Made 6 changes already.....after taking your advice on board.
Peachey out.....De Belin in
Tolman out......McKendry in
Bromwich out......Poore in
Wood out......Josh Reynolds in
Vidot out......Mannering in
Bronx Goodwin out......Kyle Stanley in
I think a lot more potential for guys like McKendry, Poore, Stanley and Reynolds $ values to increase.
Yep, still got Luke Bailey in the front row.Some good changes there finger... 1 thing to remember, i always start my team with a gun player in each position, a real go to guy everyweek, i noticed you dropped tolman, thats ok but have you still got a 'gun' in the front row? by that i mean my draft side has parker and smith, also has slater and cooper... all at the top of their positions, they are my bread and butter but i make sure i dont have 2 or 3 guns in each spot as i run out of dough. your team is looking better with those changes, especially wood/reynolds and vidot/mannering
You need Parker 100%... and possibly at least one of Smith or Gallen if you could work it out.
yep in it andy, will be top 8 again in this forsure as last season had pretty average players
Still 11 spots to go on 825936