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Storm thoughts??

Should the storm

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Their cheats, their arrogant, they think the rest of us are stupid by trotting out the line we didn't know anything, we are so hard done by, we wanna stick together

And then the big one from underbellamy....."They can't take our integrity".....hahaha. Cheatn merkins

They need to get rid of players now to get back under the cap otherwise they need to sit out the season

Vin Fizz

Agree with everything that has been said. In fact I reckon the only reason they are complaining about not being able to play for points this year is that it IS THE ONLY TRUE PENALTY IMPOSED!

Look I know as Sharkies fans we would love a premiership but to be honest who cares if they were stripped of their 3 MP and 2 GF's. Anyone who was at the GFs know that they won the games. Rewritting the history books is no tangable penalty. However takiing the opportunity away from them this year is spot on.

Why is Goose Gould such a twat?

Ronnie Dobbs

They beat you out of a spot in the 2008 GF (although you played farkin horribly) with a team, even minus a suspended C Smith that was over the cap.

I reckon they should be made to play all games with no reserves bench the cheating merkins.


First Grade
I'm fine with it as it is. What I can't wait for however, is the screeching that comes from the team they knock out of the eight in the final round, if that so happens........

The Dodger

First Grade
playing for pride?

what farkn pride?

theyre playing roster consists of $1 million more than any other team (not saying no one else is doing it).

in saying that, if they do get themselves under the cap, then they should be able to play for points.

but whether they can get themselves under the cap soon enough is naother question all together.


I'm fine with it as it is. What I can't wait for however, is the screeching that comes from the team they knock out of the eight in the final round, if that so happens........

It may be illegally assembled but every team has an equal opportunity with the other 14 teams of beating them.

They've lost twice so far this year, they're not invincible.


Post Whore
an awful situation

what gets me is that they were able to offer players so much that would have been legal so blowing it in a half arsed discoverable rort is just stupid

the players should be suing the f**k out of the perpetrators


Interesting point Millers, there has been a lot of bitching by the players about the penalties imposed, but not a murmur directed at those who actually participated in the cover up.


First Grade
Why is Goose Gould such a twat?
Hasn't he come across like a prize farkwit? I was getting to a point of almost not throwing up every time I saw him after he and sticky patched it up.

Gus is just launching pre-emptive strikes cause he knows that the roosters are looking down the barrell. The poor little sookypants only ever looks out for the chooks.


Post Whore
taking the sharks fan glasses off for a moment from those players perspective busting your guts for 5 years and acheiving so much it must be a hell of a let down and its no surprise they have a them v us mentality

i have no idea if or how many players knew of the rort but i suspect most of them are innocent and are understandably emotional about the situation

wether or not we agree with the penalty it appears the NRL has acted quickly and harshly and has set itself a pretty big precedent


Millers, as you are well aware with Gallop and Co ... precedents mean nothing.

Just depends on who gets caught next.

And I don't think it is too far away either.

Declared Idiot #88


Millers, as you are well aware with Gallop and Co ... precedents mean nothing.

Just depends on who gets caught next.

And I don't think it is too far away either.

Declared Idiot #88

Exactly, they were quick to throw the book at Jake Friend for a DUI last year, but someone else got one a couple of weeks back and there was no action taken by the NRL.


Current penalty is sufficient.

It has certainly stopped them farting in church that's for sure.

I also believe it isthe tip of the iceberg.

But forgetting all the hand ups and kickbacks, I still enjoyed watching them go round. A mix of mongrel and skill. Shame it all falls outside Mr Gallops rules and regulations.

It is going to be interesting to see how far the league goes with all this. There is so munch Sh!t out there involving other clubs, and all but blind freddy can see between the lines.

Sometimes it is good to be a poor arse bastard club.

But honestly I can't see too many clubs carpet corners being lifted by the NRL to see where everything has been swept.

And I blame Fearless Frank Facer for starting all this rorting. If he didn't have shonkey residential addresses for up and coming superstars like Raper then we wouldn't be in the predictament we are in now.

The stinking stains should be stripped of their 11 straight. Thieving sh!ts.

Declared Idiot #88

You were going so well with that post then lost it at the end, didn't you:cool:.

Big Norm


ive said it elsewhere, i think its hilarious...

f**k em, f**k em all.

i only feel sorry for their fans and that is it.


Ausguy, the way sme of the fans have been going on, well I don't even feel sorry for them either.

I was at a mates tonight and he is an older folk and a storm supporter and the way he was going on, plenty more doing it storm not the only ones, wait till they all come out, will be cronullas only chance of winning a premiership if everyone else gets kicked out.

when will these guys get it, you cheated, you got caught, you got what you deserved


Oh yeah nd this one which I thought was best comment of all,

we will win more games than nyone else. my other mate chimed in with, but how many points will you have???

I also said until you get under the cap then you will have something to boast about, until then you are just cheatng eac wek.

that is wat I cat make out in all this, why are they ot being made to tke steps now to get under the cap and why can they continue to field a team still way over the cap??


its the 1 thing they got wrong...

id have stripped them of their 8 points and penalised them 10 competition points...

meaning starting on -10 from rnd 7 onwards the most points they could get is 30 (20 rounds including 2 byes = 40 pts) if they won every game... which is unlikely.


No sympathy..but it is all a huge mess with more mess likely to follow.

Gould is talking absolute sh*t and whilst Gallop may not be the best man in the job....all Gould ever does is throw sh*t and ask questions..he NEVER has answers!!

I am also starting to see so many people involved in the game (players included when you look at the sums of money being dished out) as a bunch of greedy pricks with no real love of the game. And Geyer was sooooo right when he said its time to f**k off the player managers! (wont happen..but these grubs are a huge part of the problem)

This "oh the cap....means I cant stay with the club I love" bullsh*t!!

Of course you can...just accept a smaller pay packet instead of the ludicrous amounts you seem to be on..

Inglis $400 K on the books...with another $200 K we werernt to know about..

poor poor bastards....my heart bleeds for them!!!!

Money & Greed!! It kills everything really!


Post Whore
This crap about the players not knowing smells a bit funny.

Wouldnt they have been given copies of the contract lodged with the nrl ?