the start I didn't say too much because I wasn't sure how it all worked... But then when it got to the point of years down the track, I was getting very frustrated," she said.

She said she believed police did not take her seriously because she was a stripper and the accused was a footballer.

Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon and the Office of Women's Policy have established the Statewide Steering Committee to Reduce Sexual Assault.

Last year, a Victorian Law Reform Commission recommended major changes to how courts treat rape and sexual assault victims.

Opposition police spokesman Kim Wells urged the Government to review procedures.

Police Minister Tim Holding would not comment.

- with Farrah Tomazin, Orietta Guerrera

other name from here http://www.realfooty.com.au/news/rfnews/elliotts-claim-denied/2009/06/22/1245522784901.html

Former Blues player Heath Culpitt was accused by a woman of sexually assaulting her three days after Carlton lost the 1999 grand final, although an ombudsman's report later found police had bungled the investigation. Culpitt was never charged over the matter.

The woman, who was a stripper at the time, claimed she had consensual sex with former Carlton forward Brad Pearce but, after falling asleep, claimed she awoke to Culpitt sexually assaulting her.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Im not ballsy enough, but I think there is enough evidence here to really get people interested. There are too many things here that indicate an AFL cover up.

Perhaps we should take a leaf out of Irans book and post things on YouTube.
Seems the police are at least interested in the Carlton matter again ...doubt anything will come of it with the passing of time, loss of potential evidence etc

Carlton football executives to be questioned over rape claims

By Michael Warner and Anthony Dowsley
Herald Sun
June 26, 2009 12:01am

THE Carlton AFL football club rape investigation has widened with other senior executives from John Elliott's 20-year reign at the club to be questioned.
Sexual Crimes Squad detectives, who yesterday interviewed Mr Elliott, now want to speak to other club officials.

Melbourne Cricket Club chief executive Stephen Gough and Etihad Stadium boss Ian Collins - former Blues CEOs - are among those who may be quizzed, the Herald Sun reports.

Both have strongly denied any involvement in the payments of hush money to alleged victims of sexual assault by Carlton players.

It comes amid revelations Carlton great Wayne Johnston was named as a witness police wanted to speak to over an alleged sex attack in 1999.

Court documents seen by the Herald Sun allege Johnston had knowledge of an incident at a northern suburbs house where "Kate" says she was raped by another Blues player after the club's AFL Grand Final loss. He was not interviewed by police because he had gone to Queensland.

Mr Johnston's lawyer George Defteros said his client could not be contacted for comment.

Detectives spent more than an hour with Mr Elliott at his city office on Thursday, describing the talks as "very helpful".

It has emerged that Police Chief Commissioner Simon Overland intervened on the hush money furore, asking officers to question Mr Elliott about what he knows.

Former Carlton player and current politician Justin Madden, who retired in 1997, said he was unaware of sexual assault allegations in his time at the club.

"Just because I was employed at the football club doesn't mean I have a view," Mr Madden said.

The scandal erupted last week when Mr Elliott claimed Carlton chiefs paid thousands of dollars to several women during his presidency to prevent them going public with allegations they had been raped.

The comments prompted "Kate" to come forward.

She said she had consensual sex with one player but later woke up to find another raping her.

But her case was dropped in 2005 after police chiefs admitted the investigation had been botched.
In another blow for Mr Elliott, he and former club champion Anthony Koutoufides were yesterday sanctioned by community TV network Channel 31.

Channel 31 general manager Greg Dee took aim at Koutoufides and former teammate Ang Christou for laughing at Mr Elliott's claims during this week's show.

Mr Elliott yesterday declined to discuss the hush money issue.

Mr Gough did not return calls and an MCC spokesman said he would not be commenting. Mr Collins is travelling overseas.

Police are urging any of the alleged victims offered money, or witnesses who could help the investigation, to contact them.

This case is potentially explosive on a number of levels - would be all over the media if it was NRL in Sydney. First we have the sexual assault claims themselves, then the club perverting the course of justice (allegedly), then the police f**king up the case (accidently on purpose perhaps?).

A couple of other things:

  1. how many times could that article from 2005 have mentioned the woman was a stripper? Not half obvious its trying to paint the picture - s**t = deserved it, can't blame our boys.
  2. what is it about footy players that convinces them that if their teammate scores, its an open invitation for the rest of them?


Dunno what the coverage is in NSW and QLD-but been fairly big news here, though probably not as big as it should be. Its disgraceful-and Elliot should be (as he is currently being investigated for) charged for perverting the course of justice, if not more serious crimes, and be forced to name names, so a proper investigation can be conducted.

Doesn't matter a f**k what sport they're playing, if blokes do this sh*t, they are f**king scum.



I dont understand that article at all? The player has been named, so has the player who had consensual sex with her as well. It's in the public domain.

El Diablo said:
the story has not got a mention on any TV i've seen so the media are doing their usual AFL cover up

You're wrong. The media hasnt covered this up at all. It's dominating Melbourne media and the player(s) have been named. Once again, the identity of two of the three members of the party are known. The only person we dont know the identity of is 'Kate'.


where is it mentioned on this AFL dedicated news site? http://www.realfooty.com.au/

Um. In the 'news' section? Wouldnt you click on the 'news' button for 'news' about the Carlton rape allegations?

Not to mention that it was The Age who published the alleged offender's name in the public domain.

Moreover, it's on the front page of the Herald Sun. That's how sweeping it under the carpet works isnt it? You plaster it all over the front page of your newspaper and hope people start reading from page 5, right? I know you want effigies burnt and people to resign and players to be thrown in gaol, but it's a slow-burning story. Not to mention it wasnt exactly Chris Judd doing the dirty work, not that that excuses the situation, but it's hard to shift newspapers on the back of a fifteen game career. That's why Matty Johns was thrown under the bus wasnt it? And not the other seven guys in the room? He's a name, who shifts papers.

For now, just keep posting every three minutes in your lovely culture resource thread. God knows the age website needs the hits.

El Diablo

Post Whore