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Superthread XVIII

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walked across the road to uni to get my free monday bbq, only to find out it's been moved to wednesday


Post Whore
Have you got uni on Wednesday, mate? If not, that's just gayer than Justin Bieber's dad's barber's girlfriend's uncle.


Post Whore
thanks DKOR. and the rest of you. you guys are so sweet! much love xxx

the thing is, i am already on medication for depression. i have been on and off since i was 16. i have a psyche but i only see him maybe 3 time a year and it doesn't do much for me.

ive tried counsellers but with not much success.

the fact i have a diagnosed condition and im on meds, yet i still continue to self destruct with booze is so embarassing but i just don't know how to deal with any of my issues in a healthy way i guess.

Please, PLEASE change your psychiatrist - obviously it's not working.

Depression is a serious problem. There is medication readily available for it, true. But I think one cannot rely solely on medication to get better.

I'm no psychiatrist but I have noticed you don't really seem to have a great deal of self-esteem, despite the fact you're a pretty cool person. I may not know you personally, but in this day and age of the internet chatting to someone online can be just as good for getting to know someone anyway.

It'd be easy for me to say, "Get self-esteem - you're awesome!" but it's another thing entirely to actually do it. I know how hard it is - I myself was depressed many years ago. I'm not sure how I got over it; I think it happened when I immersed myself in my work. It kept me busy and made me focus on other things.

You have heaps of friends, I am sure. But I am offering - if you need to vent or anything, don't hesitate! PM me or whatever and I will gladly oblige. I have a fair bit of experience having lived overseas, having lived in family situations involving mental illness and serious alcoholism and whatnot. So I am a good listener. :)


Post Whore
oh no i'm good at taking my meds now. ive found a good one that is better than ones before but obviously they aren't gonna solve issues, just keep me stable

Sassy always thinks i'm in denial and try to hide everything and avoid dealing with stuff, she's probably right. i guess even if im not thinking about stuff everyday it just eats away slowly and has to come out somehow

i want to find a good counseller but the last one i went to about 2 months ago, i told him about something awful that happened to me as a teenager and he asked all the details and if i 'enjoyed' it. seriously i ran out of there, i was so upset and felt violated and sick to my stomach.

SC is totally right - you should report the farker. And not to be vindictive because he made you feel so poorly. But imagine his next patient. What will that dumb farker do then? Should have his licence stripped and he should be shipped to Tasmania to be raped by seven inbred cousins.

f**k me! He should be struck off!!!
Keeks, I had Bulimia for about six years and I know all about being in a f**ked head space. The others are right, you need to be referred to someone GOOD, I know it's like a needle in a haystack out there, but it's worth pursuing with your GP. ((big hugs))


oh no i'm good at taking my meds now. ive found a good one that is better than ones before but obviously they aren't gonna solve issues, just keep me stable

Sassy always thinks i'm in denial and try to hide everything and avoid dealing with stuff, she's probably right. i guess even if im not thinking about stuff everyday it just eats away slowly and has to come out somehow

i want to find a good counseller but the last one i went to about 2 months ago, i told him about something awful that happened to me as a teenager and he asked all the details and if i 'enjoyed' it. seriously i ran out of there, i was so upset and felt violated and sick to my stomach.

Sassy sounds switched on. My bro in law suffers from depression, we could all see his issues but he would not admit to them, he started to self medicate himself with booze and finally snapped a week or so back. But now all the issues are out in the open and he can move forward.


Post Whore
I was raised well.

But also I have seen a lot of it. There is a very bad history of alcohol abuse in my family, and it is shocking to see just how bad it gets.

My uncle is 42. FORTY-TWO. He has been drinking heavily since 16 and probably abusing alcohol since 18 or so. He deadset looks and acts 60. Grey hair, arthritis, poor posture, a shot liver, unable to work...Now, granted - not all of that is because of alcohol abuse. But a lot of it is. The liver issues are definitely alcohol-related. It's so bad that it's actually past cirrhosis - his liver is something along the lines of 5% functional.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but when liver cells die (because of excessive alcohol consumption or the ingestion of other toxins), they replenish and create new ones over the old ones. The old, dead cells don't get eaten away. As a result, every time you damage your liver, you are increasing its mass. This causes all sorts of issues - it presses against your stomach lining and may make you more prone to ulcers or internal bleeding, not to mention it loses its efficacy.

I don't want to be a preacher. I, myself, don't drink much because I am petrified of going down that road. I saw everyone in my family pretty much fall to it and I am petrified of going down that road.

But I am not one to preach that alcohol consumption is bad. Far from it. I just want to beg people to be careful and be responsible, is all. The slippery slope to addiction is so, so easy to get on and nigh-on impossible to get off of.



