Congrats sharkies fans, this ensures the battle will continue for many years to come
LINKEXCLUSIVE: The future of the Cronulla Sharks has been secured by final NSW government approval for a $300 million Leagues club development.
The decision to be revealed later today allows the Sharks to immediately pay off a debt of more than $10 million to St George Bank.
Under the proposal approved by governments planning assessment commission, a consortium of building developers will pay off the loan in return for sales from home units that will be built on the site.
The development will include a shopping centre, a residential area and a refurbishment of Shark Park.
This secures our long term future in the NRL, said one senior Sharks official.
It is the biggest financial injection in the clubs history.
We can now compete with the strongest clubs.
The project will create 1100 jobs over an eight-year period
The club's chairman Damian Irvine said project managers were keen to re-employ hundreds of Caltex Refinery workers from the area who recently lost their jobs.
Look forward to the Saints-Sharks rivalry. As much shit as we give each other, we know we want each other around to beat the shit out of!
Batman and Joker rivalry?exactly. I dare say we wouldn't know what to do without each other
Batman and Joker rivalry?
And clearly we are Batman .
Notice is hereby given that the 55th Annual General Meeting of the Members of Cronulla Sutherland
Leagues Club Limited will be held at the Club premises, Captain Cook Drive, Woolooware on Tuesday
August 28th 2012 at 7.00pm
Business to be transacted at the meeting will be as follows:
1. To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
2. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Board of Directors
3. To receive and adopt the Statement of Financial Performance and Statement of Financial Positions
for the 20/10/2011 year and the report of the Auditors thereon
4. Appointment of Auditors
5. Resolutions
6. To transact any other business which has been lodged with the Secretary and due notice given to
the members in accordance with the Companys Articles of Association.
7. General Business
8. Close of Meeting
The meeting will be open to members only and each member will be required to produce their current
membership card to gain admission
By Order of the Board
Jeffrey Morris
General Manager / Secretary
Dated: This 10th day of July 2012
Please note: Any questions relating to the financial accounts must be submitted in writing one week prior to
the AGM.
Notice is hereby given that the 55th Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Cronulla Sutherland
District Rugby League Club Limited will be held at the Cronulla Sutherland Leagues Club Limited, Captain
Cook Drive Woolooware on Tuesday August 28th 2012 at 7.30pm
Business to be transacted at the meeting will be as follows:
1. Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
2. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Board of Directors
3. To receive and adopt the Statement of Financial Performance and Statement of Financial Position
if the 2010/2011 year and report of the Auditors thereon.
4. Appointment of Auditors
5. Resolutions
6. To transact any other business which has been lodged with the Secretary and due notice given to
the Members in accordance with the Companys Articles of Association.
7. General Business
8. Close of Meeting
The meeting will be open to members only and each member will be required to produce their current
membership card to gain admission
By Order of the Board
Damian Irvine
Dated: This 10th day of July 2012