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T-Rex facing 7-10 week suspension


Fair penalty imo

Far too often, players are penalised/sent off/suspended as a result of the injury or damage done to the victim.

The fact that De Gois was alright to carry on does not justify how bad the tackle was. He was lucky that time, but if it happened again, he could easily have broken his neck.

Mr Saab

T Rex should buy a lottery ticket after that tackle cause if DeGois landed on his head then T Rex would be on seek.com looking for a new career as he wouldnt be playing league again.


First Grade
I said prior that it deserves 5 weeks minimum...

Given the loading - I think the penalty is justified.

It was an intentional suplex and it was lucky that he didn't land on his head - because the force he was thrown in it would have snapped his neck easily.

I support the loading. I don't care if it is an 'unrelated' offence, he has a record of foul play.


Is this real life? He didnt even land on his head ffs.

So..in 'your world', Tony Williams can pick up a player and spin him end over end much like a basketball on his finger, juggle him from side to side then drop him to ground and thats ok as long as he 'doesn't land on his head'.


As many others have rightly pointed out - it could have been worse for Tony if he did land on his head, but potentially deadly for De Gois. It was one of the worst I've seen in terms of the position the player got into and the force of the landing. Its just lucky it was more back than head.

Serve your time Williams. And before people go moaning about 'it wasnt worth 10 weeks' rubbish. They're right. That's where the loading comes into it.

I'm sure Manly will go down the road to Bellew's office and get him in to argue a downgrade. I'm just as sure the judiciary will accept it. We'll see Tony on the field within 7 weeks is my bet.


That was one of the scariest things I have seen on a footy field in quite a while.

when I saw it live I thought there was some serious damage going to be done. He is so damn lucky he didn't land on his head!

The really annoying thing about this is the next teams to play Manly over the coming 7-10 weeks are advantaged by him not playing, whereas Cronulla got nothing for it. Surely it should have been a send off?


I hate people using the "unintentional" excuse. f**k intentions. Intentional or not he put him in a very bad position that could have potentially terrible consequences.

The moment he picked him up, De Gois was in his control. It was 100% upto T-Rex to make sure he went to ground safely. He didn't ensure that. De Gois might have been a few degrees of impact away from a broken neck.

He needs a big suspension so we stamp out that carelessness. There are ways of being tough without endangering anyones neck/spine/head.


It's fair.

The referee should be sacked for failing to send him off.

Agreed. Makes you wonder do you have to decapitate somebody to get sent off these days? We've gone down the AFL path where they just put you on report.

Put this on the IC's To Do list


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Looks to me the NRL are taking the potential for spinal injuries very seriously.

Well done to them IMO. Possibly could've been a lower grading but certainly sends a message.

To all those saying 10 weeks - he'll only get that if he contests and loses. He'll get 7 if he accepts the plea, as little as 5 if he successfully gets the charge downgraded.


De gois,s fault for. Not weighing more .........

My Dreamteam is farked First G Stewart then TRex ......

I blame Ryles !!!!! Merkin should get a year :)


I hate people using the "unintentional" excuse. f**k intentions. Intentional or not he put him in a very bad position that could have potentially terrible consequences.

The moment he picked him up, De Gois was in his control. It was 100% upto T-Rex to make sure he went to ground safely. He didn't ensure that. De Gois might have been a few degrees of impact away from a broken neck.

He needs a big suspension so we stamp out that carelessness. There are ways of being tough without endangering anyones neck/spine/head.
ewwwwwwwwww... I agree with bunniesgimp...
If it was intentional de gois would be dead.trex said that he did not realise that de gois had flipped over and that he is twice his size.It was an attempted heavy tackle that went very wrong.the loading is a joke,deserves about 4 weeks imo.


Penalty is harsh but probably fair. De Gois was whipped around like one of those spinning firecrackers, and if he landed wrong he'd be totally f*cked. In a wheelchair or, y'know, dead.

As one of the commentators said - it's almost like Tony Williams doesn't know his own strength. Manly are going to miss him over the next couple of months.


Post Whore
I hate people using the "unintentional" excuse. f**k intentions. Intentional or not he put him in a very bad position that could have potentially terrible consequences.

The moment he picked him up, De Gois was in his control. It was 100% upto T-Rex to make sure he went to ground safely. He didn't ensure that. De Gois might have been a few degrees of impact away from a broken neck.

He needs a big suspension so we stamp out that carelessness. There are ways of being tough without endangering anyones neck/spine/head.

f**k you for being so sensible although there was intent there, maybe not to give the player a severe neck injury, but he intended to slam De Gois into the turf as hard as possible with no thought of proper technique.


I dont know if the tackle was a grade 4... but I cant understand people complaining about the loading system.

The whole point of the judiciary is to punish dangerous play and eventually eradicate dangerous tackles (and dangerous play really). If he has two other tackles that warranted the attention of the judiciary (albeit it high tackles...not spear tackles) then he clearly has a track record of poor on-field tackles.

It's pretty much a suspended sentence saying ... look we'll let you off this time (i think it was the semi against the broncos)... but if you do any of this again your gonna cop it next time. He knew about it, the club knew about it... and he still does a grade 4 dangerous throw.

Seems fair to me.


Looks to me the NRL are taking the potential for spinal injuries very seriously.

Well done to them IMO. Possibly could've been a lower grading but certainly sends a message.

And so they should. We don't a player ending up in a wheelchair for life.


It does seem harsh but on the other hand if you lift the player you run the risk of it going horribly wrong , it looked horrible on tv and Degois was very lucky to come out of it unscathed.