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The 10 per cent of Canterbury fans that give the Dogs a bad name


i have no problem with anyones involvement in the discussion
and i applaud and enjoy the fact that this site isnt very "PC" and good ole heated debates and verbal stoushes occur.

but my issues here is the blantant racism and racial slurs (that you identified) within this thread and the lack of response to it

I'm pretty sure that "Middle Eastern" is not a racial slur, and "idiot", "moron", "scum", etc. are not racial slurs either. Putting them together does not make it a racial slur. In all likelyhood it's an accurate description of the trouble making section of the Bulldogs supporters at the heart of this discussion.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member

Putting "middle eastern" and one of the following descriptors after it isn't a racial slur?

Dear oh dear.


I do not think stating that the problem supporters are "middle eastern" is a racial slur. However if you say flithy middle easterner it is. If you think it is not you are seriously not all there upstairs.


Assistant Moderator
i have no problem with anyones involvement in the discussion
and i applaud and enjoy the fact that this site isnt very "PC" and good ole heated debates and verbal stoushes occur.

but my issues here is the blantant racism and racial slurs (that you identified) within this thread and the lack of response to it
Fair enough. I agree that the racial slurs are uncalled for, and have highlighted it for that reason.

There's fine line between free speech and those who take advantage of such freedoms. I prefer that members debate it, and keep it out in the open. Of course there is a limit to this. Should it get to the point of racial vilification, then it becomes a legal issue and beyond mere discussion.

But even then, there are grey areas regarding vilfication. That in itself can get bogged down in semantics - what is offensive to one person is not offensive to another.

For example, Gallen was accused of racial vilification after he called another player a 'black c***'. There was debate over whether or not it was really racial vilification. I would assume that if said 'filthy back c***', that would be deemed as worse, and most definitely crossing the line.

If someone started posting 'filthy jews', 'filthy asians', 'filthy aborigines' etc, I am willing to bet that there would be an outcry.

The General

Considering alot of these d*ckheads are born in Australia and many of them have never even been to the middle east, wouldn't it be more appropriate they were called filthy Aussies?

Wonder what the reaction would have been then.



Putting "middle eastern" and one of the following descriptors after it isn't a racial slur?

Dear oh dear.

Not in my opinion it isn't. The question of who is missing something upstairs over these views sits fine with me. When these imbeciles cop a flogging and cry racist and you lot run to their defence I'm quite happy with the side of the fence I sit on.......


Considering alot of these d*ckheads are born in Australia and many of them have never even been to the middle east, wouldn't it be more appropriate they were called filthy Aussies?

Wonder what the reaction would have been then.

Probably they would take offence to that... do you think they want to be likened to "skips"..??

The General

Probably they would take offence to that... do you think they want to be likened to "skips"..??

I was talking about the reaction on this forum.

I don't understand why race needs to come into it to begin with. The original poster could have retold the same story and substituted 'middle easteners' for 'w*nkers' or 'd*ckheads' and would still have achieved the same point.

By including a racial undertone in his message it actually takes away from his original point as people are left arguing the semantics of what a racial slur actually is and ignore the main problem at hand (f*ckwits causing trouble at footy games, regardless of their race).


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Not in my opinion it isn't. The question of who is missing something upstairs over these views sits fine with me. When these imbeciles cop a flogging and cry racist and you lot run to their defence I'm quite happy with the side of the fence I sit on.......
What's this got to do with "these imbeciles copping a flogging"?

The premise here isn't some long winded political or in-depth racism debate. It's quite simple. Shire Panther played the victim and was later revealed to have said a number of overtly racist things to these people which would no doubt have incited them.

You're putting an awful lot of words into people's mouths, and assuming peoples thoughts when you know nothing about them.


I was talking about the reaction on this forum.

I don't understand why race needs to come into it to begin with. The original poster could have retold the same story and substituted 'middle easteners' for 'w*nkers' or 'd*ckheads' and would still have achieved the same point.

By including a racial undertone in his message it actually takes away from his original point as people are left arguing the semantics of what a racial slur actually is and ignore the main problem at hand (f*ckwits causing trouble at footy games, regardless of their race).

Glad you mention that. The OP used the terms in the first half of the original post then proceeded to drop the "Middle Eastern" term and do exactly as you suggest. He continued to do so throughout the rest of the thread, bar one incursion, and aside from a "tabouli" reference and asking if gansta talk was middle eastern wanker talk he kept it out for the most part. Willow's assumptive post made it appear that he was doing this throughout the thread which as usual was a misrepresentation of the fact.
The initial onslaught of "racial" slurs could well be the result of starting his rant while still being somewhat upset at the situation....


What's this got to do with "these imbeciles copping a flogging"?

