Wait a second .. back up there.
You are saying that Soward 'cheated' by conning the referee into awarding him a penalty? Let's just say, for argument's sake, that he did indeed do this.
I presume you are a Bulldogs supporter.
Are you ashamed of Ennis every single time he milks a penalty in the play-the-ball area by holding down a tackler on top of him? He does it at least twice a game .. indeed, he is always "cheating to get a result". Are you ashamed of him - after all, he is one of your players?
Are you ashamed of Kimmorley every time he goes down like he's been shot and gets awarded a penalty for a tackle that was around his chest? He's "cheating to get a result."
Are you ashamed of Kimmorley for rushing back onto the field when he had only been in the sin-bin for 9 minutes and 14 seconds instead of the full 10 minutes? You scored off that very set when he came back onto the field ... are you ashamed that Kimmorley "cheated to get a result"?
Are you ashamed of Ben Roberts for getting up and intentionally trying to play the ball on Creagh's head to get the penalty, when Creagh couldn't move out of the way? He was "cheating to get a result."
Are you ashamed of the bunch of defenders who pretended they'd been taken out by Costigan when Weyman was penalised for obstruction, despite the fact that he was tackled less than a metre later by 3 blokes? They were "cheating to get a result."
Or what about when Ennis jumped on top of Soward and knocked him out with a swinging arm to the back of the head when the ball had already bounced 3 metres away? The dirty f**ker even had a smile on his face whilst doing it. He "cheated to get a result."
You, sir, are a f**king imbecile.