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The 2014/15 Off Season Thread

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I did. Three separate people.

Mind you - there was not even a hint of violence in the air towards our Muslim friends on these occasions, but it was still good to see people rallying together.

I know a lot of Muslim people, and they are good people. It's such a shame that a combination of ignorance, fear due to the aforementioned ignorance, and a small minority of f**k-ups can create this atmosphere of hatred and viciousness in some aspects of the community.

To be honest unless someone actually told me they were Muslim I wouldn't even know (or care), for me if you are a dick head, you are a dick head regardless of race or religion.

Bogans will be bogans though, I was quite shocked by some of the posts and comments on Facebook. Low level intelligence indeed!


Staff member
Sadly Sydney has changed forever, we must be vigilant but we shall not live in fear.

I'll reserve my judgement on this. Can I remind you, that NSW has some history in this area ...

Broken Hill Massacre - 1915 - Muslims killed 4
Surry Hills shootings - pump action shot gun killed 5 random people
Strathfield Plaza - mad merkin killed 7
Terrigal - 1992 - shooter killed 6 randoms
Cangai NSW 1995- Hostages, random shootings - killed 5

If you want to include arson, we have the Quakers Hill Nursing Home murders (11), Kings Cross Back Packers (9) were all by mad f**kers. Also countless instances of deliberately lit bush fires that have claimed scores if not hundreds of lives.

That's just in NSW. Of course there was Port Arthur, Hoddle Street etc.

I guess what I am saying is that Lindt Café was not an Al Queda or ISA planned attack. It was a mad merkin and there has been plenty of them in the past and will be plenty in the future.
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I 98% agree with what you're saying Gronk.

But there's that nagging little thought of Sunni extremism, and how many 'mad merkins' flew over to Syria from that sector. At the risk of being labelled a bogan, I think there is something very bad about the Sunni variety of Islam that leads people to do things.
Sure, some of them may be 'mad' already, but it seems to stoke the coals into life?

I probably don't know enough to make more than those comments - someone who knows what they are talking about (Pou?) will be along later to explain in more detail why I'm either a bogan, or have a cause for (minor) concern.


Staff member
I 98% agree with what you're saying Gronk.

But there's that nagging little thought of Sunni extremism, and how many 'mad merkins' flew over to Syria from that sector. At the risk of being labelled a bogan, I think there is something very bad about the Sunni variety of Islam that leads people to do things.
Sure, some of them may be 'mad' already, but it seems to stoke the coals into life?

I probably don't know enough to make more than those comments - someone who knows what they are talking about (Pou?) will be along later to explain in more detail why I'm either a bogan, or have a cause for (minor) concern.

For what it's worth, a shit load of Oz Balkans flew to Bosnia, Kosovo etc to fight. I also understand that Dfat has confirmed that there are a bunch of Aussies in Ukraine ATM.

Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
To be honest unless someone actually told me they were Muslim I wouldn't even know (or care), for me if you are a dick head, you are a dick head regardless of race or religion.

Bogans will be bogans though, I was quite shocked by some of the posts and comments on Facebook. Low level intelligence indeed!

f**k you buddy. I'm a bogan and I never racially abused anybody on the train. I think I'm a bit smarter than 'low level intelligence' as well.

Ironic that you would make such an ugly generalisation in a thread that has become all about not tarring an entire group with the same brush.

Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
I 98% agree with what you're saying Gronk.

But there's that nagging little thought of Sunni extremism, and how many 'mad merkins' flew over to Syria from that sector. At the risk of being labelled a bogan, I think there is something very bad about the Sunni variety of Islam that leads people to do things.
Sure, some of them may be 'mad' already, but it seems to stoke the coals into life?

I probably don't know enough to make more than those comments - someone who knows what they are talking about (Pou?) will be along later to explain in more detail why I'm either a bogan, or have a cause for (minor) concern.

You'e correct in that, while this mad merkin was obviously disturbed, he also wasn't previously out killing random people left and right. Instead he acted on grievance and justification.

And that's just what the f**kwits in Iraq/Syria provide - grievance and justification. So people inclined to resolve their perceived injustices through violence now have even more reason for doing so.


For what it's worth, a shit load of Oz Balkans flew to Bosnia, Kosovo etc to fight. I also understand that Dfat has confirmed that there are a bunch of Aussies in Ukraine ATM.

And, while I get the point you are hinting at, there is something VASTLY different in someone who fights for their country (eg, a soldier), and someone who fights for an ideology (eg, Sunni's charging over to support ISIS).

Australia is a very young country by world standards (and we're a cynical bunch at the best of times), so it's hard to have that national pride which might leave us to drop everything and rush back to Oz to defend it from NZ invasion. I do know Europeans who would go and fight if their country was under attack.


f**k you buddy. I'm a bogan and I never racially abused anybody on the train. I think I'm a bit smarter than 'low level intelligence' as well.

Ironic that you would make such an ugly generalisation in a thread that has become all about not tarring an entire group with the same brush.

Maybe I should have said dickheads will be dickheads? But I'm not talking about tarring everyone with the same brush either, so I will make that generalisation if I feel like it! I'm a Westy, born and raised. Each and every bogan I know has the same racist attitude towards anyone that is not Anglo, which I find infuriating!

I don't believe you are a bogan either, just cause you grew up in the west doesn't make you a bogan.


Staff member
The majority of voters don't think that Abbott will be leader of the LNP come the next elections.

Poll by Essential Media Communications.

Interestingly, Alan Jones said on Richo & Jones the other night in a candid assessment of the LNP - (I'm paraphrasing).

"if this was an NRL match, it's 10 mins from half time and the LNP are 0-25. It's not unforeseeable that the LNP can't score 26 points, however they need to make some radical changes at half time. Team changes need to be effected and policy needs to be re-jigged as their current ideologies have not been accepted by the electorate."

