Stationary streching doesnt really do much tbhHow do you do it right then? I stretched, followed the instructions I was given, and am still broken.
And a big bullshit to anyone who says exercise releases positive endorphins. Never feel positive after any exercise, just rat shit tired and cranky.
Went for my first hard run for a while last friday, got the biggest kick out of.
For me now is probably the heaviest I've weighed, at 63.5 kg's, but i've got a little more muscle than usual from doing some climbing and other activities. I'm fortunate that exercise has been a part of my life as long as I can remember, so I've basically always had the habbit of doing something whether it be running or whatever sport im into.
Diet wise I've improved alot over the past 5 years or so, but alot of that is taste buds changing a bit I think, I just cant eat the levels of junk I used to.
Metabolism is pretty excellent which is handy. Alot better being fit an healthy though, I see a few seriously obese people around and even just the overweight and have no idea how people can enjoy that really. Injuries is when Im most glad to be fit, when I couldnt walk earlier this year and had to use crutches geez that would've been alot shitter if i wasnt skinny.