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Sonny Bill

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
Mundine can afford to spout the garbage that he does precisely because he has no influence within or responsibilities to the sporting establishment. To suggest that he is somehow the puppet-master is to give the man more credit than he deserves.

So why is SBW boxing? Why is it in his NZRU contract? Don't reckon Mundine had any influence in that?

He has played like a busted butt since his last fight. Got no doubt that's got a fair bit to do with it.

Beavers Headgear

First Grade
Mundine can afford to spout the garbage that he does precisely because he has no influence within or responsibilities to the sporting establishment. To suggest that he is somehow the puppet-master is to give the man more credit than he deserves.

Umaga didn't turn SBW into a Muslim

I will have to disagree with you on this in a big way. I remember back to before he left the game, there was an interview he did with 20/20, he came across as a pretty genuine young fella

About a month or 2 later, he fronted the footy show for his interview explaining why, which was a disgrace, and he sounded like a mini mundine, he had changed that much

The line that stuck with me that proves the point in anthonys favourite angle, the race card. He called Steve Folkes racist because he had turned Muslim. Might have been a better story if not for the fact El Masri has been around the dogs for years with no dramas


So why is SBW boxing? Why is it in his NZRU contract? Don't reckon Mundine had any influence in that?
Yeah, sure. Mundine was instrumental in hooking-up SBW in the ring, but the boxing has only ever been a side-bar. SBW did it as a favour to help out a friend. It can hardly be seen as a serious career move.

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
Yeah, sure. Mundine was instrumental in hooking-up SBW in the ring, but the boxing has only ever been a side-bar. SBW did it as a favour to help out a friend. It can hardly be seen as a serious career move.

SBW boxes as a favour? I don't believe that either.

Look, I actually like the guy...or at least I try hard to. I loved him as a league player, and rate him as a rugby player when he's focused. But you don't seem to be able to see the whole picture.


He wont go back to league, for starters - well, not for a couple of years at least. He's a good player, better than the vast majority of inside backs in the ITM cup, and the rest is history. So what if he is what you accuse him of being: is he the only prima donna in professional sport? Is he the only one in it for himself? Is he the only one holding out for a better deal? All your criticisms are just clichés - cheap shots that invariably appear when Joe Citizen takes a certain dislike to an individual. SBW is a gifted footballer and we should give credit where it is due.

Go on- use a cliche yourself. Pull out the 'tall poppy syndrome' card that is often used.
He isn't the only primadonna in sport, obviously. But can't think of many others that are so self centred. Of yes I can. Mundane. The 'Bruvva.'
SBW was on sports tonight Monday night, being asked about his future. He came across as an absolute friggin Moron.
He will have the coin, he should retire rich, no doubt about that. But he's lost the Mana. He will not be remembered for his skills, except maybe as wasted potential, a 'coulda been' too easilt lead that took said potential and ruined it.
How many people have to be wrong for SBW to be right?
The tragedy is the NZRU bought into the hype without realising what baggage they were getting with the guy. And because of that, good loyal Union players, BETTER players, TEAM players...have missed out because this sport s**t wanted 'All Black' on his C.V.
But credit to you 3rd...you're one of the few left that blindly support him no matter what he does and still think he's 'Da Man.':lol:


Sonny Bill is a cancer and I wouldn't want him in my team. I hate morons and code traitors; both of which he is.


Sonny Bill is a cancer and I wouldn't want him in my team. I hate morons and code traitors; both of which he is.

Completely agree.

Best thing $BW could do would be to play on train tracks with Nasser and Mundine.
The 3 of them are idiots.


Staff member
Yeah, sure. Mundine was instrumental in hooking-up SBW in the ring, but the boxing has only ever been a side-bar. SBW did it as a favour to help out a friend. It can hardly be seen as a serious career move.

And did he donate the proceeds to charity?

Not interested in $BW. His teammates could never trust him.
He will be relegated to the bargin bin soon enough.


LOL @ SBW being used as a marketing pawn and not getting on the field.

:lol:That is pretty funny really. It's definately bugging the Hell out of 'Mud'ine, who has yet to pull the race or religon card out on his tweets (but is pretty close I think with some of his hints).
You may be right Bob, perhaps the NZRU is smarter than I gave them credit for...maybe they are the users rather than being used. If that's the case it's bloody funny and IMO what the jumped up little 'I'm bigger than the game' deserved.


The tragedy is the NZRU bought into the hype without realising what baggage they were getting with the guy. ...
Umaga & Co. believed they were saving this talented youngster from the poisonous culture that existed at the Bulldogs at the time and talked him into jumping ship, with a promise that he could make it to the top in union. The tragedy is I bet SBW is regretting that move right about now.


Is he loyal? NO. But who really is these days? He plays well, trains hard and he's a great league player. I'd sign him in a heartbeat. Who cares what he does off the field, people treat him like a criminal.

Beavers Headgear

First Grade
He's as loyal as the next guy.

Like Nathan Hindmarsh .. or Darren Lockyer .. Or Steve Menzies .. Or Manu Vatuvei

Don't know how I really could have missed how loyal he was when you put it like that

I liked his line the other night "a man is allowed to change his mind"

A mans word and handshake are meant to mean something as well ...

NZ Warrior

First Grade
I also think it's pretty damn disgraceful how he responded to Jonah Lomu's challenge, to fight him at Fight for Life. Saying he wants to fight someone with more credibility to Lomu, is absolutely disrespectful to the man. It makes me sick.

I don't care if that comment came directly from Williams or not. If it came from his "management team", I would f**king fire them on the spot. I would never allow my representatives to associate myself with a comment like that, about a man like Lomu. $BW's stock continues to plummet in my books.

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