Gary Gutful

Post Whore
The majority of voters don't think that Abbott will be leader of the LNP come the next elections.

Poll by Essential Media Communications.

Interestingly, Alan Jones said on Richo & Jones the other night in a candid assessment of the LNP - (I'm paraphrasing).

"if this was an NRL match, it's 10 mins from half time and the LNP are 0-25. It's not unforeseeable that the LNP can't score 26 points, however they need to make some radical changes at half time. Team changes need to be effected and policy needs to be re-jigged as their current ideologies have not been accepted by the electorate."

If Alan Jones was coaching they'd be buckleys to score 26 points.


I 98% agree with what you're saying Gronk.

But there's that nagging little thought of Sunni extremism, and how many 'mad merkins' flew over to Syria from that sector. At the risk of being labelled a bogan, I think there is something very bad about the Sunni variety of Islam that leads people to do things.
Sure, some of them may be 'mad' already, but it seems to stoke the coals into life?

I probably don't know enough to make more than those comments - someone who knows what they are talking about (Pou?) will be along later to explain in more detail why I'm either a bogan, or have a cause for (minor) concern.

Perhaps Sunni Islam lends itself more to radical behaviour, perhaps not. Perhaps the issue is more complex than that. But I think that, whenever religion and politics become bedfellows, the political side of things becomes the driving force (the politics hi-jacks the religion). Think about the IRA bombings. Ostensibly a fight between the Catholics and the Protestants? Surely not. They both theoretically follow the notion of 'Thou shalt not kill'- so blowing people up is not a religious or spiritual act. But a political act? Certainly. What do Sunni extremists/militants stand for or believe in apart from their religion? What would be their motivation?


You'e correct in that, while this mad merkin was obviously disturbed, he also wasn't previously out killing random people left and right. Instead he acted on grievance and justification.

And that's just what the f**kwits in Iraq/Syria provide - grievance and justification. So people inclined to resolve their perceived injustices through violence now have even more reason for doing so.

All we have to remember is that these 'lone wolf' attacks and terrorist attacks such as the one in Pakistan yesterday, have little or nothing to do with religion. I love it when 'moderate' Muslims speak out against this pseudo-political barbarianism.


Perhaps Sunni Islam lends itself more to radical behaviour, perhaps not. Perhaps the issue is more complex than that. But I think that, whenever religion and politics become bedfellows, the political side of things becomes the driving force (the politics hi-jacks the religion). Think about the IRA bombings. Ostensibly a fight between the Catholics and the Protestants? Surely not. They both theoretically follow the notion of 'Thou shalt not kill'- so blowing people up is not a religious or spiritual act. But a political act? Certainly. What do Sunni extremists/militants stand for or believe in apart from their religion? What would be their motivation?

I think Sunni extremism (or the whole Sunni version of Islam?) is very difficult to separate from politics. It calls for subjugation of state, and institution of sharia law doesn't it?
One might also reasonably argue that Catholicism sees itself as superior to politics, therefore unbound by it, and able to pass judgement on whatever it sees fit.

I suppose those are 2 obvious examples of something underlying, that separating politics and religion is almost impossible. One's religious view will necessarily influence ones political position - whether that religious view is atheism, monotheism, animism, pantheism, etc.
Some ideologies (or religious views) call for more interaction in the political sphere than others - but they all have SOME influence?

Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
All we have to remember is that these 'lone wolf' attacks and terrorist attacks such as the one in Pakistan yesterday, have little or nothing to do with religion.

They have plenty to do with religion. There's no need to be dishonest just to protect the innocent is there? Everyone knows most Muslims aren't violent extremists. As always, it's up to the majority to show (not tell) who they are to shape the perception of outsiders. Non-Muslims might mean well when they get up on soap boxes and tell us all what Muslims are like, but when they say things like such and such politically motivated attack by an individual invoking a particular religion has "little or nothing to so with religion" they just look naive or dishonest.

Politics is all about group identity and values. How could that possibly have little or nothing to do with religion?

I love it when 'moderate' Muslims speak out against this pseudo-political barbarianism.

Me too. There's nothing more polarising than when the moderates deflect and blame the West for this sort of thing.


Post Whore
Maybe I should have said dickheads will be dickheads? But I'm not talking about tarring everyone with the same brush either, so I will make that generalisation if I feel like it! I'm a Westy, born and raised. Each and every bogan I know has the same racist attitude towards anyone that is not Anglo, which I find infuriating!

I don't believe you are a bogan either, just cause you grew up in the west doesn't make you a bogan.

Of course not-I grew up in the west and im all class


Post Whore
If it had nothing to do with religion why are most terrorist a certain religious bavkground? Cant just be a coincidence.
Most Muslim are peacefull, just as most catholics are too.But plenty of those dirty priests who touched kids and gave catholic church a bad name too.

Your brain learn so much in your first 6 years of life and how you perceive things.It continues too learn and perceive things by the people your around . People coming from war stricken countries have less value for human life as they have seen death around them. When people are bored-Lonely or depressed they will turn to something.ISIS preys on the weak and vulnerable.


Post Whore
Me too. There's nothing more polarising than when the moderates deflect and blame the West for this sort of thing.[/QUOTE]

I can see both side of the coin. Many would think westerns way of life is one where there minds have been taken from them and schooled to become a slave to society too keep the rich making money and in return we get too live the way we have been trained and given a few joys along the way to make us think we are happy.

There views are a little more rebellious. ALmost like F$%K you I wont do what you tell me-Who gave you the right to make the rules and say what is the right and wrong way to live.

American TV has a lot to blame for a lot of this crap. They have manifested themselves with the violence they put on there screens to make money.

If everyone just left everyone else alone the world would be a happier place.
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