First Grade
f**k me! He should be struck off!!!
Keeks, I had Bulimia for about six years and I know all about being in a f**ked head space. The others are right, you need to be referred to someone GOOD, I know it's like a needle in a haystack out there, but it's worth pursuing with your GP. ((big hugs))

damn i had no idea! you poor thing. big hugs back xx

Ugh, that is bloody awful Kiks

Im gonna take a stab here and guess alot of your issues centred around men yeah? (You dont have to confirm or deny here on a public forum). Sounds like you need to get alot of stuff out into the open to begin dealing with it properly. You dont have to actually speak to anyone per se but perhaps writing it down will help you see it from another perspective and perhaps getting someone you trust to read over it to provide another point of view.

Matters like these are tough, especially when they centre around trust, but sometimes opening up to those close to you can give you some direction on where to go from here.

My heart goes out to you babe

thanks jokers you're a doll. and yes, a lot of the issues are with guys. i've tried to have counselling about it and what not but i just can't see how i can change my mindset. it's almost so far into my subconcious i don't think anything will.

Eeele, god love ya! you're a sweetie.

i do have serious self esteem issues, i always have. i once did a course of hypnotherapy to get to the bottom of it and she regressed me back to when i was about 3 yrs old and i had all these memories of hating myself even at that age. how insane is that?

i literally remember thinking i was ugly and weird and abnormal and i didnt want to go to preschool coz everyone would stare at me.

see, how do you fix that?! i was born insane! :lol:


First Grade
Garts how is your brother in law doing now?? is he getting help?

Hala i understand what you mean about the counseller trying to get to the core of something, but i dunno, the way he went about it and the way he said it...it was awful and he really creeped me out.

and yeh Eeele, i have a history of drug addiction, mental illness and alcoholism in my family too. ive always tried to ignore it and bury it, but i think perhaps genetics is a factor.

that's why i want to make a change because i don't want to end up dead at 35 like my uncle and grandfather


Staff member
you seem to have the right attitude about wanting to change things

if you follow that through I've no doubt you'll get the right help

also I'm not sure about it being genetic, that just gives you an excuse to say, "oh well nothing I can do its genetic"


Counselling did a lot for me. I'd recommend finding a new Psychiatrist, Kiks... but having said that, i think they are supposed to take you right out of your comfort zone. that seems to be half the point in my experience... you can't really make change in yourself without tackling the issues head on and overcoming them. if you weren't comfortable with it, well i would say try someone else, perhaps a female counsellor would help in that regard... but it's not supposed to be a comfortable experience, per se. the comfort comes later.

I deal with clinical depression fairly regularly, but i'm unmedicated and haven't seen a shrink since late high school. I generally know when i'm heading into a bit of a down period and know how to deal with it in my own - not necessarily healthy - ways. i certainly wouldn't say i'm a danger to myself or to anyone else... but i can feel the chemical shift in my head so to speak, and can identify it pretty quickly and adapt accordingly. sometimes it's just a matter of learning to live with your own body.


Garts how is your brother in law doing now?? is he getting help?

He went to rehab recently for over a month, saw shrinks, went to AA etc etc but still felt depressed and relapsed into drinking. He finally admitted the other week what the major cause for most his issues are to his wife so will be interesting to see if that helps. I said to my wife and her family rehab will be a waste of time unless he is truthful and tells the appropriate people what his issues are, sure enough he did not last long once getting out. His situation is probably very different to yours though. Too early to say how he is going.


First Grade
well i hope he gets there, it's a long road. i was diagnosed at 15 and yeh, i'm not exactly a picture of happiness am i? hahaha.

Twizzle, this sorta thing actually is genetic, but i would never use it as an excuse as such.

thanks perverse, ill look into a female counseller maybe.


Depression can be genetic. They have found a gene that is linked to it, it sort of works in a way that something bad usually activates it, and once its activated it doesn't "swtich off" as such. Some people are more genetically prone to clinical depression than others, although we're all just as prone to having bad things happen to us hah.


First Grade
yeh it runs in my family, on both sides. my cousin committed suicide when he was 19 and i was 14. horrible stuff.


Staff member
Depression can be genetic. They have found a gene that is linked to it, it sort of works in a way that something bad usually activates it, and once its activated it doesn't "swtich off" as such. Some people are more genetically prone to clinical depression than others, although we're all just as prone to having bad things happen to us hah.

There was none of it in our family, but I think some of you are aware of what happened to my daughter.

She split with her bf and that flicked the switch and unfortunately it never switched off.

Genetics played no part.
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