Man the hatred for TLJ is strong on this thread.
Seriously people, the prequels, all three of them are utter garbage that are unwatchable twice. Even with the stuff you don't like TLJ is a better film than any of the prequels.
I actually enjoyed TLJ more the second time I watched it. So. looks like I'll be the 'one' from this thread looking forward to the new movie.
There's two of us. TLJ is not just good. It's great. I'm not a Stars Wars megafan but I loved it. I'll try to sum up why, tell me what you reckon.
The way it blurred the lines between the light and dark side of the force is, imo, genius - genius because it pre-empted or even predicted the mirror image of the people watching it! The fiercely loyal franchise fanboys turned into douchebag hateful monsters, whereas a lot of casual viewers (like myself) found it to be more one of the most enjoyable and interesting of the franchise.
Such as, how the once pure-as-snow golden boy Luke turned dark - almost killing a sleeping Kylo Ren, and then burning down the Jedi tree or whatever it was. Or the current golden girl Rey immediately going towards the darkness when being trained by Luke. Same with the other new characters - we all cheered for Poe Dameron in Force Awakens, and through most of this movie: especially against the seemingly sinister Admiral Holdo. Until it turns out Holdo is the true hero, and Poe's munity is the traitorous act. Even Kylo seemed to show his softer side for large parts of it. Nothing we believed we knew about good or evil was quite as it seemed.
The only character that truly thrives in the movie (and the most enjoyable character in it) is the only one who fully embraced his ambivalence - Benicio del Toro. He knew that there was no wrong or right. He sat between both sides and profited.
Further to that, the only characters who were genuinely 100% good or evil through the film - Rose and Snoke - both die (I'm assuming Rose is dead).
Within all that you had a lot of the usual fun shit including one of the coolest light sabre fight scenes in all star wars movies imo - Rey and Kylo fighting off the badass red dudes back-to-back.
Sidenotes - I loved the red white and black colour palette/motif of this movie, particularly all the red. It made it stand out as unique among the other Star Wars films, and gives the red some symbolism. For me, it symbolised violence - they tore apart everything you thought you knew about these characters and this world.
it's not a perfect movie, but hey, as the movie itself proves - nothing is. The flaws, in some way, just reinforce he point the movie is making