As soon as the lefties own up to the mess they left the country in, and that peckerhead Shorten actually thinks of Australia and not himself, then we will get somewhere
Abbott has been far too so,, "l" liberal, should have come out with the real star of the budget, dropped the rally dumb PPL , why coY up to the feminists who there was no need
Until Abbott becomes the leaders thought he was, and Hockey gets on the front foot then no wonder they stumble
Having said all of that, how the driggin hell does anyone think Shorten is competent, if you think Abbott wS negative, what the driggin hell is Shorten
Someone put it like this, one of the. Is prepared to put the country ahead of his career, the other one his career head of the country. Welcome to currentolitics, it's all about handouts,fmd , Labout couldn't budget my household... Oh and Gronk, if you run a business would you let those morons in Labour control your finances, asked before and no answer
How long and how difficult will it be to repay the mess we are in,gee Swann. Gillard and Rudd were friggin incompetent