You might as well use this paper as a place to start. You can discredit their theories and statistics.
Over to you HJ.
f**king hell, Gronk. That's little more than a pamphlet.
There are 20 "questions" spread across 22 pages, for Christ's sake. None of the "answers" stretch beyond 300 words!
Not only that - it's actually hilarious flawed. Look at the graph on Page 3 - now explain to me why 1910-1945 (before the Post-War Economic Boom) shows as much increase as 1980-2000? Why is the longest, most sustained increase prior to the PWEB?
The graph on Page 10 is supposed to show how bad things are going to be but it assumes that CO2 increases pre-date temperature increases when analysis of the proxy records illustrate the exact opposite!
Not to mention the fact that it doesn't even touch the pre-IR trend, at all! None of the temperature graphs extend back beyond 1880...gee, isn't that convenient!
Do you even have any access to real scientific papers? Do you even know what one is?
All you continue to do is show that your "knowledge" of the subject comes from a
google search followed by 2 minutes of scanning. But I'm fine with you continuing to display your ignorance, mate, as I'm having a bit of fune here.
Please give me more.