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Sorry Dogs You've Gotta Go.


I have to say after the events of last night the league needs to consider the Bulldogs future in the NRL. Sounds drastic I know but they are dragging the game down from all angles. I sat around and listened to the allegations of the last few weeks, said nothing, and tried to keep an open mind, and wait for the legal process to take it's course. But last nights efforts by their fans was the last straw for me, they carried on like inhuman animals, and not for the first time. As if the events for this club over the last two seasons isn't enough what do the moronic minority of fans do to help the club???? NOTHING, they drag it down even further.It's time to take the club out of the competition until they (The Club) and it's fans can show that they deserve to be a part of this competition. I'm a pretty calm sort of a guy but I've had enough. The only satisfying thing about last night was the fact that they got their sorry arses kicked 35 Blot.They were given a footy leason by the Roosters and I was pleased to see the Roosters win, that is not an easy thing for me to say. To all the decent Dogs fans, (and there are thousands of them) sorry for the way I feel, (and listening to all the reports this morning I am not in the minority) and I do feel sorry for you, but it's time to take drastic action, or this game is just going to lose all credibility. Throwing missiles on the field, Thugs ganging up on individuals, and the filth that young fans had to put up with last night is just not acceptable, the terrified looks on young kids faces at last nights game is something that nobody should have to endure let alone children. My opinion "It's time to drop the Dogs"


I agree. What I don't get is how some people are always saying its just a few supporters causing trouble. The club keep dishing out fines and bans to unruly fans so why does it keep happening.

Also, why does the Canterbury-Bankstown area have such a high crime rate? The community leaders there say it is just a small section of the community. If so, and the cops keep arresting people, why doesn't the crime rate go down?

If i was John Howard I would reconsider our countries immigration policies.


I don't agree with throwing them out. Just force them to relocate to Wellington or Canterbury in NZ.


Razor said:
I don't agree with throwing them out. Just force them to relocate to Wellington or Canterbury in NZ.

big mistake, NZ do not want thier reputation and there problems


Im sick and tired of the storm copping shit for not getting the numbers. Im sick and tired of the storm get shouted at and told to relocate. Im sick and tired that all those ignorant dickheads cant see that the bulldogs are really the ones bringing our game down and that the youth of such a team have no future. Its pathetic that our game has been degraded like this, and if you are gonna say the storm have been in the news for rape so be it but its died out much quicker tempting me to think it was just a stunt. We have passionate funs, we enjoy the game and allow others to enjoy. Bulldogs to leave before melbourne thankyou very much!


First Grade
100% agree antonius. The culture is gangrenous and endemic.

I was in bay 36 and saw this bulldogs fan up in the eastern grandstand run to the edge when the fights broke out and literally started slagging repeatedly down at the people trying to break the fight up, police and security. Laughing when he got someone. Another run along the front rail and threw a bottle down trying to incite, that didn't work so he spun around looking for someone to punch.

They are mindless bypeds and need to be treated as such! I feel for the good dog fans, but unless something is done, the bad ones will drag us all down, including you.



Chook said:
100% agree antonius. The culture is gangrenous and endemic.

I was in bay 36 and saw this bulldogs fan up in the eastern grandstand run to the edge when the fights broke out and literally started slagging repeatedly down at the people trying to break the fight up, police and security. Laughing when he got someone. Another run along the front rail and threw a bottle down trying to incite, that didn't work so he spun around looking for someone to punch.

They are mindless bypeds and need to be treated as such! I feel for the good dog fans, but unless something is done, the bad ones will drag us all down, including you.




Staff member
Regrettably, I'm starting to agree

The Bulldogs Army are about to spoil it for the decent Bulldog supporters. That's unfortunate, but not entirely uncalled for
I really hate to say it but,As a former fan back in the days before Newcastle, this club has to really think about the option of ceasing or relocating.
this, and whatever happens next in terms of police action, may just about force it down their throats that they cant exist in sydney .
Look at what Canterbury have done to the name of Rugby League over the past 8 years or so. First Syndey club to join Super League, which almost killed RL. Crowd trouble, I understand that it's a VERY SMALL minority that are attracted to the big games to cause trouble. A deliberate rorting of the salary cap, thus cheating. The allegations from Coffs Harbour. The drug taking.... I'm sure there are more instances that I can't think of at the moment.

My two bobs worth is that they should be either kicked out of the comp, or have points deducted, the NRL have got to show the whole world that they mean business and are trying to clean up the League. Rather than the rubbish Gallop comes out with...


Why kick them out or move them. Sure they have a few bad fans but there are plenty out there that are fine. My family are and they are not spastics. Plus why punish the club for what some idiotic fans do. I'm no Bulldogs fan and I don't like them but that is going to far! If your club was in this trouble would you want them kicked out. Those that deserve to be punished (ie. the players) will be punished by law and be thrown in gaol. It's a very small majority of their fans so don't punish them all.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Manly preniers (what is a prenier BTW?), it's not just 1 incident. It's a club that has forgotten what morality is. FRom the board (who rorted the Salary Cap TWICE, not to mention the Oasis farce), to the players (for the Coffs Harbour incident and the drugs) to the strappers (allowing illegal shoulderpads to be used in the 1984 GF) to the fans (constant rioting).

Canterbury do not contribute positively to Rugby LEague any more. It's as is good old John O'Neill was running them to makew Union look good.

Punt 'em. Pure and simple.


Post Whore
Try 9 Preniers

Super League-1995
Came Second Last-2000
1st year of Salary Cap Rorting-2001
Cityrail incident-2001
2nd year of cap rorting-2002
1st rape allegation-2003
2nd rape allegation-2004
Cocaine allegation-2004
Tearing up the SFS-2004.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Misty Bee said:
Manly preniers (what is a prenier BTW?), it's not just 1 incident. It's a club that has forgotten what morality is. FRom the board (who rorted the Salary Cap TWICE, not to mention the Oasis farce), to the players (for the Coffs Harbour incident and the drugs) to the strappers (allowing illegal shoulderpads to be used in the 1984 GF) to the fans (constant rioting).

Canterbury do not contribute positively to Rugby LEague any more. It's as is good old John O'Neill was running them to makew Union look good.

Punt 'em. Pure and simple.
Don't forget alleged drug user of late, then thers the cheap shot by Terry Lamb on Ellery Hanley in the 1988 GF.

The Bulldogs past is nothing rosey at all.

Let it be known Preniers, that everything happened in the past. The alleged rape scandals, the rioting fans on many occasions, the drug use, the salary cap rorting, Superleague everything, it's all in the past.

They have been more of a hinderance to the game than a help, moreso in the last 20 years.

The NRL needs to take some sort of action on the club immediately, but I can't see them being booted.


Post Whore
Manly Preniers in 2005 said:
t-ba the hutt said:
Came Second Last-2000

So are you saying we should be kicked out because we came Second last in 2003?

I never said kick them out.

Notice the Correlation between coming second last and cap rorting though?

It's something not one has really bothered to highlight. the cl*b broke the rules because it wasn't happy that it would take a few years to honestly drag themselves from the cellar.


I agree with Antonius. What do you do when you have a tumour? You cut it out. And thats what the Bulldogs are on our great game.

King Tigerman

kicking em out is the only option

relocating em wont stop the troublemakers theyll still be playing games in sydney & those wankers will still be going to those games