Loved it.
Loved the new characters. Bb8 was awesome, there was something about Rey in the first portion of the movie that made really take a shine to her. Then as it's shown that she's strong with the force you really want to find out her back story. Finn was great, had a lot of charm, poe was good but i would of like to have seen more of him. Snoke was sinister and scary. Kylo Ren was outstanding! I thought he'd just be a darth rip-off (which he is inspiring to be) its so great to see such a powerful character from the darkside have so much self doubt.
I took my niece and nephew to it (8 and 4) and they loved it, they laughed and gasped and were enthralled in all the characters and sights, it really reminded me of the way i felt the first time watching star wars, even if it falls short of Empire (which to be fair will probably never be matched) it certainly had the feel of the original trilogy.