I am enjoying this season - what's interesting to me is, Q has a different angle than he used to back during the TNG days.
It was always styled in TNG as Q teaching humanity a lesson and that Picard was, for lack of a better way of putting it, his best friend who he wants to learn and grow. This season Q seems genuinely pissed off with Picard and he's f**king with him intentionally as some sort of revenge. I'm curious to discover what the angle is moving forward. Q's powers also seem a bit on the fritz - isn't there a throwaway line in S4 of Discovery about there being no contact with the Q Continuum for the previous 800 years? Wouldn't that be at about this time?
Also this season is absolutely littered with DS9 easter eggs which I'm loving. Especially given that the time they are visiting is the exact same time as Sisko, Dax and Bashir during 'Past Tense'. They're just down the road in San Francisco from Picard's team in Los Angeles.