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Tahu out, Monaghan in and Andrew Johns quits over racism row before S.O.O. II

Timana: like him or hate him?

  • Love him. Took a stand against racism.

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Publicity whore. Sook. Harden the f**k up.

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Timana who? Meh

    Votes: 7 25.9%

  • Total voters


Given the time between the incident and him walking away, it is possible- perhaps even probable- that Tahu went to those in senior position in the NSW camp and got nowhere.

If he did attempt to sort it out, I doubt he was stymied by any ingrained racism. It probably had more to do with the hero-worship Johns generates and the NSW heirarchy not wanting to upset their golden child.

So if Tahu tried and got nowhere, and felt strongly about what was said, the only way to force the issue would be to leave and allow the media to do its work.


Post Whore
Gallen lost his club captaincy over something like this ... Joey should be gone ... end of story ...


Tahus option seems abit selfish and attention seeking. Fair enough he doesnt wanna put up with that racist sh*t from johns but by leaving the camp he has let the team and the coach down. If anything he should have talked to belamy and tried to get johns kicked out of camp.

By doing what he did he's just punishing the team and not really achieving much since johns is still there(well for now)


Come on who the f**k would walk out on your team mates because some dumb f**k wit hurt your feelings? Tahu's putting He's grief with Jon's before his mates and NSW.
Ask yourself.. who would want to go into battle with such a soft prick like Tahu?
Maybe QLD's been right all along, We have no passion. Well one player doesn't.
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First Grade
Well, I suppose Tahu supports integrity and respect for his culture.

where did i say he shouldn't be supporting his culture? all i said i was i think he could have deal with it in a different way. and he could have.

but then i'm not Aboriginal and have never suffered any form of racism so i can only comment from a position of considerable privilege.

i would be interested to see what Indigenous people think about this.

just watching Gorden Tallis (who is Indigenous obvs) saying that he knows Joey well and don't believe there was any malice in it. interesting.


Post Whore
I know it's for laughs, but
me....how the hell can simply being black be something that's comparable to having a lisp or a lazy eye?

the point is everyone has something they can be sensitive about, for me its not about the words, its about intent

tahu is more about the words rather than its intent, but imo he's made a mountain out of a mole hill
this could have easily been sorted if
Tahu pulled Johns aside and told him in no uncertain terms his racism wont be tolerated.
Or he could have gone to the NSWRL and launched an
official complaint and had Johns reprimanded that way or he could had a cry for 2 days, got up, left camp, and then turned the blues camp into a complete debacle days out from facing their biggest challenge ever.

imo he's let his team mates and his state down.
Johns, well he's a lot of things, i guess we can tack on "intolerant wanker" to his impressive "Twat C.V"

If Tahu was going to leave he should have left on Wednesday and given the blues more time to train with Monaghan
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First Grade
Well, I suppose Tahu supports integrity and respect for his culture.
I'm surprised by your opinion on this..
It's funny how nobody is saying Joey was an inconsiderate moron.

Actually, thats exactly what I was coming on here to say.

I alluded earlier (regretably now) that Tahu's walking out showed a lack of spine, but now I've heard what happened I reckon the reverse is true.

My estimation of Tahu and my respect for him has increased immensely.

Maybe he should have punched Johns, as he was being a twat and deserved it, but then it would have stayed behind closed doors.

They have to take a stand with Joey and say thanks but no thanks.
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Soft option,

You didn't see all the white players from QLD boycotting this series after the coloured players got together and had a photo sesion with the shield.

If anyone should of taken offence it should have been the whites yet they didn't.

Man up or move out.


Post Whore
Given the time between the incident and him walking away, it is possible- perhaps even probable- that Tahu went to those in senior position in the NSW camp and got nowhere.

If he did attempt to sort it out, I doubt he was stymied by any ingrained racism. It probably had more to do with the hero-worship Johns generates and the NSW heirarchy not wanting to upset their golden child.

So if Tahu tried and got nowhere, and felt strongly about what was said, the only way to force the issue would be to leave and allow the media to do its work.

if thats whats happened, thats more of an issue than the remarks imo.
I sincerely hope that is not what has transpired
Its one thing to quit on your team, its another to be forced into a box where you feel you have to quit on your team because people im senior dont want to upset a racist golden child.


Post Whore
this is not a soft option taken by Tahu .. all the crap he is getting from deadsh*ts in here proves that he was going to be critisized heavily.


Assuming that he called Inglis a "black c***" I can understand why he'd be angry with him but walking out on the team is not the right way to teach Johns that that sort of language is unacceptable. It punishes the team and himself more than anything.


Given the time between the incident and him walking away, it is possible- perhaps even probable- that Tahu went to those in senior position in the NSW camp and got nowhere.

If he did attempt to sort it out, I doubt he was stymied by any ingrained racism. It probably had more to do with the hero-worship Johns generates and the NSW heirarchy not wanting to upset their golden child.

So if Tahu tried and got nowhere, and felt strongly about what was said, the only way to force the issue would be to leave and allow the media to do its work.

about time someone with a brain posted in this thread


First Grade
If the racist remark was meant with any sort of malice i could totally understand Tahu's reaction but if it was said in jest

Oh yeah - the friendly socially acceptable racism that still says you're inferior to me because of your skin colour but its okay because I'm talking about the opposition player not you personally.

Its about time Australia woke up. Australia is as synonomous to white superiority as it is to vegemite. Joey did not just let himself down. Given his high profile celebrity status he actually let the country down.

Do you want NSW to be known as 1980's Joberg or Texas?


oh lord Tahu, what a drama queen. i don't care what was said...you don't walk out on your state like that. surely you can deal with it in a different way?

and apparently NSW players have a reputation of being soft... :lol:

I agree anyway... what a princess..

Surely he could have confronted Johns and talked to him about it rather than mulling over it for a few days then running home for media attention?

Imagine someone like Bird, Costigan, Thurston, Meninga, Thaiday or Gordon Tallis walking out Origin because a coach said something racist in general conversation. **** me.

Someone stamp his papers never to play origin again.
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