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Sorry guys


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Far too nice IMO.

No surprise he hasn't returned at least to answer his critics.
HevyDevy said:
How the f**k can you change teams?

You don't just DECIDE to support someone. Supporting your team is about passion and it's ingrained from an early age. You don't just wake up one day and say 'My team is crap, I think I'll go and support someone else instead."


Well while i have to say this thread has been highly amusing to read i beg to difer with this comment about not changing teams.

Players change teams coaches change teams and by all means it possible for fans to change teams.

My old man use to be a tigers fan he met my mum fell in love with her and resorted to following the dragons just for her.

Scotty mcrae the panthers ground announcer dude ex manly fan now a panther fan.

And then there is me i wasnt a huge league fan but like scott was a manly fan living in canberra i wanted to get out as it happend so did my old man so he made a deal with me we would move where ever we moved to i had to start supporting the nearest nrl team.

I recall at the time he said we would move to woy woy leaving the north sydney bears as my new team no way in hell would i let that happen.

And well as it happend i wound up in penrith and for the last 9 yrs without fail i have attended every home game and many away agames and would class myself as one of the biggest panther fans around.

So i think we all can change teams though if it became a regualr habbit then i wouldnt call it a team fan just a fan of the game.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
The reasons here are slightly different though... he's ditching them because of poor performance... weak as piss and cowardly.


Staff member
Oh dear I just saw this thread.
Gunning,why would you post this?
Are you trying to make the decent fans feel even more crappy about their team's current state?
You pretty much deserve all the crap you get.

Looking forward to the jump to another team when the Knights fail to be as successful as your expectation sees fit.
Timmah said:
The reasons here are slightly different though... he's ditching them because of poor performance... weak as piss and cowardly.

Do we know that for a fact just wondering coz well i dont know the guy like everyone who has writeen seems to think they do and well i didnt see him give a reason why he was not being a panthers fan just saw him say he was sorry but he would no longer support us.

Funny though i guarrantee there is more then 1 person who has written on this thread who hasnt always been a panthers supporter probably jumped ship when there club was having a rough trot.

I dont get why everyone is gettin so worked up just making urselves looks rather childish and immature.

Good luck with it all though guys hope use have a ball insulting a guy who really doesnt seem to give a toss either way.:crazy:

Magpie Nick

[furrycat] said:
Oooo idiot...
*puts tail between legs and cries*

After posting I realised that comment would probably come across as being directed at you, but it was intended for gunning for panthers and I was just too lazy to fix it. When you didn't reply for a few days I though you realised I directed the comment at gunning for panthers.

Dave Q

110kgpantherpower said:
So has this guy actually done anything wrong besides say he aint supporting panthers???


LU are still a bit sensitive to the internal affairs of other sites being discussed here and since they have given us sanctuary, I am bound to respect them.

As for gunning, no I dont think he has done anything wrong other than to come clean with the world about the lie he has been living. In fact I think it shows a bit of character to announce this in such bold fashion.

However and but:-

If I didnt support Souths, I couldnt go past the Panthers as a second choice.

This is why (in no particular order):

* Good colours
* Solid league ethic
* Great supporters
* My local side
* Explosive players in the massive catchment
* Good mascot
* Forward thinking and progressive club
* Fighting spirit
* Good friends and insiders who support them
* Big Future in the game
* Great home ground
* Proud tradition
*Other assorted features and benefits

And the knights although they played bravely tonight, they dont have the same stature in the game as the Panthers. Somethings missing. I love Brian Smith, its easy to see how much he loves the game and his tactics are copied by other coaches.

Maybe in 20 years time the knights will come close to where the Panthers are now.

So its best to see gunning as a lad in need of counselling, someone with a disability, someone to feel sorry for.

Thats just my take on it.

Cheers 110,

A valued veteren of the army


Staff member
Penrith 2-0 since GFP has left.

Knights 0-2 since GFP has started supporting them again.


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