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f**k em, The admin is useless. Put SOMETHING on the jersey even if its just a iron on print of Paul Gallens Face.
f**k Me.

I'll give them $500 to put "PLEASE DON'T F*** US OVER TODAY" on the front.

I get that you are joking but they can't. What I am led to believe is that the club needed special permission to run with the one off pro rata Blades thing for last week. NRL rules prevent changing sponsors weekly, monthly...whatever.

I have also formed a perception that there will be nothing on the jerseys until if/when the development is approved.

Personally the jerseys didn't look so bad without writing all over the front. But then I'm from the dinosaur years when there were no sponsors on any jersey at any time.

I was more pissed off the hoops didn't go all the way around. That's what looked cheap to me



IT might be just as well Cronulla don't have a major sponsor splashed across the front of their jumper - no company would want to be linked to such an insipid performance.

"We were awful," Sharks coach Shane Flanagan said. "It was the worst performance I've been involved with since I've been here."

He was right.

Cronulla secured some much-needed credibility with their unlucky and courageous golden-point loss to Wests Tigers last week. But yesterday it was straight back to the bad old days at Toyota Stadium.

The Sharks, who are still searching for a major sponsor, lacked a little bit of everything: cohesion, finishing ability, passion, execution and fire.

They ended up losing 18-6 to Newcastle and life won't get any easier next week against unbeaten Manly.

Cronulla had three genuine chances to score in the first half but blew them all with some sloppy execution.

Frustrated, they panicked and paid the price.

"We did panic a little," Flanagan said. "But there are no excuses. We had our pants pulled down. We never took our opportunities.

"I don't* know how* much last* week took out of us in that second half but we played poorly. We are all disappointed and disappointed for the fans.

"I guarantee you that wasn't us today. We have to show that in the next couple of weeks."

Cronulla posted their only try in the 78th minute. There was never any chance of a spirited comeback.

Sharks halves Todd Carney and Wade Graham were disjointed, and their forward pack was dominated. Carney dropped two passes in the first half.

*"There are no excuses," Sharks skipper Paul Gallen said. "We should have been up 18-0 or 18-6. We got frustrated after that. It (the loss) wasn't through lack of effort. I know Shane is really upset and disappointed but it's only early days. We have a good side.

"There are no problems getting up the field. It's just getting over the tryline."

Newcastle were courageous and enjoyed complete control of a match in which they lost skipper Kurt Gidley and representative forward Neville Costigan to injuries.

The Knights' class prevailed and there is little doubt that last weekend's heartbreaking loss to the Tigers crushed Cronulla.

It was always going to be a tough task for the Sharks to lift mentally again after such a gut-wrenching defeat.

But the good sides do lift.

The potential is there but Cronulla are still a few steps behind the formidable teams.

Asked about Graham and Carney, Flanagan said: "I thought they worked against each other. They didn't have great games. We had a great crowd here today and great conditions. It's disappointing."

Flanagan said Cronulla's only injury concerns were "a few broken hearts".


It's just so typical of this club to contrive of ways to shoot themselves in the foot.
Perfect day, big crowd, Sunday afternoon, sponsor negotations supposedly advanced and what do we do......... play the most inept brand of football ever. It's as if we know the club is cursed and so behave in a way to ensure that is the outcome.

Dean Ritchie wrote this morning that our pack was dominated, that's garbage. We rolled down the field at will and yet completely screwed up every opportunity. At least Flanagan has noted that the halves combination didn't work. The question is what will be done about it.


The forwards were ok. I agree we rolled down the field, but in good field position Todd and wade didn't know what to Do.

Next week, Todd and wade in the halves again.. give them time to form a combo, blah blah blah.

Guess what flanno we don't have the time. We will 0 and 5 before a change is made.


And that's been our errors of seasons past - waiting until rounds 7,8 & 9 before acting.

By then it becomes an uphill battle just trying to make the 8, as opposed to being firmly entrenched in it.

Maybe the heat of a new club losing streak will influence early change.


First Grade
Getting back on topic... as if a sponsor would be at all interested after that tripe we turned in yesterday...


Throwing you name on our jerseys when we play like yesterday would be like putting advertising on the side of the Titanic.


It's just so typical of this club to contrive of ways to shoot themselves in the foot.
Perfect day, big crowd, Sunday afternoon, sponsor negotations supposedly advanced and what do we do......... play the most inept brand of football ever. It's as if we know the club is cursed and so behave in a way to ensure that is the outcome.

Dean Ritchie wrote this morning that our pack was dominated, that's garbage. We rolled down the field at will and yet completely screwed up every opportunity. At least Flanagan has noted that the halves combination didn't work. The question is what will be done about it.

I don't believe he did Weapon. That line isn't a quote, it's from the author.

Was Flanno the person who got Wade Graham to the club? If so he'll keep him there as long as it takes for him to save face IMO.

He'll be waiting a long time


Meanwhile, the Sharks are only 48 hours away from announcing a major sponsor that should be on the front of their jerseys in time for Monday night's crucial game against Manly at Shark Park.
The club had to overcome issues with the NRL which forced them to play in a clean strip against the Knights on Sunday.
"I didn't want to go blank on the weekend and Blades were happy to take the sponsorship each week until we got a major finalised," Irvine said.
"They took the jersey for the Leichhardt game but the NRL then said it could only be a one-off."



First Grade
Meanwhile, the Sharks are only 48 hours away from announcing a major sponsor that should be on the front of their jerseys in time for Monday night's crucial game against Manly at Shark Park.
The club had to overcome issues with the NRL which forced them to play in a clean strip against the Knights on Sunday.
"I didn't want to go blank on the weekend and Blades were happy to take the sponsorship each week until we got a major finalised," Irvine said.
"They took the jersey for the Leichhardt game but the NRL then said it could only be a one-off."


I want to know what the NRL's problem was with us having a rollover sponsorship with blades?

As for 48 hours until announcement - I doubt it.

Card Shark

I want to know what the NRL's problem was with us having a rollover sponsorship with blades?

Yeh, in our financial position, you'd think they would be happy for us to collect the extra cash considering a full-time sponsor is in the wings.


First Grade
If you read that and the story in the SMH about the Broncos being gifted 16 Friday night games this season, one would think there's an agenda or 'conspriracy' unfolding.

I used to the think the whole 'conspiracy theory' around getting rid of the Sharks or forcing a relocation was crazy. Now I'm not so sure.


First Grade
Just read in the SMH that Sharks haven't signed a major sponsor and expecting to sign it soon (slightly different to announcing in 48 hours).

This tells me we are in the exact same position that we were in the last five times Irvine said we would be signing a sponsor in the next couple of days.

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