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The 10 per cent of Canterbury fans that give the Dogs a bad name


Opening riff of Snowblind at 115 dB

Gangsta rappers pissing in their pants.

2 Motorhead roadies and a mic stand would solve the problem.

Loudstrat,how about using The Who's pa from their gig at Charlton Athletic Football ground in the UK in 1974.Apparently its still the loudest ever recorded outside gig?


Shire Panther, maybe you should stay indoors from now and on, because it seems to your fellow posters, that your a catalysis for all of the trouble bulldog fans cause.


Presumably you disagree with my opinion?

If so, then you are clearly unable to see a difference between discussion and moderation.

Please feel free to point out any part of my posts you don't agree with, and elaborate as to why.

LMFAO...you reckon it didn't happen because he called his abusers bad names and YOU claim you're discussing it..?? You're as pathetic as the worthless farts that start this sh*t on a regular basis, but you use keyboard anonimity where they use force of numbers... there is little difference in the way you use the term "racist" to how shire panther uses the term "filthy middle easterners"... in essence, shire panther is probably more accurate....


Assistant Moderator
You're as pathetic as the worthless farts that start this sh*t on a regular basis
Hello Rambo.

ramble_on said:
there is little difference in the way you use the term "racist" to how shire panther uses the term "filthy middle easterners"... in essence, shire panther is probably more accurate....
It appears that you agree with the racial slurs.

Bob Saget

This is the same reason why I am ashamed of being a bulldogs supporter and infact stopped watching NRL altogether. I remember going to about 3 bulldogs games about 4 years back and it was great. Now it seems it's just not the same there.


selective quotations again willow... nice to see you're still as unarmed as ever....

What would you call a group of young Middle Eastern men who regularly show up to Bulldogs games and try and instigate fights with anyone and vandalise everything in their path? Idiotic Australian Rugby League supporters?


First Grade
A few years ago, I was walking from Parra stadium back to the train station with my now wife, along with the thousands of other people who had just been to the Parra-Bulldogs game.

That's the only time I've been to Parra stadium, so I don't know the area that well, but we were walking down the main street, before the paved mall part starts, and there were a number of restaurants with outdoor seating. It was a Friday night so there were quite a few diners. I felt sorry for them because they were going to have to put up with the hordes of football fans chanting and yelling as they walked through.

Unfortunately, there were a number of tools who saw the situation as an invitation to start running through the the crowd knocking diners plates off their tables and flipping plates over etc. Fortunately, the police weren't far away and managed to catch up with at least one of the tools.

Having witnessed that first hand, I have no reason to believe that what Shire Panther has described didn't happen. It sounds all too familiar.

I don't know what happened to those that the police managed to nab, but my guess is that it wasn't much. That's why I think big fines are the only deterrent.

Regardless of whether it's drunken idiots causing trouble, or these gangs of idiots causing trouble, there needs to be an effective deterrent.


Assistant Moderator
selective quotations again willow... nice to see you're still as unarmed as ever....
Stop sooking. It wasn't a personal attack on you.

Some people have trouble accepting that their opinion is not the 'only truth'.
ramble_on said:
What would you call a group of young Middle Eastern men who regularly show up to Bulldogs games and try and instigate fights with anyone and vandalise everything in their path? Idiotic Australian Rugby League supporters?


Stop sooking. It wasn't a personal attack on you.

Yep, pointing out a flaw in your debating technique and you call it a sook... another flaw in your debating technique....

Some people have trouble accepting that their opinion is not the 'only truth'.

And it's not likely that you'll change, doesn't mean you shouldn't be reminded of it though.

Typical.... I guess all Australians and all Rugby League fans should feel offended... I'm sure they'll get over it though.....


Assistant Moderator
Whatever rambo. Good luck with that.

It appears that you agree with the racial slurs.


Assistant Moderator
lol. 'Debating technique...'
ramble_on said:
I disagree with you calling them racial slurs.... how f**king hard is it..??
'Filthy Middle Eastern' is a racial slur.

You can stamp your feet as much as you like, chuck a tanty, throw a few petty insults around, and try to shout people down... but it won't change that fact.


lol. 'Debating technique...'
'Filthy Middle Eastern' is a racial slur.

You can stamp your feet as much as you like, chuck a tanty, throw a few petty insults around, and try to shout people down... but it won't change that fact.

A concept you'd be well advised to grasp.... When you take a section of a statement or sentence and use it exclusively as the point of your argument it is called misrepresentation.... since this is something you do with more regularity than most what you have to say it most likely a misrepresentation of the facts and hence, bullsh*t...

regardless of how many times you claim it willow, it doesn't neccessarily make it so... and ignoring the majority and most likely the crux of someone's argument makes most of what you have to say irrelevant also....

Beretov Ukraine


If the bulldogs went broke
and lets say oh...
Canberra moved from the nations capital and became
the Canterbury-Bankstown Raiders

would these "fans" disappear with the bulldogs name?
or would there still be trouble?


id go with near 40% of those tossers start fights , its just there mentality , they are very sick people that cant help themselves, so instead of getting angry just feel sad for these guys that only fight 1thousand on one


Assistant Moderator
That's some nice moderating willow, really doing your job. Nice way to nip it in the bud
My job?

Well urban eel, I don't know you but I can help. There seems to be a view amongst some that moderators are not members, and in some way reliquish their posting rights. Should you require further information, there is a section in the member's guidelines about this.

Under the heading, The volunteers…

Members should note that the people who manage this site are members as well, and as members will take part in any discussion.
Link is here.

That's the end my 'my job' on this matter.

As for my opinion (which last time I checked I am still entitled to), I question Shire Panther's motives in starting this thread.

It is apparent that the Bulldogs have a problem with a section of fans, and that should be discussed and brought to light. But I can't agree with the issue being clouded by racial slurs.

The first post in this thread, and subsquent posts, are essentially a tale of 'heroics' from someone who is clearly using it as an vehicle to vent his hatred for middle easterners.

If he said 'filthy white australians', I suspect there would be more members willing to bring him into line.

urban eel

i have no problem with anyones involvement in the discussion
and i applaud and enjoy the fact that this site isnt very "PC" and good ole heated debates and verbal stoushes occur.

but my issues here is the blantant racism and racial slurs (that you identified) within this thread and the lack of response to it