Livin in Vanuatu still. No cases in the public. No lockdowns, business as usual except we have no tourists which is killing the country financially.
We have a very limited health system. Very. Combine that with the fact Vanuatu is made up of 83 islands, some very isolated, on which villagers live in full family shelters. You can have 10 people sleeping in one room and the entire Village eating together, using the same facilities daily. If it comes here we are in trouble. Port Vila has a population of 50K and so far 34K have been Vaccinated. Me included.
I am willing to take the very, very small risk kicking the bucket from a Vax if it avoids the disaster and suffering on the islands and isolated Villages. Look at fiji, double the odds of from dying of covid then the world wide average due to isolation of villages and Islands, difficulty to get to central hospitals and backed up by a weak health system.
We do not want it here, and I don't want to contribute to anyone else getting it and passing it on to an old, sick or vulnerable person. I've had both my shots of AZ now. But I don't believe everyone should if they are not comfortable with it, but they need to be prepared to change their daily habits for the good of the weak, sick and elderly in the community.
Anyway, that's just me.