I'm excited about having a laser session tomorrow (because it will make me one step closer to getting rid of hair in certain areas for good), but I reckon at the rate I'm going tonight, I will fall asleep on the table tomorrow. My appointment is actually about ten hours away now :|
My youngest sister fell asleep on my bed and I feel bad waking her, trying to move her or sleeping on her bed, so I'm just going to leave her and keep watching my cricket. Earlier this evening, she told me that she was laying on my bed so she wouldn't fall asleep and sort of asked for permission and I told her it was cool and asked her to put my bedsheet on my mattress. She said she would but actually hasn't yet and she's asleep now *sigh*.
I am super tired, seeing Morne Morkel makes me happy, but other than that this match isn't really keeping me going. Limited overs *sigh*. And that's my life story up to now