The premise here isn't some long winded political or in-depth racism debate. It's quite simple. Shire Panther played the victim and was later revealed to have said a number of overtly racist things to these people which would no doubt have incited them.

You're putting an awful lot of words into people's mouths, and assuming peoples thoughts when you know nothing about them.

I'm sorry, I missed the part where this became a forgone conclussion! Well I guess the other poster who was there and had them running wild through his section of the crowd was also racially vilifying these poor kids... You really do just make sh*t up don't you?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member

You actually think thuggdogg was there and is posting a true and factual account of what happened? :lol: :lol:

And you're questioning whether I make sh*t up? :lol: Dear oh dear oh dear. No no no no no no...

The General

Glad you mention that. The OP used the terms in the first half of the original post then proceeded to drop the "Middle Eastern" term and do exactly as you suggest. He continued to do so throughout the rest of the thread, bar one incursion, and aside from a "tabouli" reference and asking if gansta talk was middle eastern wanker talk he kept it out for the most part. Willow's assumptive post made it appear that he was doing this throughout the thread which as usual was a misrepresentation of the fact.
The initial onslaught of "racial" slurs could well be the result of starting his rant while still being somewhat upset at the situation....

The fact that he needed to bring it up to begin with is an issue. Like I said, it caused people to focus on the race of these idiots rather then the real issue at hand.

Compare this thread with the one below (about the recent fight in an U16s game).


It was clear to anyone who saw the footage that the kids involved were of Islander decent. However that thread wasn't littered with slurs like flithy Islander scum/w*wankers.

In fact the only person to even mention Islanders in that thread was Shire Panther. I think that says alot.
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why are they like this! cant we just ban these 10% DH's, the other 90% are genuine fans!

maybe these are the 'fans' who werent there last year, when the dogs sucked


For you timmah... my memory may have been a bit off, I thought he'd mentioned he was near the bus stops also.... apparently not... but I'm sure Tezza's girlfriend must've been using racial slurs too...

I too had an incident with ont of those twiggy boys at the game last night. Not boasting, but the kid ended up 2nd best. Next time the little punk drops a shoulder into my girlfriend, It wont end well for him.

What amazes me here is that Bulldogs fans are basically saying "oh but you have bad fans too". The Bulldogs fans didnt get their reputation for no reason.

There was a study a while ago, crime was down everywhere in Sydney except Bankstown and yes, its mostly kids from the middle east. The police were then given powers to search and interogate anyone they saw suspicious, and because Bankstown had the highest crime rate in Sydney, commited by middle eastern kids, middle eastern kids were the ones mostly searched. Which in turn made the middle eastern community in the Bankstown area feel deicriminated against.

The same principle can be used to P plate drivers. Fact is P plate drivers have more car accidents, speed and drive wrecklessly much more then fully licenced drivers. But police arent allowed to target P plate drivers because its discrimination.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
This is what I find odd, if they are doing this stuff in public areas - why is the Bulldogs' responsibility? Are the police just nothing to do with it?

And what about the ones wearing adidas, or Fubu, or whatever other brand clothing is in at the time - why aren't those companies coming in for a serve? These morons are wearing these brand clothes - and their companies aren't being targeted.

My point isn't lets attack those brands OR to shift it off the Bulldogs - it's a SOCIETAL problem no matter which way you cut it, and it's the role of LAW ENFORCEMENT to deal with it.


This is what I find odd, if they are doing this stuff in public areas - why is the Bulldogs' responsibility? Are the police just nothing to do with it?

And what about the ones wearing adidas, or Fubu, or whatever other brand clothing is in at the time - why aren't those companies coming in for a serve? These morons are wearing these brand clothes - and their companies aren't being targeted.

My point isn't lets attack those brands OR to shift it off the Bulldogs - it's a SOCIETAL problem no matter which way you cut it, and it's the role of LAW ENFORCEMENT to deal with it.

I agree with you in part, and there seems to be little action available to the Bulldogs once these fools have left the grounds. However I think that the Bulldogs could implement ways of finding out who these trouble makers are and banning them for say 2 years once they've been identified committing acts of violence or vandalism directly before or after games. If they choose to travel and sit outside the games waiting for it to end then it wouldn't be hard for police to identify them and be in a position to deter such actions.... It's the Bulldogs name that these tools are dragging through the mud and therefore it's not in their interest to pass the buck....


I just assume all young male middle eastern dogs fans are complete fugwits and steer clear of them.

sad ...but that is the way it is.
This is the truth...

The bulldogs represent no one, are to close to parramatta and are a constant scourge on our great game.

Boot out the bulldogs and bring back the bears...i don't remember bears fans bashing cripples and trashing state property after EVERY game.

Wouldnt that make it a cripple fight?;-):lol: (Classic South Park episode - involving who else but TIMMAH!!)

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