Something is either legal or its not. A late tackle is not. The receiving player is not prepared for it and cannot take evasive measures. This one was not just late, it was extremely late. Because the player tackled is looking at where he is passing/kicking and is possibly off balance it is more likely to lead to injury than a tackle where the player has the ball and is looking at the tackler. I would have thought these things were pretty obvious to anyone who follows the game.
I am happy that you were able to quote almost word for word what Johns was rabbiting on about. I am aware of why they are screaming their tits off.
It was a tackle that was not necessary, illegal, and resulted in a significant injury. This sort of hit on the field needs to be stamped out. The offender has form. He should be rubbed out of the game for a while and I hope he is, but if the game won't protect Thurston I don't suppose it will protect Soward either.
It was late, yes. That does make it illegal. it is a part of the game and should remain so because it is a contact sport. The player does not have form unless you can provide examples for us. A penalty, had the try not been scored, would have been sufficient. It wasn't, unless you view the tackle in slow motion, "extremely" late either. The tackle was not high, it was not dangerous.... It was a strong tackle that could have caused the same injury if it wasn't late.
If the halfback is going to take the ball to the line he is going to be tackled. The game has been softened enough without sycophants like yourself moaning after their team was well beaten about something that happens every week. Piss off back to your forum and take your butt hurt with you