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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens


It was great. You cant deny that.
Will watch again soon I think.

Watched it in 3D though which killed some great visuals.
Plus most stuff I had read 2-3 months prior to watching turned out to happen.
Someone let out a lot of leaks while filming.

Yeah. I think the 3D detracts from the whole film cos you are paying attention to the novelty of it being in 3D. I will see it again in standard format to try and analyse and understand it a bit better.

I knew from the first teaser in November last year that Han would die. Harrison Ford always wanted it to happen and I couldn't see him agreeing to coming back for the film if he didn't die.

it does set up the new trilogy pretty well. I think Rey will end up being a Skywalker. I mean, there's that Darth Vader breating during her flashback sequencs (the cave on Dagobah, anybody) when she finds the lightsabre. The relationship between her and Ben will get fleshed out in 8 and then there's so much more to learn about Snoke.

That whole exchange when Finn gets in Phasma's face ("I'm in charge now Phasma!) was cringe worthy to the level of "I don't like sand."


There's a good theory out there that Jar Jar Binks was originally intended to be the supreme Sith lord, but backlash from TPM threw that plan in the bin and they covered plot holes with Count Dooku.


Started off pretty good.

Went to utter shit imo at the end.

Too tired to fully disect but was disappointed. Very disappointed. The whole climax seemed a little............. repeated like in eps 4 and 6 perhaps???? How many times can you send rebel ships in to blow up a moon/planet/death star and require a well placed bomb in a perticular area of said planet/deathstar. Come up with something new ffs.

I think it actually got better at the end


That whole exchange when Finn gets in Phasma's face ("I'm in charge now Phasma!) was cringe worthy to the level of "I don't like sand."

It's okay, Han was cringing too :lol:

Snoke was a lot f**king bigger than I thought he would be, or maybe he just makes himself big when he's a hologram.

Kylo Ren is a real merkin, which is good.

I like Rae's character.

Luke Skywalker is not evil after all.


Staff member
thread titles have been edited to show which thread contains spoilers and which does not - if folks wander into the other thread and read anything they wished they hadn't, well, tough f**ken titties.


Was fantastic probably my second favourite behind empire. Really liked that they left a lot of mysterious that still need to be resolved in particular who is Snoke and who reys parents are? Did anyone get the impression rey is Hans daughter? I got the feeling she is a sky walker either way. I really liked that they explained why luke went into hiding and what happened to the Jedi order.


Luke was never going to be evil.

I reckon snoke will end up being Ewok sized and is only that big in holographic form.


I kinda doubt that. They wouldn't make the supreme overlord the size of an Ewok.

Is he the same species as Plagueis, or different?


I reckon he will link back to palpatine in someone either as a secret apprentice, I would not be surprised to see anakins force ghost show up at some stage too.


What if Snoke isnt even real. A projection or a force-ghost or some shiz.

Also Snoke is a shitty name and is basically my only criticism


Nah he hasn't, I've just previously seen some talk that Snoke is the same species, but it could be bullshit.

There's another theory out there that Plageuis is actually alive.

Well that's feasible given the whole influencing the midichlorians to create life thing.

If you google Darth Plageius and check out his entry on wookiepedia there's some interesting stuff on there.

Last Week

In the EU, when Plageuis died (killed by Sideous) his midichlorians/force is what creates Anakin Skywalker. Kind of like a reincarnation. (if I'm remembering this correctly)

Also in the EU, Sideous reincarnates himself through the force, but again, EU and not canon.

I don't think Snoke is related to them that deeply. I dare say that he's just another Sith who was hiding in the shadows. (the rule of 2 was only introduced by the Sith because they kept betraying each other)


First Grade
Pretty disappointed about Captain Phasma. Nothing bad arsed about her character barring her armor. All she amounted to was a cheesy attempt at humour with the whole 'Fins the bowss now bish!' :( And agree with others, they need to stop it with this whole death star/star killer shit.. It was old in RoTJ ffs! Especially since they really didn't give it much gravity apart from the destruction of planets we know f**k all about (we were supposed to care?), and the whole "2 minutes till it blows!" cliche.
Also did any1 else feel like Fisher phoned it in, or is her face that tight that she can't show emotion any more? ?

Thought the positives vastly outnumber the cons imo.
Han and Chewy were great together again, as were Fin and Rey :D Very intrigued by the whole Rey, Kylo relationship. Although I found the end duel to be bit of a cop out considering Rey beats his arse without any training with a lightsaber or the force.. Where it would appear Kylo has been honing his abilities over the years to emulate his grandfather. Apart from that, the duel looked really good. Not over choreographed ala Obi and Vader in III. The stokes all had plenty of weight and feeling in them just like Vader Vs Luke in Jedi (My fav saber duel)

The practical effects were amazaballs as was the CG. Sound was great and Williams knocked it out of the park again with his score! The action wasn't overdone, but rather kept up a nice pace.

Overall, really enjoyed the movie. 3rd best in the franchise imo. It felt and sounded like a Star Wars film!


In the EU, when Plageuis died (killed by Sideous) his midichlorians/force is what creates Anakin Skywalker. Kind of like a reincarnation. (if I'm remembering this correctly)

Also in the EU, Sideous reincarnates himself through the force, but again, EU and not canon.

I don't think Snoke is related to them that deeply. I dare say that he's just another Sith who was hiding in the shadows. (the rule of 2 was only introduced by the Sith because they kept betraying each other)

Yeah. Thats it. There's also a part I read where he was also reincarnated as one of the seperatists in epsiode 2. The delegate of the banking clan. Bald grey guy.